Growth Mindset: The Door to Achieving More by Lewis Alerson - HTML preview

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Congratulations on purchasing “Growth Mindset: The Door to Achieving More”! In purchasing this book, you are setting yourself up for not only learning about the science behind a growth mindset, but also the benefits behinds growth mindset, and how you can develop your own!


This book combines the scientific theory of growth mindset with the evidence that exists. It then takes practical applications and makes them available to you so that you can begin developing your very own growth mindset and reaping the rewards of it right away!


Unlike other books which are primarily focused on theory or generic application, this book is designed to ensure that you get the most out of your own growth mindset. You will be guided through the important steps of understanding what growth mindset is, exactly, and what is required to develop your own. By the end, you should have a strong understanding of growth mindset, and what is required to experience your own incredible growth.


If you are ready to begin transforming your mind, developing your growth mindset, and experiencing massive and incredible shifts in your life, then you have come to the right place! Please, take your time and enjoy each chapter as you are guided through this journey. It is important to understand that, as with all changes, transforming your mindset and developing growth mindset takes time. Please have patience and give yourself the time required to experience great success with this shift. In the end, you will be grateful for the transformation that takes place!