Fanning The Ember - Creating a Life of Joy, Purpose and Abundance by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 5

Identifying the Ember

(Finding your passion)

Many people understand that passion is the key to being truly successful. Most of us have heard the saying, “Follow your bliss” or “Do what you love and the money will follow”. Well, if most people understand this then why aren’t more people successful? The problem is two-fold. First, most people do not feel that passionate about anything, or if they do; they don’t know what to do about it or lack the belief that they can accomplish great things by following their passion. Before you can develop a burning desire for something you first have to identify that desire.

It is my absolute belief that everyone has within them the potential for greatness. Inside everyone is a hint of that passion that can lead to their greatness. I refer to this seed within as a tiny, faintly glowing ember. The purpose of this chapter is to help you identify your ember; i.e. your passion. I honestly believe you cannot reach your full potential without this important first step. Besides, when you clearly identify your passion you are also identifying your purpose.

Know this; your passion is calling to you and searching for a way to express itself. If we knew how to fully trust our intuition we would know this. But our minds are so cluttered with wrong thinking and what we believe are limitations that we forgot how to “listen”.

Even though it may be very faint, most people already have a sense of what their passion is. But unfortunately they have either dismissed, ignored it, smothered it, or long forgot about it, often with help from others. So don’t be surprised as I describe this discovery process if you find that you had a sense of your passion all along.

Several years ago, in my search to identify my own passion I was drawn to a book called, “Listen to Your Life” by Valorie Burton. (Published by Waterbrook Press) In it were some questions she had her readers ask themselves to help them identify their passion. I found this extremely helpful and have since amended and added to these questions to help others do the same. The best thing to do is to wait until you can be undisturbed for at least 30 minutes and write down your answers to the following questions. Do not give too much thought to your responses. Use your intuition and answer quickly. Here are the questions:

  1. What do you do that gives you a feeling of satisfaction?
  2. What makes you feel joyful when you think about it?
  3. What do you do that makes you feel strong or successful?
  4. What hobbies do you enjoy?
  5. What makes you feel invigorated or energized?
  6. What things draw your attention?
  7. What successful people do you admire and why?
  8. What do you love talking with others about?
  9. What are your strengths?
  10.  What talents or abilities do you have?
  11.  What uplifts, inspires or encourages you?
  12.  What kind of difference do you want to make in the world?
  13.  What causes inspire you?
  14.  If you could be a world famous authority on a subject, what would it be?
  15.  What life-long interests have compelled you?
  16.  What things seem to come naturally for you?
  17.  What would you do if money, time or circumstances were not an issue?
  18.  What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?

Based on your answers what are the recurring themes?


Is there one “calling” to you more then the others?


Can you combine 2 or 3 of these into one vision that excites you?

Your answers to the previous questions will either point out your passion clearly or give you enough clues to figure it out. That is your Ember. That is the starting point of your passion and your purpose. When you think about or imagine yourself doing these things you should get a feeling of excitement or strength. This is the sign that you are on the right track. You are going to find that you will come to use your skills, strengths and talents to follow your passion and share it with the world and this will become your purpose. And if you don’t feel you have the talent yet to fulfill your purpose, rest assured the potential is there waiting for you to call it out. There is a sign hanging in my office that reminds me of this important message. “Discover which way your heart draws you and choose that way with all your strength!” You will come to understand that this is your pathway to true success.