Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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My sincere thanks to you my reader, I thank everybody who has spent their precious time in reading this eBook. All I want from readers is that they should spend more time in Introspecting, look inside yourself, look inside your heart, look inside your brain, and finally try to figure out what exactly is going on in there.

You will not be able to eat noodles unless you insert a fork inside the bunch of noodles and pull them apart.... Few of them must get hurt and break, few must be requiring your additional effort in untangling them, but on the whole it is you who have to put in your efforts...... all for yourself.

Now as you have read the eBook I am hoping that you are in position where you can completely understand your worth, the value of hints which we keep on getting from the almighty, the depth of those silent words spoken to us by the consciousness, the vastness of the universe around us, and last... but not the least, the amazing gift of blessings we humans have got.

As the last step in this journey of our spiritual growth, I would like you to follow and do few things:

  • Believe in your moral values, and respect them too.
  • Believe in all those things taught to you by your parents.
  • Believe in your god, and respect belief of others too.
  • Never miss any chance to contemplate.
  • Fall in love with everything given to us.
  • We do things based on our priorities, so carefully prioritize things.
  • Be brave enough to give away materialistic things as and when required.
  • Remember you are a blessed child who should take care of his mother nature.
  • Blessing is your duty, do your duties with pride.
  • You will get everything you deserve; you shall not ask unless you make yourself worthy for it.
  • Believe that "Everything happens for a reason", and you should respect that reason.
  • Beware of the fact that "I want" is very much different than "I need".
  • Last but not the least; create a thankful behaviour by being thankful for everything.

As an experiment, I would like you to start reading this eBook from the last chapter till the first. Please do tell me about how you feel after reading the eBook backwards, I'm asking you to do this silly thing because I am still confused about the sequencing of these chapters.

I'm not sure which chapter I should have placed as first, and which ones should have been arranged later. What do you say?

Don’t forget to rate this eBook, your ratings will help others to decide “If they shall be spending time on this eBook or not”. Thanks again for reading, stay happy so that the atmosphere around you remains healthy.