Hello, My Name Is... Warrior Princess by Jenn Taylor - HTML preview

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To my kids: Foster, biological, step or adopted, however you are counted, you are all the same to me. You were each the greatest gift and so much more amazing than I ever could have dreamed. Being a Mommy is the most difficult thing I’ve ever done. There is no owner’s manual, no hotline, and no one right way. I grew up with you, learned, made mistakes, yelled too much, and loved you so fiercely I have no words. Yes, I know. No words. Unbelievable. My hope for each of you is that you:

find yourself far earlier than I found myself.

love yourself.

take what I taught you, good and bad, and make it better.

know what makes you happy and embrace it, whatever that looks like to you.

I’ll love you no matter what.

To the love of my life, D: I know it’s hard to be with me sometimes. I’m sorry, and you’re welcome. Thank you for:

sifting through the rubble (and bullshit).

finding me and supporting me in every way.

loving my strength equally with my weaknesses.

being OK with my demons.

Supporting me staying home while I wrote this. I love you. More. You are my kind of crazy.

To my sister, Kim: Thank you for jogging my memory since yours is far better and for talking to me about this when you didn’t want to. I couldn’t have done any of this without you. You are my everything. Really and truly. My sister and my friend, my Roni-Maroni. Have a lovely day, moist towelette. I love you with all I am.

To my friend Diana: You listened, texted, listened, gave insight, listened, reined me in and let me loose, and (did I mention?) listened. Thank God for beautiful, strong women that support each other. I love you, my sister from another mister. You are the jelly in my PB & J and the cheese in my macaroni. “Thank you” doesn’t feel like enough, but it’s all I’ve got. You’re my person. You will always be my person.

To my editor, Corrine: Jesus, this would have never gotten done without you! I had NO idea the volume of work and emotion it would take to get this written. I am so grateful for you pushing me, pointing things out, pushing me some more, and making me be the best version of my writing self. Thank you!

To Kevin: My friend, my first real love and my copy editor and proofreader. You are so completely overqualified for this task, but I couldn’t imagine anyone better at it or better suited.

I am so thankful you were the second person to read this and that you also pushed me to be the best writer I can be. I appreciate and value you as my friend of 30 years.