Four Steps To Wealth by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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Setting Larger Goals

First of all, don't alter the two goals which affect your I-CAN belief. These should always be in

place. After you have achieved your first set of goals, you can progress onto the next level of

achievement with some confidence.

For this next level, I suggest that you choose goals from the intermediate level (one of which

you should have included in your first list of goals).

Here is a sample of intermediate-level goals; there are obviously thousands of possible goals.

(Assume today's date is Jan 1st):

“By February 20th I will own a new digital camera Model OL616xc.”

“By March 1st I will have resigned from my job. By this date I will have found a

job working as an apprentice vet. This is something I have always wanted to do, I

owe it to myself, and I will do it.”

“By March 1st I will have turned my £1000 savings into £3000.”

This should give you some idea of the intermediate-level, together with typical time-scales.

Notice that the time-scales are much longer (two months, typically), so you will have to be

much more patient. But the goals are much bigger, so they are worth waiting longer for!

Write these (and all future) goals down on a clean, white sheet of A4 or card, as before. Repeat

them each day in the manner described for your simple goals.

As you achieve each goal (and you WILL achieve them if you follow my method) you may

cross it off the list and add a new one as and when you like. Make sure that you cross the goals

out neatly (use a ruler). I am not being pedantic over this; your goal-sheet is a serious document

and you don't want it devalued by scribble and scruffy crossing-out. You wouldn't do that on a

legal document, so don't do it on this document.

What Next?

When you think that things are going really well for you, and you have achieved quite a few (six

at least) intermediate-level goals, then you are ready for the big time. Remember, only a few

months will have elapsed since you started using my system and you are already poised to set

yourself some really big goals. These are the exciting ones!

How To Set Really Big Goals

By this stage, your PSI and I-CAN belief levels should both be improving steadily through

actually achieving your goals. This is the time to start introducing, gradually, some big-time


These are what I call 'big-time' goals; although you may have your own ideas. (Assume today is

Jan 1st 2008):

“By December 31st 2012, my net assets will be in excess of one million pounds.”

“By September 1st 2010, I will own a brand-new Porsche, red, with leather seats.”


“Starting with £100, I will build a limited company which has a turnover of £250,000 by

December 31st 2009. This company will be highly profitable.”

“I will be married/divorced by August 1st 2009.”

“On February 1st 2009 I will give up smoking and never start again.”

These are just a few of the thousands of possibilities. You may think them tame, but the chances

are that you find them fairly, shall we say, challenging?

Note how I have allowed realistic time-scales to do all these things. I have allowed four years

for you to become a millionaire. That's not too bad is it? What chance do you have of becoming

a millionaire without my system?

I have set quite a few goals of this 'big-time' size and achieved them all.

The problem you face when setting big goals is setting your goals too small! Yes - too small!

When working out your larger goals, the trick is to put down what you really want without

worrying about how you are going to get it.

If you really want a million pounds, then put a million pounds down. Don't put £100,000 just because you can't really see how you can get any more than that! That's your poor I-CAN and

PSI belief coming through. As I told you earlier, tens of thousands of people are millionaires;

there's nothing so special about it and YOU can become one if you want to.

Your goals may genuinely be much more modest; after all, not everyone would put down a

million pounds as a life-goal. If this is the case, and you genuinely want smaller goals, then

that's fine.

Just make sure that you are not selling yourself short.

Don't put down a new FORD if you really want a PORSCHE. Don't put down a three-bedroom

'semi' if you really want a six-bedroom detached house.

The method of achieving these larger goals is exactly the same as you have been using for the

small and intermediate-level goals. You will need patience, determination and staying power to

make these big things happen, but they WILL happen if you believe in yourself enough. Five

minutes every day, that's all it takes. Not much is it? Yet it is enough to bring you everything

you have ever and will ever want in life, not just material things either, but emotional and

spiritual contentment.

That's a big claim, but I guarantee that it works.

Off You Go!

Look, we both know that reading a short report like this won’t give you everything you dream

of. But you're on the way! The simple steps which I have shared with you in this report are

exactly the steps which started me on the road to my present-day success.

Tens of thousands of people have used techniques like this to bring big results in their personal

lives; there is nothing new about Positive Thinking and Visualisation - successful people have

been using it either consciously or unconsciously for thousands of years to get exactly what they


The single biggest obstacle in your path at the moment, is your INERTIA. It is up to you to

choose - right now - whether you are going to bumble through life hoping for the best, or take

firm control of your destiny and start achieving everything you could possibly wish for, or

dream of. All you have to do is try my method; it's that simple - just TRY. Make a start. It only

takes a few moments and costs nothing.

It is an amazing fact that quite a large number of people reading this report will not even bother

to TRY the system, not even once! They will read this report through from cover to cover, as

though it were a novel; decide that the ideas sound really promising, then do absolutely nothing


at all about it! The report will get put on one side and forgotten about. I don't want that to

happen to you, I want you to succeed and to have all the things which you deserve.

What sort of things could you achieve using these techniques? The answer - in case you haven't

already guessed - is ANYTHING!

Here are just a few of the things which you could do (in order of difficulty). I have listed these

in order to stimulate your imagination, but hopefully you are already starting to dream up your

own list.

You could:

Make a million pounds.