Get the Champion Out of You by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Everyone has a mouth. I don’t know of anyone yet who doesn’t have one though there may be one. God has given every one a mouth. We use the mouth to communicate our ideas to one another and to also feed the mind and body. The mouth is a major exit and entry point of the body.

Of all the organs of the body, the mouth plays a very important role. It is a powerful weapon of change. It has the power to enforce the kind of life that we want. The way we use our mouth can determine how our lives turn out.

A champion knows how to use his mouth. He often talks himself into winning. It’s really tough to achieve a feat without tending to use this gift from God. God has empowered us with our mouth to talk us into achieving what he has designed for us.

Famous coach Mourihno is known for his capacity to talk his team into victory. Though he often gets a backlash for this, he understands that only with the mouth can motivation and inspiration be transferred to others. His success at every football club he has coached is testimony to the fact that the mouth has the audacity to make change.

The mouth propels change whether positive or negative. It all depends on how we use it. We are often encouraged to think it, say it, and we will have it. Some school of thought say keep saying it till it happens. What you want to see happen is dependent on your ability to believe and confess with your mouth.

It is believed that what comes from our mouth is the result of what’s inside us. Yes it is! If you think you can get something, say it and you trigger the process for getting it. That’s how powerful the mouth is.

A champion realizes the huge power in his mouth. He keeps it inside and watches what he says. He learns to speak only positive words, words that will propel him towards the status he desires. He knows his mouth is a gift and like every good gift, it has to be protected with all one has the capacity for.

If you must be a champion, you must know what you say. You don’t just talk because you have to talk; you talk because you intend to achieve championship status.

If you’ve watched wrestling contest, you would have noticed that before the match, the contestants challenge themselves to a war of words. They talk themselves into the challenge by infuriating the other challenger. That way, there is increased anticipation for the match and there is heightened expectations to have them perform at the peak their words have propelled them to.

Champions don’t talk about what they are incapable of doing. When we talk too much above our capacity to achieve, we are making idle babblings. We talk because we are capable of carrying out what we think we should carry out and we empowered ourselves to get that done.

Imagine a man in a remote forest in a village in Tanzania, Africa hoping to become president of America. No matter how much he talks and convincing he may seem, he is just making idle babblings. It will never be achieved no matter how many times he says it and no matter how he believes what he says.

What we say has the possibility to turn out as we say it but not everything we say can turn out possible. What you say should be in the light of possible.

A champion don’t just talk, they talk and fight for their talk. They let what they say propel them to act in its direction. Once they set at acting, they get going propelled by the words they have made.

Our words are the propellers. They can push us till we get it right or wrong. I mean wrong in actual sense because sometimes someone says some hurting words like “I’m going to hit you with this hammer” and you think they really can’t when in actual sense, they mean what they say

Words are the future. Champions realize what they say into the future may not happen now but they will get shaped in a distant future they may or may not be in. when Martin Luther jnr. made the “I have a dream declaration”, he spoke into the future. He just had a dream, but the moment he spoke it, he triggered its emergence and it arrived more than five decades after he said it.

Champions don’t keep their mouth shut when they should be saying something. They know when talking is relevant and when it’s not. They don’t just talk because everyone’s saying something. They talk because it’s the right time and for the right purpose.

Martin Luther spoke because time had arrived for the emancipation of the coloured and black race. He never lived to see its fruits but he triggered it and his enemies pulled the trigger on him. But he had said it so vehemently that death couldn’t change anything.

Champions use their mouth to transfer information through generation. I am amazed at the capacity of the human mouth. Teachers at school can only pass the classroom information to the students through the mouth. However modern education techniques may be, education is transferred by mouth. I teach students and I remember that some of the things I teach were the things I heard from my teachers when I was in school. Sometime I use the same illustrations just to pass my message the same way I understood from my teachers many of whom I haven’t seen for decades. I have actually transferred their information to people who I believe will also transfer same to others. We share and transfer knowledge using our mouth.

Champions don’t curse with their mouth. They are aware that as much as they could use their mouth to speak positives into the future, they could as well make negative pronouncements which could affect the future negatively. You don’t want to make the mistake of closing your future to possibilities. You want to live in the future the type you will find joy in.

If you think you must be a champion, learn to use your mouth wisely. The power of life and death is in your mouth. Use it wisely.