Give Me My Crown Back by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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The Epilogue


Hypocrisy is what we have been talking about and it shall be definitive hypocrisy in our part if we do not extend the same and even more compassionate higher consciousness towards politics and governments, against which the entire exercise seems to have been worked out. It is not. We sure have established and are definitive about the culpability of state, government and politics but we have also clearly stated that even the institutions evolve the type of personality, which its constituent individuals collectively have. Therefore, we must accept that governments and politics too have people, who are one among us and naturally, they all are very much part of our overall exercise to make every person see and understand Reality and design of Human Consciousness.

In this light, we have to very humbly and compassionately appeal to all those constituent members of governments and politics globally, to evolve as compassionate higher consciousness, so that they do not consciously or subconsciously become part of the oppressive and corrupt mechanism and processes of governance and politics. It is our compassionate self, which must extend the leeway to all those, even from governance and politics, to accept Reality of Reality and become active agencies in common universal agenda of humanity to install one unified ‘Identity’, for all 7.5 billion people.

We have already accepted that politics and governance are also just the media, as they are one of the many shades of human consciousness, which itself is the medium of expression of Reality. We have already detailed as how different elements constitute consciousness and power-authority is one element, which finds its expression in the domain of, or through the media of politics and governance. Politics and governance therefore is neither good nor bad in itself. No media is good or bad. Good and bad happens when those ‘consciousnesses’, who use the media of politics and governance resort to such practices, which lead to vitiation of milieus. Naturally, things ultimately boil down to education-training of those consciousnesses, ‘who’ in contemporary times are using the ‘neutral’ media of politics and governance for annihilation of human dignity.

This has to be understood well. For example, most people ask, ‘Can Love be true and real? Can there be selfless and ideal Love?’ We need to understand that the very question is wrong and reasonably invalid. Why? We know, when the question is invalid, the answer can never be valid. The reason why the above mentioned question about Love is invalid is because; we are attempting to rest the probability of culpability on Love, which is an objective media, not having a living personality of its own. We err as we never accept love as just a media, like our own consciousness. We have the mind training to see love in and as subjective person. Love, like consciousness is just a neutral and objective media. The media however has expressions, as per the subjective ‘messaging’ of the person, whose consciousness it rides. The culpability, if any can be only of the ‘expression’ of the media, never that of the media itself. Love as media is universal in all consciousnesses and it is neutral, like all media. However, He or She, who wears Love, expresses Love, shapes the behavior/action of Love, can be made liable for any culpability of bad or wrong as well as credit of good and right. Love is neither ideal nor selfish. It is neutral. People, who express love, can be good or bad, right or wrong, selfless or selfish.

Similarly, politics and governance is also a media of the elements of power-authority in not only human consciousness, but that of all living organisms. Love is always neutral and objective but Lovers can be subjectively good or bad. Similarly, politics and governance is neutral and objective, however, it is tragic and misfortune for humanity that majority of politicians have come to stand culpable of calamitous wrong and bad to humanity. Therefore, we come down to the same idea of singularity of human agenda. The single universal agenda is creation of a knowledgeable society, focusing on evolving of compassionate higher consciousness in all humans, which shall naturally include politicians and people in governance systems.

It is for our politicians and those in governance to understand and accept with humility and maturity that they have this express need to Reform the elements, which they feel and believe constitutes politics and governance. The contemporary association and attitudinal alignment of politics and governance with the elements of power and authority is very much alien to humanity and Reality. The Reform in politics and governance itself requires that the element of power-authority is swiftly and deeply replaced by the innate, instinctive and entrenched elements of compassionate integration and assimilation. Politics is the process of this integration-assimilation and governance is the mechanism. Element of Power-Authority is essentially alien, antithetical and inimical to Reality as it has the innate and entrenched propensity of suppressing and annihilating Liberty. On the contrary, the element of integration-assimilation is true and real adjunct and property of Reality, as it optimizes Liberty and compassionately conditions it towards singular universal Identity. It overall is in sync and symmetry with the evolution and entrenchment of compassionate human consciousness. Therefore, politics and governance themselves must initiate the Reforms from inside, sans external pressure, to dump the alien element of power-authority, in favor of innate and endemic element of integration-assimilation.

The politicians and those in governance must look towards reformist orientations, smartly and fruitfully taking shapes in familial and societal domains. Look at how beautifully and propitiously the erstwhile fortress of suppressive and autocratic Patriarchal attitudes, behaviors and orientations are crumbling and the novel constructs of compassionate, integrative and assimilative parenting are building the walls of a new familial relationship. Look at how this Reform and change has completely redefined and rejuvenated the family milieus globally. Also, look at how the old, archaic and obsolete gender stupidities and hypocrisies are giving way to a beautifully compassionate and assimilative man-woman relationship in society. Look at how the changes in old gender perceptions and attitudes have brought about a critical improvement in societal efficacy and profitability. Look at how elegantly many contemporary males are reorienting their gender attitudes and thinking. This is happening because both patriarchy and gender conscientiousness has consciously opted out of former insistence on power-authority and entered the 21st century Reality of compassionate integration-assimilation. The politics and governance too have to reform themselves on the same lines. We need you; but you must embrace the global trends of reform!

As we have said earlier, we as compassionate higher consciousness cannot ever think of annihilating the enemy; rather we shall focus on creating such compassionate and knowledgeable milieus, where all inimical propensities are automatically weeded out. This is our agenda for state, governments and politics too. Therefore, we are also compassionately appealing the contemporary consciousnesses in politics and governments to be in sync with Reality and take the much awaited lead in making the world a better place.

There is a specific appeal to state, governments and politics structures and it is not new. Also, the utility and fruition of this idea, which we are appealing, has been proved propitious. The appeal to politics and governments is that they should focus on decentralization, strengthen the process of local self governance by percolating the mandate into local levels of legitimacy of self-governance. Globally, it has been proved beyond doubt that when mandate and legitimacy is centralized, they tend to become oligarchic and it proves disastrous for Human Dignity. There have been successful experiences of localized mandates at very small levels and units of administration. This localized mandate extends the much required direct and active participation of people in matters of civil administration and even police administration. This local self governance has many models and many better and more effective models can be designed with scientific-technological inputs.

As we have discussed earlier, the local self governance shall have to be concurrent with reforms in bureaucracy, police, judiciary and electoral processes. The state, governments and politics have to break into small, viable units of mandate and legitimacy. No doubt, the central and unitary mandate for external security, foreign policy, etc shall remain with national governments but all internal aspects of people management shall have to be localized at smallest of the administrative unit. The modern communication technologies and artificial intelligence shall have to be used to integrate all local units with a central assessment processing mechanism (which also must include societal participation) but the mandate of legitimacy and accountability must be percolated to grassroots.

As we have talked earlier, the reforms in patriarchy and gender domains have also actually done the same thing. The patriarch and the male have very compassionately agreed to delegate their unitary and central mandate and legitimacy to localize and percolate to all others in the family and society. It has to be understood that it is a scientific reality about human consciousness that it accepts only those values, which are internalized. Therefore, power-authority is not strengthened and universalized by force and violence. Rather, force and autocratic suppression only emaciates power-authority. Power-authority is universalized and becomes more effective when it is delegated and thus integrates and assimilates all. The 21st century family and society are actually exhibiting the success of this novel model of delegation and localization of mandate and legitimacy of power and authority. The politics and governance must follow suit.

It may sound stupid but there is no better way for change than the politics and governments themselves effecting it with their own Personal Will. Globally, all reforms have been carried out by the governments and politics themselves. Surely, the masses and their General Will shall have to keep insisting the political structure to effect Reforms fast and thick. But, it is an appeal that those in politics and governance should lead the change and be the first catalyst in Handing the Crown Back to the real and true sovereign.

It is occasioned, in 21st century world that globally, state, politics and governments should understand what essential role and purpose they have in human society. Everyone has this unity of role and purposes. It is not that people should expect only politicians and governments to do something good and big for them and they should not. However, state, governments and politics have greater and larger responsibilities as they have hugely more effective and better resources and structures for installing good, right and appropriate in societies. Therefore, even while all individuals, in whatever capacity and situation of life-living, have this singular role and purpose; the state, governments and politics have the leading and specific role and purpose of what we may call – Milieu-Harmonization.

As we have talked earlier, politics by very definition of its nature and role means a compassionate meeting ground for all competing shades of Reality. Naturally, the singular role and purpose of politics is harmony of milieus – be it societal, cultural, economic or religious. This role of politics for Milieu-Harmonization has two parts to it. First part of the role is to prevent any movement towards ‘Identity-Conflicts’. Globally, the clashes and conflicts of competing ‘Identities’ are the worst culprits of annihilation of milieu-harmony and therefore, it is the primary role of state, governments and politics to not only stop their own enterprise of ‘Identity-Politics’ but also ensure, nobody else vitiates the milieus on this count. Moreover, the second part of the role of state, governments and politics is to install such structures and functions in governance machinery, which leads to unification of all identities into singular universal ‘Identity’ of Humanity. Naturally, as we have deliberated, the state, governments and politics have to singularly focus on building a knowledgeable society by investing maximum resources on education-training of human consciousness of every individual.

Moreover, we all know, state, governments and politics have to shift their entire focus and energy on equitability in milieus – societal, cultural and economic. This alone has the potential to ensure milieu-harmonization in long run. The best equitability methodology is equitability of opportunities. This itself can be ensured when all individual gets very affordable education and health. Globally, we all know how larger humanity, be it poor or rich, is hugely stressed and conflicted because of the growing unaffordablility of education and health. Equal and highest quality education is the fundamental right of every single individual and this alone can ensure equitability of opportunities in societies. Naturally, affordable education and health as fundamental right is the bare basic for Milieu-Harmonization. The state, governments and politics must singularly focus on this.

Secondly, we all know that the worst element of vitiation of milieu-harmony in human world is a collective sense that justice is not available for all. Prompt and easy justice to all is the best element, which ensures a harmonized society. Tragically, globally, most people accept that like education and health; justice is also very costly and otherwise ‘unaffordable’ and ‘unavailable’ to all. This sense is the worst culprit of milieu-harmony and kills the very basis of equitability of opportunity. The state, governments and politics have this express and critical task at hand to ensure complete overhauling of jurisprudence, judicial system and police system. The entire mechanisms and processes of the state, governments and politics should be oriented towards dispensing prompt and unfettered justice to all. There has to be a major paradigm-shift in governance system. It has to be accepted by state, governments and politics that the Nation and its so-called Interest, is not an abstract and mystical ‘Ism’ or idea. It is singularly in substantive justice to every person.

There is nothing abstract and mystical about the role and purpose of state, governments and politics in 21st century age of reason. There are three core elements, which in itself are the Holism of Constitutional Role and Duties of state, governments and politics. These three elements are – Affordable, Prompt and Substantive delivery of Education, Health and Justice. The effectiveness and righteousness of these three elements are very much measurable and countable. There is not an iota of abstraction and mysticism about these three elements. The state, governments and politics must delegate the assessment and adjudication of effectiveness of governance in these three areas of education-health-justice to independent agencies, having direct people’s participation.

There can be elaboration of the details of these all but we are not doing it here as it shall create its own bulk. The details can be worked out without much trouble, once the broad framework is accepted and installed. These details shall also have scientific and objective basis. The ball must start rolling and it shall not happen only by one section of humanity. Everyone has to come forward and stand in sync with the Reality and contribute in the installation of the change that is universal for we all. It has to begin with this idea of change spreading to all sections of humanity. From common men and women to politicians, corporate, philanthropists, activists, intellectuals, artists, scientists, media people, et all have to come on board and lend criticality to the energy and mass of this change. As we have said earlier, the time and situation is ripe for this to happen. The agenda is out there. Together, we all, each one of us has to add energy and mass to the finality – Give Us The Crown Back

To conclude the eBook, we list out the gist of the discussion so far, in small point-wise narration, so that there is ease to recall what essentially we need to do. This listing out also serves as actionable agenda for every one of us, after we have discussed in details all aspects of the core ideas, the eBook has attempted to install. Here we go –

  1. There is an insistence on reversal and restoration of something that was earlier there. When we are saying, ‘Give Me My Crown Back’, it somehow hints at the realism that humanity has gone a long way on a journey, which has been in the wrong direction. We as human society, culture and civilization had started as a compassionate and self-regulated individuals and collectivity. We had also reposed our faith and trust on inquisitiveness, which was the basis of a knowledgeable society, which alone was, is and shall remain the guarantee of human survival. However, somewhere, we lost it and diverted from compassion and knowledge. The reversal and restoration is essentially towards this avowed goodness and righteousness. We have to revert to and restore compassionate human consciousness, cooperative and complementing family and societal system, knowledge-ruled culture and acceptance of Reality as real and true sign of maturity and growth.
  2. The core trouble for humanity is Reality itself and the way human body-mind has been designed to perceive Reality. Human consciousness, the media, through which Reality is expressed and perceived, is probably what makes humans better than rest of the living organisms but, human consciousness itself is a stupid design and the singular basis of all troubles of humanity. Humanity cannot solve its multitude of problems if it does not understand the mechanism and process of this very Human Consciousness and Reality. As modern science has facilitated this knowledge, everyone has to be made aware of the knowledge and this alone is the solution of all troubles.
  3. Naturally therefore, the singular focus of all humanity – all individuals and all collectivities should be on creation of a knowledgeable society, where singular universal education-training is the largest and best investment. A person can be termed as mature and grown up not by the possessions and attainments of moneys, houses, cars and businesses (Toys). He or she would be considered mature and grown up only when he or she fully understand and accepts Reality and the mechanism-processes of his or her own consciousness, cognition and causalities. And, growing up and maturing is no choice, it is rather option-less as this alone can create a compassionate human consciousness, which is a must for solution of human troubles.
  4. The contemporary human world, divided on the basis of innumerable ‘Identities’ is a definitive sign and symptom of colossal human failure. They point out to the fact that humanity at large has miserably failed as a species in understanding and accepting Reality. We all are culprits and undoubtedly the most corrupt, stupid and hypocritical living race as we are perpetuating, even in 21st century, those ills and wrongs, which humanity could understand and advocated against 3000 years back. The divided, conflicted and warring humanity under stupidly hypocritical ‘Identities’ in 21st century is unimaginable. This is a sign of how far long humanity has gone in wrong direction. We have to come back and unite under one singular universal Identity of Humanity as we now understand and accept that Reality is singular, human consciousness is singular and continuous, and therefore, human ‘Identity’ is also singular.
  5. From our contemporary knowledge of Reality and Human Consciousness, we know that nothing external to consciousness has any meaning and impact on us. This in simple terms means, Reality has no meaning, role and purpose; the universe and all lives, including humans have no meaning, role and purpose. All meanings and purposes of humans emanate from human consciousness itself. Naturally, different people shall have different sense of meanings and purpose of his or her life. This is Reality for humanity and universal basis of indispensability of Liberty. Liberty is the natural expression of Reality and human consciousness. Therefore, liberty cannot be suppressed and annihilated under any human pretext. If ever Liberty has to be conditioned and rationalized, the urge and need must come from within the human consciousness itself. Human consciousness has innate and embedded designs for reason and rationality too. That is why there is singular need of education-knowledge in human life-living.
  6. The very basis of state, government and politics in contemporary human world is flawed and corrupted. They are actually alien to the Reality of Reality and human consciousness. All problems and all solutions are within the layers of human consciousness and they are materialized through education and training. Any external agency, indulging in ‘solution-hawking’ is culpable of stupidity-hypocrisy. The state, governments and politics in contemporary world have become synonymous with unbridled and brute power-authority, which is innately antithetical-alien to Reality and human consciousness. Therefore, contemporary state, governments and politics are useless, archaic and obsolete vestiges of a wrong, which humanity has persisted long. This need to change.
  7. All individuals, in whatever capacity and situation, have to understand and accept Reality and jointly work for creation of a knowledgeable society where compassionate human consciousness could thrive in harmonious milieus. It is only natural that for this to happen, we all shall have to assert the Crown Position of individual in family and society. We all have to accept the singular universal agenda of establishing a knowledgeable society, where Liberty and human dignity is primary attainment. This shall happen when we accept the singular utility of scientific knowledge in our lives. Nothing but objective and logical knowledge should shape our life-living decisions.
  8. The very insistence on scientific wisdom necessitates that we all come out of the populist mindsets and attitudes. There is a huge load of abstract and mystical thinking and cognition in contemporary human mind consciousness. We all have to acknowledge that 21st century humanity cannot survive if these abstractions and mysticisms continue in human consciousness. It is only through scientific knowledge of Reality and Human Consciousness that we can mature and grow to qualify as 21st century citizens. Objectivity, reason and logic must be benchmarks of maturity and growth. Abstractions and mysticism must be dumped by all.
  9. Modern world has given sound democratic rights to people but they are wasted as most people do not use their rights over the right issues. We all must understand and accept that state, governments and politics require big time lateral and vertical Reforms. All of us must insist that politics of the day should accept the Reforms in governance, police, bureaucracy, judiciary, et al as singular agenda of state and governance. When we exercise our political rights, we all have to singularly insist on Reforms. All individuals need to vocally make it clear to all political structures that no politician, no political party would be favored if they do not first institutionalize the reform processes.
  10. An average person may say, he or she has little means to effect any change in the system – be it societal or political. No doubt, not every one of us can be expected to go out of their ways to don the mantle of activist to make any substantial contribution in changing the humanity. What needs to be understood and accepted is that an individual does not have to do anything big and out of box in his or her life. Each of us just has to do only one simple thing – we have to accept that knowledge is the only true attainment and possession of life-living. All of us have to do nothing big and drastic but a simple change in our own personal orientation. We have to accept the scientific knowledge of Reality, the human consciousness and how our cognition works for us. We know and accept that individual is the first and last of Reality and therefore, the external world is not the theatre of the expression of Reality but it is the inside universe of the human consciousness. Naturally, all initiations and all enterprises of change have to take place within personal consciousness. The state, governments and politics shall change; the whole world shall change and become better. But, it starts and ends with individual and person enterprise of change. This change shall come with scientific knowledge of Reality and human consciousness. Therefore, an individual does not have to look outside for any change and essentially seek it inside.

If we have to sum up this entire eBook idea into a single sentence, I very humbly and sincerely would say, it should be – To be a good, right, mature, successful and empowered person, we all need only one Attainment; that is, Knowledge and Acceptance of Reality.

… this shall lead humanity to the Crown Position, where all questions and problems shall vanish and only singular, universal and lasting answer and solution shall prevail. Only Reality Wins; let this ultimate Sovereignty of Reality be with every individual human being…
