Ethics of 21st Century by GS Virdi - HTML preview

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Where are we making the mistake......


My sincere apologies for starting the page with realization of a mistake which we all are making, and that too every minute. What mistake?

I'm talking about the difference in "Meaning" and "Implementing" that meaning. We all are aware of meanings, but sadly the most important part of implementing those meanings in our real life is missing. We have made ourselves so busy that we get restless in silence. The best time when we should be talking to ourselves is seen as boredom. Adding to this situation the technology have given us smartphones which make us more distracted from our self. When was the last time you spent a day with yourself only?

If the above question made you think then I should not be asking about the time you spent with your family. Hope now you know where we are making mistake in life, so the immediate thing our soul needs is to create appropriate distance from the technology (distraction).

Ethics which have been put into us since our sweet childhood are a part of us, a best part of us. We have to work hard to preserve them from the sharp blades of this busy life. Holding on to our ethical values is too difficult for those who have weaker will power, but if you are strong enough to control your distractions then you will find it as easy as learning to write. Simple practise of writing 1 word every day and soon you will find yourself writing pages in the book of your soul.

From today; start spending time with yourself, spend longer time if you are already doing so.

Behaviour is another part of us which grows stronger as we grow older in our life. Old does not mean 60+, a 2yr old is older than 364days old, btw getting old starts as soon as we are born... remember 1 day old?. If you are strong enough in your will then you will not allow your ethics to be diluted by distractions and opinions. Your consciousness will tell you if what you are doing is right or wrong, if it is wrong then stop immediately. But if it is right then don't let anything stop you from doing the right, and this part of your will be seen as your behaviour.

Our actions cannot be right unless we protect our ethical values strongly from all distractions of this busy life. No matter how much you are educated, modern, sad, ill or broken... only you have to make sure that

But all of them in return will glorify or tarnish that family name which is walking along with you. You may get another chance to correct your mistake, but the fact is that this Life may not give a second chance to succeed in correcting a mistake.

Your parents gave you everything which they seem to be best in life? Then how can you be so weak or busy that you will lose this precious gift? Pledge to life a beautiful life just the way your parents wanted you to have, you shall become that adorable gift which your parents wanted to give to this society. They have handed over their precious love/teachings/experience and blessings to you; it will be useless of you if you are not able to carry it proudly in your life.

Remember... You are carrying name of your family along with you.

  • Your ethical/moral values will determine your thoughts,
  • Your thoughts will shape your behaviour,
  • Your behaviour with carve your actions,
  • Your actions will earn you respect/disrespect.