Four Steps To Wealth by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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How lovable you are.

How much you feel you deserve.

And many, many more things.

Whilst the subconscious mind is happy to tinker around with the edges of this picture, it hates to

touch the main body of the picture because of the panic which this will bring.



If your PSI-belief tells you that you are a failure and do not deserve to succeed, your

subconscious will make you act in a way which is GUARANTEED to ensure failure, rather than

change a piece of the main jigsaw picture. In this way it ensures stability and security.

Your subconscious is not willing to tinker around with basically-held beliefs. It is far more

interested in security and maintaining its world view.

In the second section of the report, I'll be showing you how to boost your PSI-belief, thereby

removing one of the main obstacles in the path of success. Once you have been freed from NSI,

the sky is the limit! You can achieve anything which you want to.

You will no longer limit yourself to second best but instead, you will travel FIRST-CLASS

through life. Why? Because you will know that you deserve it.

I-Can Belief

YES! You CAN achieve ANYTHING that you want!

Well; nearly anything...........!

I often say this to people only to have them give silly examples of things which they can’t do.

For instance they may say: “I really want to fly to the moon by flapping my arms; how can I do

that?” or “I'm seventy-five but I want to become the heavyweight boxing champion of the


I call this absolute limit to your potential the ‘real ceiling’. Your real ceiling height is set by things like your age (and hence physical ability), and by what is 'impossible', in the proper sense

of the world (e.g. levitation).

For the purpose of illustration, I would like you to imagine this ‘real ceiling’ to be like the

ceiling of a huge cathedral, way, way above you.

It may surprise you to know that most people spend their entire lives living and working under a

FALSE ceiling.

Furthermore, this false ceiling is set much, much lower than the real ceiling, thereby effectively

preventing people from achieving things which are readily achievable.

Now then, how high do you think your false ceiling is in comparison to the real ceiling? You'll

be amazed when I tell you that most people's false ceilings are under three feet high. Let me say

that again:




They are crammed into this artificially small space without even room to lift their heads. People

who give examples of silly things which they cannot do (fly to the moon unaided), are pointing

out the limitations of a one hundred foot ceiling, whilst working under a three foot ceiling!

Yes, there are things which you cannot and will not achieve; but these things are so far above

your present false ceiling that they are irrelevant.


Why worry about not being able to fly to the moon if you haven't even taken a holiday for the

last five years?

Why worry about being heavyweight champion of the world if you cannot even give up


I'll tell you something else: Although the real ceiling to your achievements is one hundred feet high, your wildest dreams of wealth, power and happiness are set at around the fifty foot mark;

in other words, they are well below the real ceiling - they are achievable! I'll say that again in case you missed it: Your wildest dreams of wealth, power and happiness are achievable.

Raising Your Ceiling!

Think of the fantastic feeling of relief that you would experience if you could raise your false

ceiling from its present low height to the full one hundred foot height! It would be like being

born again! You could do anything which any other human being with similar abilities to

yourself had done before; or even something which nobody had done before!

The possibilities are staggering:

You Could Become a Millionaire!

Yes, YOU could become a millionaire! Why not? Millionaires are common! There are tens of

thousands of them around the world. It's not so very special. In fact, this is one of the easier

things to do.

They don't all have special abilities or talents which are excluded from you or me. They are not

a breed apart, some exclusive elite to which we can never aspire - this might have been true a

hundred years ago, but it certainly is not true now.

Most of them are honest and hard-working, and they do not have any secret knowledge from

which we are excluded.

I became a multi-millionaire, starting with an overdraft! I promise to you that I am just an

ordinary guy with no special gifts or talents for making money. I wasn't lucky either; in fact I

had a lot of bad luck. I just believed in myself and my abilities. I raised my false ceiling, not to the full one hundred feet but to at least fifty feet! I still have another fifty feet to go!

But having a fifty foot ceiling sure as hell beats having a three foot ceiling!

Believe me, there is a very, very big difference between having a THREE foot ceiling and

having a FIFTY foot ceiling.

Excuses, Excuses

Perhaps at this point, you are probably thinking things like:

“That's all very well, but......”

“He makes it sound easy, he should see where we live...”

“If it were that easy, everyone would do it.”

“I bet he hasn't got children/dogs/sick mother/wooden leg....”

And many other things like this. In fact I hope you are making excuses otherwise you shouldn't be reading this report!


Excuses are what people use to cover up or justify their lack of PSI and I-CAN belief.

I hope you will forgive me for calling them excuses, but that is what they are! I'll show you why

you feel you have to make excuses and how to stop making excuses by raising your I-CAN

belief from the present three foot false ceiling to as high as you can go.

I vividly remember the time when I made all sorts of excuses for not achieving success.

I didn't take responsibility for my own life. It was easy and convenient for me to blame someone

or something else for my failure.

Do you see how not taking responsibility for your own life is very convenient? The pay-off is

obvious. By blaming external agencies you absolve yourself from responsibility, which, in turn

means you don’t have to try so you don't have to risk failure. These excuses are self re-

enforcing. They lower your level of I-CAN belief and bar you from whole areas of life.

When you raise your I-CAN belief, you stop making excuses!

All of us have restrictions which we could use as excuses.

We're all either poor, lacking in ability, lacking in opportunity, bogged down with

responsibilities, too old, too young, ill, infirm, the wrong colour/race/sex etc etc. The list goes


Here are a few of the excuses which people use to justify their lack of success:

“I never had a proper education.”

“The trouble with me is that I'm too highly qualified!”

“It's all right for you, I was in my first job at thirteen, what chance did I have?”

“Mummy and Daddy were very rich, consequently I didn't have to do a stroke! If only I'd been

made to get a job at thirteen, that would have given me the toughness which I lack!”

To Moan or Not to Moan ?

How can you tell an excuse from a genuine complaint? Simple!

Excuses are nearly always given as a reason for inaction. Complaints are just moans and groans;

they rarely stop people getting on with things after they’ve had their moan.

For example: “This weather plays havoc with my arthritis,” is just a moan, but: “What's the

point in taking a holiday in this country when the weather is so awful!” is definitely an excuse.

There are other little ways of spotting an excuse, either in yourself or someone else; for

example, key expressions often give away excuses. Expressions like:

“If only .....”

“It's all very well but......”

“I could never do that.”

“It's all right for you....”

There is a foolproof test of an excuse: If you demolish the excuse, is another one immediately

offered in its place?

For example, here is an imaginary conversation with ARTHUR:

ARTHUR: “I've always wanted to go to Disneyland, but I can't afford it.”

ME: “That's amazing! Just this morning I was given an 'all expenses paid' holiday to Disneyland

because I met my sales target. I'm reported up for a holiday already, so why don't you go in my

place? I owe you a big favour anyway.”

ARTHUR: “Really? Thanks a million. I'll go!”


In this example, Arthur was not using excuses to maintain a false ceiling. He saw an opportunity

and seized it. However, supposing the conversation had gone differently and he had responded

to my offer as follows:

ARTHUR: “Wow! I'd love to go but I get really scared in aeroplanes; it's a real phobia.”

ME: “It's your lucky day! This is a sea cruise taking in the sights of New York, then travelling by Greyhound bus to Disneyland.”

ARTHUR: “A sea cruise? Hey, won't that mean that I have to be away for over a month? I

couldn't do that!”

ME: “Sure you could! I'm your boss. Take a month off, you've earned it.”

ARTHUR: “Well you see I have this collection of rare snakes which have to be fed every day. I

couldn't leave them.”

ME: “Snakes? Hey, wow, I love snakes. Do you think I could feed them for you?”

ARTHUR: “But I'm expecting an offer any day from my publisher, I'd hate to be out the country

when that call came through.”

ME: “Okay. Get him to call you at your hotel.”

ARTHUR: “Her.”

ME: “Him; her; what's the difference?”

ARTHUR: “It's a great offer. Look, I'll think it over and let you know tomorrow.”

Do you think Arthur will go? NOT ON YOUR LIFE! Did you notice the way he kept inventing

a new excuse every time I demolished his previous one? I call this effect the BRICK WALL

EFFECT. Not content with having a three foot high ceiling, people also build brick walls around

themselves! The bricks are the excuses; one brick for every excuse. Take a brick out of their

wall, (by demolishing the excuse), and out comes the trowel and cement and another brick goes

right in its place.

Which is Which ?

How can you tell a lack of PSI-belief from a lack of I-CAN belief?

The answer is that often you cannot.

For example, if someone says to you: “I've always wanted to ride a horse, but animals hate me,”

they could be suffering from a lack of PSI (“Rich people ride horses, I'm a second class citizen

therefore I don't deserve to do this.”) or they could have a strong PSI but be lacking in I-CAN

belief (“Animals hate me, they always have done.”) or they could have a problem in both areas.

There are methods which you can use to spot which belief is most lacking: If lack of PSI is the

problem, then the actual excuse will be irrelevant. If you demolish one excuse by argument,

another will be put in its place. The 'brick wall' syndrome is more indicative of lack of PSI

belief than lack of I-CAN belief.

However, if the person offers one excuse and sticks to it; then shows an interest when you try to

indicate ways in which they could achieve success; then lack of I-CAN is likely to be the







The secondary pay-off is that changing your I-CAN'T beliefs into I-CAN beliefs takes effort

and courage. Your subconscious mind is happy with your set of I-CAN'T beliefs because it feels

nice and cosy. Just like with PSI-belief, your sub-conscious will resist any attempts by yourself

to change its I-CAN World View.






Remember, the thought of change produces FEAR which causes INERTIA which tries to

prevent the change.








The Corridor of Life

Imagine life as a long corridor with many doors leading off to each side. Every door is labelled

with a particular opportunity, an exciting adventure in life. Behind many of the doors lie success

and fortune; behind others are life-enriching experiences. Each door leads to a world of


With strong PSI and lots of I-CAN belief, most doors are open to you; all you have to do is

decide which room to go into and how long to dally there before sampling the delights of the

next room.


FIRMLY SHUT, because you don't believe that people like you deserve to go through them.

These rooms have gold-plated RESERVED signs on them, and it never even crosses your mind

that they may be reserved for YOU!

With lack of I-CAN belief, many of the doors are forever closed to you. Instead of these doors

bearing a sign spelling out an opportunity, they each have a large red sign saying DANGER!


With so many doors firmly shut, it is not surprising that, after walking down the corridor of life

for a while, you begin to wonder why you never get 'the breaks' or why opportunity always

seems to pass you by? It is YOU who is passing opportunity by!


After walking down the corridor for a while and trying a few doors, only to find them locked

shut, you naturally become cynical; you stop believing that there is anything behind the doors at

all! This has the effect of preventing you from even bothering to try any more handles!

But here’s the good news:



They are relics, fossils of a bygone time. They are someone else's hang-ups passed on to you.


Sure, your subconscious won't like changing the World View.

It will hate throwing away all those nice neat pieces of the jigsaw, it will fight any changes you

try and make, but my response is: TOUGH LUCK! Your subconscious will change if you use

the correct methods. It is like a stubborn donkey, if you are insistent enough, it will walk, but if you are wishy-washy and half-hearted, it will just stand there.

You CAN and MUST change your I-CAN'T belief into I-CAN belief if you are to succeed,

otherwise hundreds of opportunities will just pass you by. You have to grab every opportunity as it gallops past you if you are to succeed. Blink and it's gone; charging away into the distance

until reigned-in by some braver soul.

So now you know about I-CAN belief. I have told you that I-CAN is about believing in your

own abilities as opposed to PSI which was concerned with belief in your own worth. You know

that I-CAN is a learned response stemming mainly from the things people said to you as a child.

You also know that it is convenient for you to retain these I-CANTs because they prevent you

from having to bother to try - and possibly fail.

Having gained your I-CANT beliefs, they become a part of your World View, often they

become central pieces of the jigsaw. As you know, the subconscious mind doesn’t like changing

central pieces of the jigsaw because this causes fear and insecurity. To prevent you tinkering,

the subconscious uses its master weapon of inertia. Inertia prevents you from changing.

Clinging onto old I-CAN't beliefs cripples you and isolates you from many of life's enriching

experiences - it effectively prevents you from succeeding. The extent to which your success is

inhibited depends upon the type, degree and number of I-CAN't beliefs held by you, but all false

I-CAN't beliefs are life-depressing.




It sounds easy doesn't it? Well it IS easy, in concept. In practice, you have an exciting challenge

ahead of you as I show you how to wrestle with your subconscious in order to get it to change

those dearly held beliefs about who you are and what you can or can't do. Don't forget that you

will then also have that last twenty-five percent to contend with: GETTING WHAT YOU


Raise That Ceiling!

The method I am about to outline is deceptively simple. I say ‘deceptively simple’ because you

are likely to be fooled into believing that such simple methods cannot possibly bring the results


which I claim. All I can say is that they CAN and they DO. Many successful people use this 4-

steps or variations of them, it is now time for you to cash in:

STEP ONE: Watch Your Language!

I am now going to give you a golden rule which is the essential first step on the path to success.




This rule should never, ever be broken. Even if you obviously ARE incapable of doing

something (like winning the London Marathon if you are eighty-five years old) there is no need

to say so, openly.

This may seem like a small rule, but believe me, it brings BIG results. By observing this rule,

you train your subconscious into believing that you can do anything at all, which indeed you

can. Plenty of other people will try to tell you that you can’t do something, there is no need to

add your voice to the throng.

How does this work in practice?

First of all, you have to become aware when putting yourself down in conversation. I used to

make negative comments about myself all the time, nowadays, one rarely slips past me without

me catching it.

This is the sort of comment that I am talking about:

“I'd love to enter the London Marathon, but I haven't got the stamina, besides I don't have

enough will-power to get out of bed for the daily training.”

“Go dancing with you? Have you seen me dance? It's not a pleasant sight!”

“Can you do this for me? I'm useless at practical things like that.”

“Oh… it was nothing…”

How often do you put yourself down like that? Even once is too often! You are going to put a

stop to it right now.

Here's a little tip which I used when I first started to watch my language: Because the negative

habit was so ingrained in me, I would often get half way through a self-critical sentence before I

realised what I was doing. To stop in mid-flow would have sounded very odd to the listener, so

I used to finish the sentence and then correct it. Sometimes even saying the opposite thing, all in

one breath! Here's an example:

“Go skiing with you? have you ever seen me do anything like that? I'm absolutely useless at

sports (pause as you realise you are into your old habits)... however, there are plenty of people

worse than me and I know that I can learn things quickly, so why not?”

“Chess? Sorry, I can't play. (Pause) What am I saying? Of course I can play, I'm probably very

rusty but I'll give you a good run for your money.”

You won't get away without your comment sounding a little strange, but this won't go on for

very long as you learn to catch yourself before you speak the damning words.

I ought to clarify what we are trying to achieve. You don't have to do anything which you

don't want to do. In the skiing example, if you genuinely don't want to go skiing because you 24

have something more exciting to do, then this method doesn't mean that you have to go! It does

mean that you go if the only thing holding you back was lack of I-CAN belief. It also means that

regardless of whether you want to do the thing or not, you never put yourself down, or use an I-

CAN'T excuse as a reason for not doing it.

Here's how to respond if you genuinely don't want to go:

“Skiing? I'm useless at anything like that. (Pause) Actually, that's a lie, I'm as good as anyone

else when it comes to sport; I'd love to come but I've already reported up for this amazing week

of yoga......” (Go on to describe the course you have enrolled for.)

It only took me a few months to radically change my negative speech habits into positive ones. I

still say the occasional negative thing, but I am always aware of it and make the effort to correct

it. I now have a slight advantage over you because, having written a report like this, everyone

will expect me to be positive for every waking moment of my life; woe betide me if I let the odd

negative comment slip out!

When I started to apply this technique I was totally amazed at how often I was being negative

about myself and the situation, without even realizing it. In the beginning I had to correct myself

about five times a day! Now it is about once every three months.

STEP TWO: Take Responsibility For Your Own


Here is another golden rule:



Get Out of the Blaming Habit

This rule should never be broken. Even when you obviously CAN blame something else - for

example if your house is struck by lightning and burns down.

This rule should never be broken even if it obviously IS someone else's fault - for example if a

friend lets you down for an important meeting or occasion.

In the vast majority of cases, blaming external circumstances is an excuse which you use to

prevent you from taking action which will change your life. Remember, I did this all the

time, so I'm not telling you anything which I haven't experienced myself.

Start taking responsibility for your own life - NOW. Change the way you think and act.

Don't blame other people, don't even blame yourself, just pick yourself up and get on with it.

Put your loss down to experience, and remember that no-one ever achieved anything in this

world without set-backs.

Do you think that God is personally against you? Do you believe that Lady Luck always turns

away from you? Forget it! You have your share of good and bad breaks, just like me, but the

difference between success and failure is recognising the good breaks (by opening yourself up

to opportunity), and not dwelling on the bad breaks. Certainly you should never let a bad break

stop you from trying all the harder.

Again, watch your language! This is important. Don't use expressions like:

“You make me sick.”

“You make me really angry the way you argue with me.”

“You make me feel bad when you don't come home until late.”


Nobody makes you do anything unless they use physical force! This has been true since you left home. You choose to put yourself in certain situations, you choose to feel or react in a certain way.

Here are some alternative expressions:

“I make myself feel sick in certain circumstances.”

“I allow myself to get angry when you argue with me.”

“I choose to feel bad when you stay out late.”

If they sound strange to you, that only goes to show how common it is to blame other people for

the way we feel. Take responsibility for the way you feel, the way you act and the way you

are. When you do that, suddenly it is all under YOUR cont