Get the Champion Out of You by EKEKERE SAMUEL UFOT - HTML preview

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Sometimes we choose to reason things out first before we take action. We’d look at the possibility of what we intend to do working from many angles and then when we are satisfied, we begin to act.

Well, those things that attract championship don’t always look realistic. Often it’s amazing and baffling too that championship status could come just like that.

How do I mean? At the start of a competition, there are odds. There are teams with higher chance to succeed than others. The organizers would often arrange them in the order of status and winning chance. Take the FIFA world cup for example. The teams with better chance of winning are selected first and positioned in groups followed by the next strata depending on the position of the teams in the FIFA rankings.

What's amazing though is that those who were expected to win often never won. The teams that often won were those expected to stop half way. Unexpected beyond reasoning championship you’d say.

You don’t have to see the possibility before you dare to be a champion. If you try to reason it out, you will be laying stockpiles of stones before you. Just go.

What reasoning would you give for Napoleon burning his ships behind? Not too good. You’d think the man is insane, but that’s the weapon.

One fact is, we often do not see champions coming because we do not have good reasoning to back their rise. What I am actually alluding is that if you don’t seem to understand how you’d become a champion, you don’t have to understand how.

I’ve happened to know that those who become champions have some weirdness around them. I am not saying you should be weird. But people do not often have the reasoning to back their rise. It’s something phenomenal. When thinking of the process, it doesn’t matter. If you are waiting for the dots to find the (i)s or the (t)s to cross before you jump at becoming a champ, you’d be waiting forever. You don’t have to begin to reason it out like it’s a twenty step process. It isn’t. It is only for the dogged who don’t care about the process.

Before you begin to think that you are not qualified like there are some set of qualities to fulfill, you will be wasting enormous time trying to work out your qualification. You don’t have to qualify for championship, you just have to work and walk to championship from how you are.

In the 2015/2016 season of the English premiership, Leicester won. It was an amazing feat for a team coming from relegation the previous season with unprofessional players who wouldn’t get half a chance like Vardy. No one saw them coming but they held on to their lead from the start of the season to the end of it. Was there good reason around it? No. everyone would have tipped the likes of Arsenal, Manchester united or Manchester city. Leicester would have being tipped to struggle at the bottom but they strolled to the top.

If you think you don’t qualify, that’s what makes the championship more interesting. The odds are certainly in your favor. No one would expect you so you can pip them to it.

I remember in high school when I beat my classmates to mathematics. I was the only one who managed an A that term. One of my classmates came up to me and said, “You of all people, I can’t believe it”. It was interesting for me and that was all the propulsion I needed to stay up in the class. I had never known what topping the class meant but seeing that I did it by chance propelled me to staying up there till I finished high school.

When my friends complain about their inability to challenge our classmates, I tell them why not. They find very good reasons not to, reasons like I don’t understand when I read, I can’t solve mathematics. They often thought they needed good reasons to challenge our other classmates before they compete. I never had good reasons to challenge my classmates. I hardly understood when I read and my mathematics is still not excellent but I knew that I didn’t need all that qualifications to challenge them. All I needed was just to get going with all the bad reasons. I let the bad reasons propel me to staying competitive in class.

You don’t need people to suggest to you about your capacity before you act. They will not see it because they are looking for the reasoning point of view. They will never see you becoming a professor because they know you can’t make a sentence. It just doesn’t make sense. Don’t try to view yourself from how you see yourself. Look from where you can be and get going.

No child becomes a doctor at birth. The parents often see the doctor before the child discovers the possibilities of this happening and then the child begins to walk and work towards it. It actually takes many years to see it reach fulfillment.

If you are waiting till you get everything right, you may never do anything that’s right and you will never do anything that’s wrong. You will just do nothing.

Conventions and rules don’t work it out. They never will. What will is you going towards championship believing what the conventions and rules won’t give space for you.
The top is up there! Just let yourself the freedom to go beyond what others and even you can think.