Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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Day-To-Day stress


I bet this “Day to day stress” is not at all a new thing for you; there is tons of material available on internet to help fight against stress. This page of the eBook is introspection in our knowledge about definitions.

What do I understand about “Day to day stress”? It’s those “overloaded feelings” which makes us worried/tense, such situations arises due to various activities we do in our daily life. Agree?

Now stress is of two types: Physical & Emotional (Psychological) stress.

Physical stress is temporary as we know that the proper amount of rest will relieve us from physical stress. I would avoid taking pills for this.

Emotional stress is the worst of worries for majority of people, and here I will not give medications, tips to get rid of emotional stress.

As I said we are introspecting, so let’s concentrate on what we are doing every day. To make things short & simple I would like you just make two categories of daily activities:

1. Activities I do every day, and they are very much required too, and

2. Activities I do every day, but they are “not that much required” (NTMR) in life.

a. This “NTMR” activity can’t be avoided / removed,

b. This “NTMR” activity can be avoided / removed,

c. This “NTMR” activity can be avoided / removed but I luv it.

If I’m not wrong then I’m sure that most of daily activities you have listed down are coming in the 1st category. But believe me that you can identify few activities which you can shift to the 2nd category. Just try to move the priorities, remove few and list them again.

Hopefully it is meaningless to tell you to not get stressed or worried about things in 2nd category which we can remove or avoid doing. So straightening our introspection, we’ll be talking about the most required activities which can’t be removed from our daily schedule…

Hey, hey, hey… If these activities are so much important / required in life, then why are we getting stressed? Why can we just accept them & keep on doing them without complaints?

Is it just me or do you also feel that if we will surely have a stress-free life if we accept our daily schedule and make friends with those important things in daily life.

Please remember that Our daily life is ours, and our own things shall not be treated as stress in the life we have decided to continue living for ourselves, our family, our friends, and our luved ones.