Fingers Pointing - Birds Singing by Ron FLowers - HTML preview

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Death? It’s absolutely safe; it’s like taking off a tight shoe.               Manuel


You could not find out the boundaries of the psyche, even by traveling along every path; so deep is its measure and meaning.



A myth is a mask of god, a metaphor for what lies behind the visible world…. The way in most Oriental thinking, and I think what we call primitive thinking, is that God is the manifestation of the energy – not the source; that God is the vehicle through which the energy shines.

     Joseph Campbell


I slept and dreamt that life was joy,

I awoke and saw that life was service,

I acted and behold, service was joy.

     Rabindranat Tagore


Buddhism is not a system of ideas, beliefs, religious doctrine or thoughts. It’s not even a philosophy of life. It’s a method for changing you state of consciousness, the sensation you have of your own existence, so as to enable you to experience the truths about yourself and the world for yourself – directly.

     Alan Watts


There may be no such thing as the ‘glittering central mechanism of the universe’ to be seen behind a glass wall at the end of the trail. Not machinery, but magic, may be the better description of the treasure that is waiting.

     John Wheeler


If memories define our ego/personality, but it’s possible to substitute one set of memories for another, as in the case of amnesia, then it seems that all we are , are points of view. So the important question is, ‘Who is doing the looking? Who is the ‘I’ now?’

     Tim Allen


Love is based not on how you act or feel but on your level of awareness.

     Deepak Chopra


Remember: you come here having already understood the necessity of struggling with yourself – only with yourself. Therefore thank everyone who gives you the opportunity to do that.



Western psychotherapy rearranges the furniture. Eastern techniques help you get out of the room.

     Ram Dass


Therapy works with the minds content, while meditation works with the context.

     Tara Goleman


The man of Tao remains unknown. Perfect virtue produces nothing, ‘No-Self’ is ‘True Self,’ and the greatest man is Nobody.



That which comes out of awareness is right. That which comes out of unawareness is wrong. Actions are not right or wrong; it is the source from where they come.

     Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh              


Those who know meditation, they know something of death – that’s the only way to know before dying.          Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


The man of awareness is unpredictable because he acts, but never reacts.     

Wei Wu Wei


Our practice should be based on the ideas of selflessness. Selflessness is very difficult to understand. If you try to be selfless, that is already a selfish idea. Selflessness will be there when you do not try anything.     Shunryu Suzuki


Many features of the universe that are remarkable to ponder are inevitable prerequisites of the existence of observers or ponderers.

     Borrow & Silk


When you do something, burn yourself completely, leave no trace. Do it with all your body and mind concentrated on what you do.

     Ram Dass


Be a stranger to yourself. See life as a river flowing through time. Stand on the bank, neither curious nor concerned. Glance or gaze at the driftwood of your past floating in memory – just like the incidents one reads about in the paper. Detached and indifferent remember that nothing matters. Only exist --

     Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


One must never despair if something is lost- a person or a joy or a happiness; everything comes back more gloriously. What falls away, falls away; what belongs to us remains with us, for everything proceeds according to laws greater than our insight. One must live in oneself and think of the whole of life, of all its millions of possibilities, expanses and futures, in the face of which there is nothing past or lost.

     Rainer Maria Rilke


A world of which you are the only source and ground is fully within you power to change. What is created can always be dissolved and re-created. All will happen as you want it, provided you really want it.

     Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj


We are dancing in the hollow of nothingness. We are one flesh, but separated like stars.

     Henry Miller


When given a choice to make, listen to the universe. Listen to your inner most being. Listen for what the Quakers call the still silent voice within. Quiet enough and you will be outside space and time, where you can see exquisitely clearly what the next move is that you made.

     Ram Dass


Die into every moment – Life is preparation for death.               Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh


There’s no way to tell the difference between what you do and what happens to you…

There’s no way to tell the difference between the world and how you act upon it.

     Alan Watts


My commitment is to truth, not consistency. Truth is relative, it changes everyday.