Fanning The Ember - Creating a Life of Joy, Purpose and Abundance by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Henry David Thoreau was right.

(The purpose of this book)

Henry David Thoreau once wrote, “Most people lead lives of quiet desperation and go to their graves with their music still in them.” And unfortunately, he is right. Most people are working at jobs that do not challenge or fulfill them. Such jobs often suck the life and energy out of them. People feel trapped because no matter how much they hate their jobs they have bills to pay and a family to support. Which means they just can’t walk away from their jobs. Even those with high paying salaries often are extremely dissatisfied with what they do. Many people struggle financially causing further anxiety, frustration and stress. Try as they might, they don’t know how to escape this “trap”. And all the while, they have this vague feeling deep within them that they were meant for something greater. They just don’t know what it is or what to do about it. Life has “beaten them up” and, running out of energy, they succumb to a life of “quiet desperation and go to their grave with their music still in them.” Very few people live up to their potential.

If this describes you please believe me when I tell you there is a way out of this. There is a way of discovering how to utilize your full potential and to find that greatness that is calling to you no matter how faintly it may be at the moment. This is your birthright and I promise you I will show you how to make the “mental shift” that is necessary to transform your life, no matter how “stuck” you seem to be right now. I have been where you are. I went from job to job, even business to business, desperately searching for the path that would lead me to success. My biggest fear was not realizing my potential and having lived a meaningless life. This fear lead me to read every self-help book I could get my hands on. I had an insatiable appetite. I was constantly searching for answers: Why are some people successful but most are struggling? What creates true happiness? Does my life have a purpose? If so, what is it? Should I try and become rich or should I just try and be of service to others? Why don’t I feel that passionate about anything? And on and on it went. I was tormented because I couldn’t figure out the answers to these questions. I am sure many of you have the same questions and probably one of the reasons you picked up this book.

I have literally read hundreds of books and read thousands of articles searching for answers. Not to mention lots of trial and error in real life. It’s not that the books I was reading were not great books because they were, but there were still a few key ingredients missing that I couldn’t piece together and as a result I continued to feel like I was constantly swimming against the current. I was, and it was wearing me out.

It wasn’t until I learned to stop chasing success and understood that there was a shift in thinking that was needed along with an inner journey. Once I understood that, my life started to change for the better. I finally learned what my passion was, which developed into a burning desire which was inwardly directed but produced outward results. What a powerful understanding this was. I cannot describe to you the incredible feeling of freedom and lightness and joy this produced. For the first time in my life I was 100% sure of where I was headed. And as I headed in that direction the journey became joyful. (I am going to say that again because it is the most important sentence in the entire book) The journey became joyful.

So take heart, I promise in the chapters that follow I will teach you how to identify that tiny “ember” that burns faintly within; that inner voice that is calling you to find your greatness. That is the source of your passion and purpose. I will teach you how to identify your “ember” and how to “fan” it to make it glow within you and how to turn it into a burning desire that propels you to success and makes you unstoppable. The feeling of struggle will fall away and your path will become crystal clear and you will finally be going with the current to create a life of joy, purpose and abundance. The life you were meant to live.