Four Steps To Wealth by Stuart Goldsmith - HTML preview

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outside physical world should behave.

In other words, the subconscious will kick hard against any attempt to change your beliefs about

who and what you are.

And the pay-off is............. SECURITY!

To the subconscious mind, SECURITY (coherent world-view) is everything. It will vigorously

oppose any attempt on your part to change the World View, and it will do this despite any effect

on your happiness!

As I said earlier, it couldn't care less about your happiness, but it does care about security - the security of a consistent World View.

Are you getting this? Is it making sense?

This was the answer to the question which had been puzzling me for so long. Here was the

secret of why a lack of PSI prevented you from achieving all of the things which you deserved.

The subconscious mind is scared of changing main pieces of your jigsaw just as it is of

changing main pieces of your physical jigsaw. Once it has worked out where you fit into the

social scale, it is most reluctant to make any changes to this picture.

Your earliest experiences affected your PSI-belief until your subconscious mind had built up a

nice, solid picture of who you were, and how much you were worth as an individual. During the

first few years of your life, your Positive Self Image (or lack of it), became firmly established in the subconscious mind; it became, (along with many other things), one of the central pieces of

the ‘YOU’ jigsaw; remember this, not an outside piece (where the jigsaw can grow), but a

central piece.

This social picture covers many topics, for example it defines:

Your 'Class'.