Get the Champion Out of You by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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What’s a target? It’s a result that you try to achieve or a situation that people aim at when they choose to attack. Life is meant for those who can attack. There is a consistent war being fought. This war is between humans and life. Life has every good thing but humans don’t. Humans are thus fraught with the desire to get every good thing from life.

Life is subtle; it does not give you everything it can give because you’ve started a mare battle. It works on you, bringing up scenarios upon scenario until it is satisfied that you have developed all the qualities that make you a true champion over it.

Life always presents the target a long distance from us looking green and lush. It shows us the too good picture and tells us ok it’s time to try your luck. Because humans are hungry for the kind of offerings life offers, we begin to make a way to get life to give us what life now presents as target.

Everything we want is in life. Our championship desire has being offered by life already. What we are doing is just looking at what life is offering, the best of it and making it a target.

Every champion runs with a target. When the race begins, everyone runs with a target to reach the finishing line first. The finishing line is already there. You don’t have to create it. When in wrestling, the wrestlers wrestle, it is because they have the belt to challenge for.

We are not pushing for a hypothetical target. It is not something we just wish for and hope that it just comes as we are pushing. It’s there and our eyes can see it, looking lovely and pricey. It is the beauty and quality of the target that spurs us up. So our target has to be defined. That thing you are doing has the best of it. Find it and add an extra. Make that extra your target.

The goal of every champion is to hit the target they have defined for themselves. Now you think, target defined by myself? Yes! The target life offers you is the starting point. The guy who has the world record at the 100m race is now the bench mark if you must get the world record. Once life shows you a benchmark and you add to it, life will say alright, you can have it, just go for it. It’s amazing how life will expand its choices to have your now target.

Once you define your target, it is the bull’s eye. Now you begin to throw your darts towards the dashboard with the aim of the darts being the eye. If you’ve thrown darts, you will observe that you almost never hit the dashboard in your first three tries. You would be genius if you did. Your darts went away. You would have tried a couple more times before the dart hit the dash board. I am very certain that you never hit the bull’s eye the first shot you took. But you persevered at throwing it till you hit the first one and then a couple more misses and then you began to perfect the darts until you could even throw it closing your eyes. It wasn’t automatic. There was perseverance attached to it.

Your target is there but you will have to keep at it till you hit it. The fact that you don’t get near it as yet doesn’t remove the fact that the target is there watching. The target just requires that you become better and better at aiming for it. Once you get all the qualities it wants you to have, the target arrives by itself.

What qualities? You will have to be tested in patience, perseverance, diligence and determination. It seems remarkable that once you have all these qualities in the right amount in you, the target works towards you with ease.

What this means is that you would have developed these qualities which will help you get the skills that is required for the championship status that you desire. That’s the philosophy.

In your field of endeavor, there is that highest position that everyone would wish for. Make it your target. Don’t ever live your life without something to aim at. While others are wishing it, make it your target and work toward it. If you need more education to have it, go get it, you need more training, train yourself in that direction.

Those who become champions are those who set their target and do something about their targets. They don’t sleep at their targets. They work really hard until their targets become the reality of their life. Set your target, hit your target.