Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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Learn to say GBU every time you get a chance to do so......


I really hope that I need not tell anything about the title of this page, we all are superbly educated already. I'm also sure that most of the readers of this book must have already read about a millions of quotes about this same topic.

So what do you feel we should be talking about on this page? How about being practical about this GBU thing in life? Yupp, I'm planning to talk about implementing this in our busy life.

Bringing god in our conversations will not make you any smaller, but it will positively change you into a must better and much compassionate person. Living a life full of enjoyment is totally different than living that life with god in it.

We already have lots of daily life incidents which will help us in practising this, we simply have to remember to bless everybody we come across. In starting you might be only saying all words without any feelings in them. But believe me that those feeling-less words will do magic for listeners. As the days pass by... you will not even realise when someday you have blessed somebody instead of just saying.

I will not talk about that day here, because I do not want to spoil that amazing feeling of blessing somebody for the first time. It is one of those feelings which have been separated from us by this growing technology. Fast lifestyle have taken away most of these god gifts which everybody can give to everybody, and that too all for free.

And yes.... another thing I remembered is this misconception that: Only elders can bless youngsters. Personally I will give a BIG no for that. Blessing is a god gift which can be given by anybody to anybody. Very strongly I believe that even an infant can bless a 100yr old person, and those blessings will be as effective as you can ever think of.

This part of the eBook is the easiest part to adopt and implement into real life. It is easiest as in the meaning that you don't even have to think about your age, religion, gender, marital status, social status, financial status, your mood, your language. I mean to say that you need not worry about ANYTHING for blessings anybody.

But once you bless somebody for their smallest of efforts, and you meant it while blessing. You will make yourself worthy enough to get blessings from one and only supernatural lord. Now few says that there is no god, all things around us are pure physics and laws. They ask me to prove the existence of god. I tell them to just read in reverse order "Meaning & Implementation" then "Don't lie to yourself". Now start reading the complete eBook from Introduction till this last page and my last suggestion to them is:

Till the time you become worthy enough to do a research all by yourself and prove that there is no god..... For your own good, just stay away from my precious beliefs. (Wink)