Four Steps To Wealth by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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Years ago I wrote what was to become a best-selling book called The Midas Method and over the years I have had many people say that the report profoundly changed their lives and set them

on the road to a brighter, wealthier future.

Whenever I appear in public as a speaker, I can always guarantee that someone will shake my

hand and say something like: “I just want you to know, your book changed my life.”

Very gratifying!

The book is still available if you can get hold of a copy, but what I have done in this special

report is to distil the basic ideas contained within its pages, down to a far shorter, more

manageable length under a new title Four Steps to Wealth.

I hope you enjoy the insights I am so excited about sharing with you.

It All Starts With Belief

Let’s start with a question.

Do you believe in yourself? Do you believe that you can have more, that you deserve more, that

you can BE more?


Be careful about just answering ‘yes’…

When I started out on this journey, years ago, I didn't believe in myself enough to get the life

that I really wanted. I thought that those things were for other people - a nice house, a good

quality car, time to do whatever I wanted without being a wage-slave. At best I thought (if I did

think about it at all), that one day, at some distant, undefined time in the future, I might have a

better life. I was jogging along, working for a major UK Corporation, underpaid and with no

hope of promotion. I was renting a flat and driving a beaten-up old car which would hardly pass

its road-worthiness test. My love-life was a mess and my bank balance was very red.

Financially I was just holding my life together; the same as most people.

I received weekly letters from the bank demanding repayment of my unauthorised overdraft.

There was no hope of promotion at work, and hence no hope of a salary increase.

I was also enmeshed in a deeply unhappy relationship from which I couldn't seem to escape. I

mention all this in case you think I am somehow ‘special’. Authors seem to have this rosy glow

around them, don’t they?!

Does my story sound a bit like yours? At least in places?

Don't worry, there are millions of people with a very similar tale to tell.

About this time, someone gave me a 'Positive Thinking' book. I don't remember the title, but I

do remember that when I read it I was very sceptical.

That report had a very simple message. The message was this:




This sounded so ridiculously simple, that my first reaction was to laugh it off and forget the

money that I’d spent on that book. But something kept nagging away at me; I couldn't seem to

get that simple message out of my mind. I ended up reading the book several times over.

The idea was so simple; yet it had a ring of truth about it.

Could it really be so easy? Was there a way that I could apply this principle and improve my

own circumstances?

After reading and re-reading that book, I decided that I had nothing to lose. It wasn't actually

going to cost me anything to try this idea. I wasn't being asked to send in any more money or

invest capital in a 'Get Rich Quick' scheme; I was merely being asked to believe; to have faith in

myself. I figured that it couldn't be a bad thing to have faith in myself, regardless of

whether or not I got rich at the end of it.

I also knew that if, by putting these principles to work, I could start from nothing and get even a

fraction of the things that I wanted, then I must be onto a winner!

From that moment on, there was no stopping me. I read every book about 'Positive Thinking'

and motivation that was going. Some were terrible, some were very good; but all were lacking

in something.

Even at this early stage, before I had applied the principles of 'Positive Thinking'; I thought to

myself, “If this works, I'm going to write my own report and pass on my experiences.” In a


sense I was using myself as a guinea-pig. If these principles could work for me; they could work

for anyone!

What Did I Do. . . ?

First I decided (yes, just decided) to make some REAL money and stop messing around. Then I

applied the time-proven principles of positive thinking which, over the next few years brought

HUGE personal benefits for myself, I felt as though everything I touched turned to gold!

The Result ?

Well, on the material level I am pretty well sorted and have (amazingly!) become a multi-

millionaire with a string of properties to my name. Obviously I could own any car, and have, in

fact, owned 3 brand-new Mercedes, eleven BMWs and a Porsche 911 – not all at once! These

days I’ve gone all ‘Eco’ and drive a Toyota Prius Synergy car. No street cred – but I’ve done all

that and could buy myself a top of the range Rolls for cash tomorrow, if the mood took me

(which, I assure you, it won’t!)

How Did I Do It ?

I achieved my ten million pounds (and all the other things), by using the simple techniques

outlined here. This stuff really does work! I did not, (as in a lot of 'Get Rich Quick' reports),

have a helping hand up from anyone. Nobody left me a penny. I have no special talents or

abilities, (although I have my fair share, just like you). I wasn't 'lucky' in the sense that I

discovered that my house was built on an oil well, or that I gambled money and won. I've had

my fair share of good and bad luck over the last eight years - just like you.

Starting with a large overdraft, I achieved everything that I have today by simply changing my

beliefs. By believing that I deserved these things. By believing that it wasn't just other people

who made money or got the good things in life - by believing that I could do it if I really wanted

to. That's all.

It's that simple. This is the only major 'secret' I am going to impart to you in this report.

The rest of the report is devoted to convincing you that what I say is true.

Why do I need to convince you? Because if you genuinely believed what I said, you would

already be well on the way to having everything you wanted. You would not need this report,

and you probably would not have bothered to get it.

The very fact that you’re reading this means that you probably don't have everything you really

want. I'm telling you that the main thing stopping you from having everything that you really

want is BELIEF. You can have it if you believe that you deserve it.

Consider the following statement:



Do you believe this statement? The chances are that you don't (at this stage). So what would be

the point in me telling you to recite this over and over again until you believed it? You

wouldn't! You would just get bored and give up; then you would put this report on the shelf and

forget it! That's not what I want.

I want you to succeed. I want you to have all the things you deserve. I achieved everything I

ever wanted by starting from these first principles. Don't let your scepticism and disbelief stand

between you and success.


Harmful Beliefs

You probably believe (quite strongly) that there are all sorts of things standing between you and

a large amount of money. (I use money as an example, you might want something else.)

You probably believe that all or some of these things stand in your way:

1) Age: (“I'm too old/young.”)

2) Sex: (“It's tough if you're a woman/man.”)

3) Background: (“I never had a chance.”)

4) Physical abilities: (“With my wooden leg? Forget it!”)

5) Luck: (“I never get the breaks.”)

6) Education: (“I was in my first job at thirteen.”)

7) Race: (“It's hard if you're Black/Chinese/Asian etc.”)

You are completely WRONG of course! As I’m sure you realise, I could find any number of

examples of people in those categories who have become successful.

If you hold such strong beliefs (and the chances are that you hold at least a few of these); you

can begin to see that your’re already sabotaging your own success.

But look what you could be missing out on!

Starting from NOTHING, I banked TEN MILLION POUNDS ($16 million) using only the

secrets divulged to you in this report. I achieved a great many more things besides. For example,

I only work two or three days a week, the rest of the time is mine to do with as I please - I don't

have to work at all if I don't feel like it of course but I love my work (writing and giving


If I can do this, starting with an overdraft, I know that you can - because there is nothing 'special'

about me.

It's all very well if someone tells you how they made a million after 'Daddy' left them half a

million! Anyone could do that! It is also interesting, but irrelevant, if someone who is a brilliant inventor, or a financial genius, makes a million. Good for them! But where does that leave the

ordinary person like you and me?

If you’re in anything like the position I was in, then you'll probably have almost no spare money

(perhaps a few hundred if you sell some things!) and you probably are not absolutely brilliant at

any one thing. You are exactly the sort of person this report is aimed at. Forgive me for

categorising you, but I wrote this report for the normal, ordinary person who has a genuine

desire to obtain everything they have ever wanted. It CAN be done; I know, because I did it!

You are on your way to an exciting new life. A life where you can achieve ALL of the

things you want to achieve; where wealth, success and happiness are within your grasp.

Will you reach out with me now and take them?

Making a Start

There are four parts to attaining everything that you want in life. They are simple to explain and

I will tell you what they are:

1. Know what you want.

2. Believe that you are worth it.

3. Believe that you can achieve it.

4. Go out and get it.


Now most people would think that item number four - getting what you want - is the biggest

obstacle standing in their path. THEY WOULD BE WRONG!

You will be surprised to learn that knowing what you want and believing that you can get it,

form over SEVENTY-FIVE PERCENT of the secret of success. Yes, 75%! It is this 75% which

I will deal with in this report.

Actually going out and getting the things you desire is only 25% of the battle!

You, like me, and millions of other people, have probably spent a lifetime thinking that it was

the other way round! You probably thought that belief in yourself and knowing what you want

formed 25% of the solution, and that getting the things you want formed 75%. This is the first

of many 'minor secrets' which I will impart to you in this report.

Before I realised that belief in myself and knowledge of where I wanted to be, were so

important, I had blamed external circumstances for my lack of success. I blamed anything and

everybody rather than myself. I said things to myself like:

“If only I had been born rich, or someone had left me some money, then I could do so much.”

“If only I had chosen a different profession; this job is a dead-end, it's too late for me to retrain.”

“Other people get rich, not me. They probably do it illegally anyway; either that or they're


I spent a great deal of time and energy re-enforcing my Negative Self Image (NSI), then finding

reasons why I could not possibly make a success of my life. I spent many hours doing this; I worked at it very hard!

Are you as guilty as I was? Do you spend time thinking up detailed and plausible reasons why

you can't have the things you want?

Worse still, do you firmly believe that you are a special case, that your unique circumstances

totally exclude you from success and happiness? Are you prone to thinking, “It's all very well

for him, but...”?

Together, we will shatter the illusion that your present situation is caused by external influences

over which you have no control. You will come to know for yourself that you can control your own destiny (within limits, of course!), that you can 'call the shots', that you are not a puppet

whose strings are being pulled by some external agency.

Belief in yourself and knowledge of where you

want to be are vitally important to your success.

When you know where you are going, and believe that you can get there, the path just opens up

for you. Things 'just happen'.

A desire which was just a 'pipe dream' can become a reality. By applying yourself to changing

your belief structure, the whole world opens up to you!

I'm telling you that it REALLY IS SIMPLE! When I suspended my disbelief all those years ago,

I gave myself a chance in life; after all, I had nothing to lose. But what have you got to lose?


You will need belief in order to change your life as from today. Together, let's have a look at

belief. The amazing factor which accounts for a massive FIFTY PERCENT of the pathway to



Believe In Yourself – You’re Worth it!

Belief is the first and most important secret of happiness and success.

Right now, at this very moment, you are reading this sentence at a certain stage in your life.

Think about your life for a minute or two.

Think about the financial side, for a start. How well off are you? Take a look around you at your

possessions; think about your bank balance and savings account (if you have either), think about

your total wealth.

Now do a little exercise: On a piece of paper, add up your total wealth, (this can be done in a

very short period of time).

Do it roughly; there's no need to be exact. Write down your big assets first, with an approximate

price next to them, then your most expensive possessions, then the approximate value of your

other possessions.

Now look at your total. How do you feel about your total financial worth? Are you happy or

unhappy about it at this stage of your life?

The chances are that you would like to do better; probably a lot better.

Now I want you to try something: Imagine being in a better financial position. Strongly

visualise yourself driving the car you really want or living in the house you have always desired;

spend a little time over this until you can really imagine yourself in this better position.

Now ask yourself a vital question: “Do I believe that I am worth this and do I believe I can achieve this?” Ask yourself this question now. Think about it for as long as it takes to come up with an answer and don’t be tempted to answer yes, just because it sounds good. Look a little

deeper within yourself.

If the answer is an emphatic “YES!” then great; you are well on your way to achieving more. If

the answer comes back as “NO” or you are unsure, then join the club of millions of people who

have not yet started to believe in themselves. Right now you are totally trapped by your lack of

belief. No wonder you don't have the things you want - like a nicer place to live. You don't

believe that you are worth it and/or you don’t believe you can get it!

Until you start believing in your own worth,

there is not a single chance in ten thousand that

you will ever achieve the wealth and happiness

you really deserve.

Why? Because no matter how hard your conscious self works towards achieving these things,

your subconscious knows that you are not worth it! Your subconscious will go to great lengths

to sabotage all your efforts and ensure failure - your conscious and subconscious minds will not

be working as a team!

In fact they will be pulling in opposite directions, like a tug of war. What will happen if your

conscious mind tries to improve your lot in life, but your subconscious mind is works, like an

underground resistance organisation, to foil your plans?

I'll tell you. Your best laid plans and efforts will 'accidentally' come to grief. You will make silly mistakes which will ensure failure. You will have a terrible run of 'bad luck', or maybe

sudden ill-health will prevent you from attending a vital meeting, or going on holiday, or

something else which is important to you.



In short, your subconscious mind will try every trick going to ensure that your efforts are