First Date King: The Dating Guide That Will Change Your Life by Adrian Gemen - HTML preview

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Chapter Sixteen: How To Get A Girl When She's With Another Guy


You're at a party, and so far the action is slow. The classiest girls there are the ones who don't have cookie crumbs in their mustaches. You're seriously considering going home and thumbing through that used copy of Tit and Bum.

And she walks. A stunning raven haired beauty, in tight revealing red dress, her pert breasts straining against the thin, clinging material, nipples jutting, pouting blow job lips parted ever so invitingly.

But you notice, to your chagrin, that she's with another guy.

What will you do? What will you do???????????????

Here's one approach for you to try:


As you flit about the room, make casual eye contact with the girl. Try to see from her response if she's interested. If you can't tell, MOVE IN ANYWAY.

This is a safe method - he won't get a chance to punch you out. Introduce yourself, TO THE GUY. Be as nice and friendly as you can, and above all KEEP BRINGING THEM BOTH DRINKS. The nastier he should get, the nicer you should be. This increases your stature in her eyes, and decreases his.

 At some point, Bruiser Boy is going to have to go pee. That's when you make your move. Don't dawdle, for time is of the essence. Move in and pitch for the phone number. Then get out of there fast, before he comes back!

 Ideally, your bird-dog pitches should be the final ones of the evening as you don't want to be around if she snubs you and then decides to tell him. There are some sicko women who enjoy making their boyfriends angry and jealous. Don't wait to see if she's one of them.

This is generally a good party approach anyway everyone has to go eventually, and you get a great chance to see what's there in the room. Wait till either your dreamgirl or her beau has to go, and pounce then and there.

 One thing you should keep in mind - just because a girl is with a guy doesn't mean she's REALLY with the guy. He could be her brother, or cousin, or roommate. If he's really unlucky, he's someone with whom she's "just friends," which, being translated from womanese means, "he takes me everywhere and pays for everything, but if he tries to put a finger on me he'll never see me again." Brutal, aren't they?.

 Chapter Seventeen: What you talk and not talk at your first date?

 One of the biggest mistakes men can do when they meet a woman is to boast.

 Autoboasting is very dangerous.

 Maybe it's tempting,maybe you have some things you can boast but be careful and abstain yourself.

 It's important to know that a man who speaks about how much money he has doesn't arouse attraction but,eventually,the attention of a woman who wants his money.A man who boast about how good he is in bed doesn't arouse interes.

 Exception: sometimes you can boast.When: Only when you have enough humor so you can develop a conversation where the boast may not be pure boast. For this,you have to smartly mix your promoting with irony.

Bonus for the men who don't boast:

 When you don't publically own a thing it happens a very profitable phenomenom: your self-esteem increases.You already know that you did that thing,you know you can do it.

 Be careful how much you talk and how much she talks.

 When you first meet a girl,it's well to stop your desire to tell her your whole life.She couldn't be very interested or you couldn't be a good storyteller. So,put you the questions and listen carefully.

 Let her tell you her story and help her to do this.

 At a moment,she will realise that you know a lot of stuff about her and she doesn't know too many things about you.

You aren't in the posture of a guy who will automatically arouse attraction,but sure you will arouse interes.There is tome to tell your stories in the next dates.

When does the meeting end?

 Or,well said "When YOU end the date?" because you are the person who should finish it.

 Firstly,don't go overboard and stay there four hours.

Secondly,it's ok to offer her the pleasure to regret that you don't stay more with her. It's well to arouse her the longing than the boredom.