Get the Champion Out of You by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Mind your business! How about that? You’ve got to mind your business. You don’t have to be a busy body in every body’s matter because you think you are champion. You are champion only of your life.

Sometimes when we begin to achieve some feet, there is that tendency to want to champion over the lives of others because we think we have become higher or more achieved than they are. Well, if you think that way, you’ve missed it.

Champions are known to always mind their business. They are too focused on their goals to make some other person their problem. In short, their goals are always enormous to keep them pushing at it that they often do not mind others.

If you think you have a champion mindset, don’t poke. People often do not like to be poked at and they soon begin to avoid you once they notice this attribute.

Focus on who you are and making yourself better. This does not mean you should not help others when they require help or that you should not offer generic uplifting service to people. But to focus on people and making them your business when you haven’t worked on you is detrimental to you and the other person.

Be business minded even to yourself. Treat yourself as a business that profits the more input you put into it. Don’t think that by doing less of yourself and focusing on others, you profit yourself. If you do less of yourself, you get less of yourself. The sad truth about putting much on others is that you are investing of persons who may or may not value your investments in them. You will certainly feel bad when they don’t appreciate you.

The moment you begin to share your inputs and focus on others, and less of yourself, your own growth is stunted. Make sure you work on you and let the extra that pours out be the overflow.

Your business is your business. Others may come around to make you their business. They want you to look just like them, act just like they are doing and conform to them. Well, you need to know you are your own business. No one will run you better than you. The best way you intend to look is you looking that way. You won’t like how others want you to look.

You know what works best for you. Others don’t. You will have to tell them what you want. Anyone who you allow in your life should be people you permit with your own school of thought. You have to protect your own interest first. It is your interest.

Imagine that you are in a race with other athlete and the referee calls out for the race. Rather than the champion racer, starting to the race, he runs over to another athlete to show him how to start the race. That will be foolhardy. The referee doesn’t care if you are helping out another athlete. He will call for the start of the race and the championship status of the champion becomes irrelevant.

You won’t find a footballer who plays for a team choose on his own volition to score into his own goal in a bid to help his own team. That will be odd. His business is to ensure his team wins.

Champions are business conscious. They come to challenge others and to win. They have a fixed business and the focus on it. They keep at it till it is done.

There will certainly be distractions away from your major business. Life always offers these distractions. They could come from family, friends, mates or acquaintances. You just have to stay focuses to the goal no matter what.