Hey Beautiful, You Are The Hope by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Other Titles By Santosh Jha



Literary Fiction: A novella about life-living choices from the perspective of a very successful contemporary woman: Word- 38,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

Dumped by her billionaire fiancé, a resplendently beautiful woman, the reigning royalty of Hollywood’s dream factory, lands herself in all sorts of woes – hospitalization for slipping pill overdose, bad Press, peer group backstabbing and paparazzi. She escapes to anonymity at India's Yoga capital but the threat of paparazzi follows. A young yogi bails her out and detours her to an unusual world where he introduces her to the super consciousness of ‘Onlyness’ within her. The redeemed empress unconsciously discovers her true elements being in linearity with that of the yogi and believes, she may be second time lucky. However, more shocks await her.

The singularities of life have elemental eccentricities of happening and un-happening; almost as weird and randomized as love. The elements of one’s own life and that of the equally precarious milieus are both patterned as well as un-patterned. The juxtaposition of symmetrical possibilities amid the larger probabilistic asymmetry of arbitrary milieus engender such beautiful marvels of life-living experiences, which people can accept only in one way – the destiny! The true and lasting relationship can happen only between similar and generic elements. Destinies shape this way. What destiny has in store for Melissa, the empress, who finds a yogi in her new and metamorphosed life, shall be decided not by factors outside in her near and far milieus, rather by what she finally accepts as something, which is her own internal positioning of consciousness. The moment, she accepts, love shall happen and destiny shall be signed in.


Back To Bliss: A Journey To Zero


Literary Fiction: Novel: A Love Story In Contemporary Culture Of Conflicts: Word- 78,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Battling against hypocrisies, sadomasochism and perfunctory pursuits of pop benchmarks of successes, he refuses the passion-oriented male worldview of karma and life’s purposes. Metamorphosed by compassion, that love’s innocence fills him with, he opts for a journey that takes him far away from the stupidity of self-worth, calculated in terms of personal utility, individualistic possession and unfettered consumption. Does he arrive?

Extended Description

Literary Fiction: Novel: A Love Story In Catalytic Contemporary Culture Of Conflicts.

Mayank Mishra, a 34-year old news-editor with a newspaper in an Indian city, takes up the challenges in his personal as well as professional lives; caught between the conflicting agendas of passion and compassion. His passion calls him to battle the hypocrisies, which the popular benchmarks of the societal notions fill up his professional as well as personal universe with. Then, the innocence of love and total intimacy exposes him to compassion, leading him to diametrically opposite life energies, marked by forgiveness. He realizes; he standing beyond the best of the potentials and capabilities of his ‘acultured’ and uninhibited mind is his own God but he needs an unlearning mechanism to delete the wrong programming of his mind.

In the contemporary worldview, which paints the hypocrisy of art and lies about idealisms; he templates sketches of heroic moments of personal crises to break free from the suffocation of the optionlessness of pop success, with humble reception of the sanity of simplicity and innocence.

How he manages his personal and societal conflicts, rises above his encumbrances and finally picks up a road less traversed for a journey, which makes him feel he has already arrived, sums up the novel.


Autobiography Of A Duffer


A witty but insightful narration of ‘normal’ and ‘orderly’ cultural realisms of contemporary world, from the perspective of a young duffer. This duffer believes; a normal person should know how this world looks to a stupid, whom the world loves to label ‘abnormal’ and ‘disordered’, to truly visualize realities of benchmarking. This duffer’s wife asked him to make it different; he truly does it!

In the words of the duffer itself:

“I must say I am not very inclined to do what I am doing. I am just 23 years old and all I can garner, as my achievement in life is my class 12 exam, which I passed against the wildest expectation of my family and friends. Yes, my life has been full of unimaginable stupidities but I cannot accept my wife’s suggestion that people would be interested in knowing about them and will derive the sadistic pleasure that they were not as duffer as me.

I have my truths; I have my life experiences and my revelations, which my stupidities and that of others’ bestowed on me have made possible. However, I am not confident people will even accept them. Acceptance is not the contemporary intellectualism; I have seen it all through my life. In Twitter and Facebook, everyone is out to prove other wrong. Rejecting and rubbishing innocence has come to be recognized as highest intellectual pursuit.

My wife has told me, ‘why would anyone listen to you if you are not different’ and she seems to be right as being different has become the core creed of intellectualism. But then, the question is, why anyone shall be interested in my stupidities? There are already so many around! Actually, all human stupidities and idiocy are primeval and all pervasive. I am not saying this; the whole world around me is out to prove that there are so many stupid politicians, bureaucrats and silly middle class around, who are making life hell for others. And, as aping is first instinct of humanity, everyone feels so happily inclined in adding loads of repeat value to these foolishnesses, which they decipher in others. Why should anyone be interested in my own, when mine are definitively anything but different?

My wife works in publishing industry. To be very honest, she asked me to write my biography and even assured me that she would push it through to the bookstores. She has advised me to ‘make it fully loaded’. ‘If you can rake in un-patterned madness and patterned sex in your book, you may even find a publisher yourself; otherwise I am here for you’, she has told me. She is only three years older to me but always bosses on me. I am not sure what she means and what I can rake in. But I am not stuck, I move ahead.”

The duffer says, it is his autobiography and that is why he is writing what he feels. If people do not like it, they always have their turn, when they write their own!


Why Do You Want To Change Me?


Short description

Accept the question of ‘change’ and let the magic and marvel unravel. The question of change is the key, which opens the doors of life-living wellness and personal excellence. The book is about unleashing your potential by simply unlocking the consciousness. Won’t you open the doors, if someone knocks to deliver the Christmas Cake! Innocence of reception is beauty. Be beautiful and bountiful.

Detailed Description

The questions you possess is half your destiny. The answers you accept remains the other half. Number of questions we accept, more we open ourselves to newer probabilities and potentials within and outside. We however usually happily restrict ourselves to fewer questions because initially, questions unsettle our comfort. Do accept the ‘question of change’. Once you accept the utility of this question, answers start tumbling in in their multidimensional probabilities with rainbowish shades. Each dimension and every shade of realism, the answers engender, shall help you empower your consciousness, enhance life-living wellness and upgrade the potential of personal excellence. The question of change is a key to open the doors of wellness.

The idea to put forward in this book is simple. There are questions and they are important because only when we accept questions, we move to discover the answers, which are already there. The primary and core question is the ‘question of change’. This is the singular objective road to knowledge building. However, wisdom or knowledge comes in stages. Like answers, questions are also born and evolved in time and space dimensions. Long history of humanity shows us how key life-living questions evolved in stages and their answers too came in stages. That is why we have to constantly move away and beyond our current state of mind consciousness, which has the instinctive inclination for accepting and be happy with comfort of inertia of few questions and subjectively created answers. We shall talk about this change in our mindsets and perspectives. Opening the door and being prepared to be at the readiness of acceptance of the intelligence of innocence is the primary change in attitude we are talking about in this book.

In this book, we are accepting change not as something tangible and material but intangible and ideational. There are good reasons for doing so. The central issue is why there is a need for this type of intangible changes to happen in our deep consciousness. That is why we have upped the boundaries of our talks about change by stretching it into the modern contemporary notions about core issues of Consciousness, Cognition and Causality in our world. We are talking about changes in holistic, assimilative and integrative perspectives to bring about the objective and singular logic in favor of such changes. Moreover, we are also going to talk about ‘What, Why and How’ of the changes in personal domain. All these talks are aimed at empowering your consciousness to enhance your life-living wellness and augment the potential of your personal excellence. There always is a purpose to an endeavor and change has utility only when it leads to larger wellness and excellence in life.

Tags: Empowering Consciousness, Life-Living Wellness, Personal Excellence, Openness & Change, Attitude, Perspectives, Knowledge, Cognition, Causality, Mystic  & Marvel, Magic, Conflict Resolution, Self -Exploration.


Naked Solutions Of Dressed Up Life Woes


Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence: word- 23,000 approx.

Short Description

The world we live in; is what it is, neither good nor bad. It is people, who are the ‘Theatre’ of all pains as well as joys. The human mind is the most capable and instinctively galvanized mechanism to solve big problems. Still, the same human consciousness is the most potent dilemma. The core trouble is, modern day problems are so ‘dressed up’; partly by our complex environment and partly by our consciousness that we fail to see the ‘naked’ reality of the nature of problems. We can see them clearly, if we ‘undress’ them. It is an art, we all can master. How?

Extended Description

Solution of problems is not a big task. If you have a problem, you already know it that solution is somewhere ‘inherent and embedded’ in the problem itself. The milieu around us presents some factors in an ‘arrangement’, which stand in our disadvantage, at a particular stage of our life positioning and we call the outcome of such an arrangement as a ‘problem’.

Often, solution presents itself as some ‘alternative’ arrangement or placement of the same factors in such a way that they turn advantageous for us, hence qualifying as a ‘solution’.

In most cases, especially the modern day problems we face, the artistry of arriving at solutions is not in ‘creating’ or generating something externally but in ‘rearranging’ and ‘repositioning’ the already present factors and elements in some alternative ways.

That is why, we need little ‘action’ but loads of calm and objective ‘reception’ in analyzing the ‘factors’ that essentially constitute a problem. We talk like friends about the mechanisms of problems and solutions in an assimilative and integrative way.


Habitual Hero: The Art Of Winning


Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence: word- 19,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

In all of us, there is this definite ‘winner’, the genius of this universe. However, this champion is what we can label as ‘Random Warrior’, as it wins but not always. We all have the determination, patience, courage, discipline and the mastery to be a sure and sustained ‘all-weather-all-season-Hero’. However, as many of us miss the knowledge and acceptance of this ‘mechanism of winning’, this warrior turns out to be only a ‘random’ winner, unable to sustain the artistry of winning, to qualify as a ‘Habitual Hero’.

Extended Description

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence.

There is a definite Hero in all of us. We all have an in-built and natural ability, a born facility, which makes us ‘eligible’ for understanding the ‘mechanism of winning’. The only trouble is; eligibility is not automatic ‘qualification’. All of us are born with a facility called ‘instinctive inquisitiveness’. This is our born eligibility. However, we need to orient and align our inquisitiveness towards ‘objective knowledge’ to ‘qualify’ as an intelligent person, who is the ‘master of mechanism’ and not only the ‘puppet of mechanism’.

It is the mind consciousness, which makes us a ‘random warrior’ and it is the same mind, which holds the potential of we being the ‘All-Weather And All-Season Hero’, the cherished pole-position, for which we all have born eligibility. We talk like friends about this mechanism of being a ‘habitual hero’ in an assimilative and integrative way.


Maya And Leela: Utility In Life’s Futility


Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence: word- 21,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Most of us, living in modern contemporary world of complexities, conflicts and confusion, have questions as what a good and righteous person should consider as ‘perpetual-utility’ in life, amidst the general feeling of ‘futility’ of everything around. What is this singular life and living positioning, which can make us live the life in a perpetually joyous state of consciousness, endowed with ‘true utilities’, shunning away all those ‘futilities’, which land us in pain and regret?

Extended Description

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence.

Almost everything, which has a ‘utility’ at one stage of life, stands a good chance of qualifying for ‘futility’ later. For all thinking people, the larger conflict of life and living experiences is unraveled and expressed in multi-dimensional ‘Cyclicality Of Utility And Futility’.

The inquisitive mind and its curious energy cannot leave a thinking person to rest in perpetuity of peace as the world we live in is colossal and the questions of life and living conflicts and conundrums are infinite. However, we all need to be sure that this unsettling energy of conflict is a huge gift, not a burden.

Hundreds of years back, the old wisdom – spiritualism and philosophy offered us sure answers but in time, they have lost trust with us somehow, as they seem to somehow ‘misfit’ with modern ideas. We shall talk like friends about these issues in the light of a ‘new thinking’, which assimilates and integrates all wisdoms – spiritualism, philosophy and science. Being in ‘true utilities’ of life is essential, as it lands us in perpetuity of infinite joy and wellness.


Why We Flop In Love


Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description

Love is ideally accepted with three elements of Mystery, Magic and Marvel. The three ‘M’s’ land most of us in inexplicable troubles and pains of love. The magnificent dualism is – love’s mystery makes it flamboyantly attractive and joyful. Still, the mysticism engenders loads of confusion, making many of us flop in love. Success of love is in non-dualistic positioning, which is simple and practical realism, most of us refuse to accept.

Extended Description

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence.

The dualism is in the mysticism, magic and marvel of love. This mysticism of love is what most lovers get attracted to initially. This suits the consciousness of love. This marvel of love gives the men and women huge kicks of life. Young minds get huge thrills in journeying amidst the mist of mysticism of love as precariousness of the enterprise always has its own joy. Similar is the human desire, when it comes to religion and spiritualism. Mysticism is preferred state here too. However, this mysticism further confuses those in love and faith and this confusion in turn leads to calamitous patterns of behaviors and actions in love. The resultant pain and chaos is cyclic.

However, the new thinking, explains hitherto unexplored aspects of the physical, bio-chemical, emotional and other mechanisms and processes of love, as human mind handles them, in a holistic, assimilative and integrative way. This surely takes away lots of mysticism, magic and marvel out of the age-old notion of love and archetypal imagery of love in society. However, it is hugely helpful in clearing the mist of confusion and chaos around the very core idea of love. This surely makes us be successful in love and relish true love and absolute intimacy.


Wisdom Of Wellness: Perpetuity Of Poise Of Purpose


Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

One needs to be in lasting physical, emotional and ideational wellness. Tips, pills, and ‘shoulds’ abound; still, wellness is elusive. Wellness is largely a function of emotional ‘poise’ of consciousness. Wisdom of wellness is in being the ‘master of mechanism’, ‘internalizing’ the multifaceted life-living realisms and then, creating a personalized model of wellness. Nothing ‘external’ helps.

Long Description:

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life-Living Wellness, Personal Excellence.

Wellness is a function of wider poise of person and personality, which includes factors not only material but also emotional. A person is in complete wellness when there is an overall poise between the cognitive factors such as income, wealth, comfort, leisure and health as well as emotional factors such as trust, security, integration with family-friends-colleagues, connectivity, communication, stability, sense of desirability and spiritual purpose, etc. We live in a modern complex world, where cognitive elements of good life are improving considerably; however, as emotional elements of life and living are largely unsettled and conflicted, most of us fail to hit the road of the perpetuity of poise for larger wellness.

Wellness involves a large spectrum of poise in multidimensional domains – the spiritual, physical, mental, social and emotional. Moreover, the emotional and spiritual aspect of wellness is far more complex than the cognitive ones, as they are the intangibles of life. Wellness is a dynamic idea. It is a goal of life, for which we all need to strive every day. Wellness is not a static state. It is not like wealth, which we acquire once and keep it for long. It requires ongoing attention and timely intervention to the details of evolving social, spiritual and physical life.

Wellness as a holistic notion of physical, emotional as well as ideational prosperity does not mean only lack of impediments to good life, but also having loads of ingredients of good life. For wellness, positivity is far more crucial than simple lack of negativity. Wellness is well within the reach of all of us, yet we all need to constantly redefine ourselves as well our notion of wellness, as our minds and bodies evolve to optimize capacities and excellence.

Wellness is essentially a consciousness positioning. It is not an external or tangible entity, which one can create like wealth. Wellness is a ‘poise’ of consciousness, which is engendered when we have all elements of our life – physical, emotional, ideational and material, in perfect harmony and symmetry with each other. We are ourselves a very complex mechanism. The world we live in has also become hugely complicated and conflicted. The cosmic realism is awesomely complex. Wellness poise needs to connect with all these and then strike a lasting poise. This poise is not static but dynamic, constantly evolving and changing. Only that person can attain perfect wellness and remain in perpetuity of it, who understands all the mechanisms in details and then, uses the wisdom to create a wellness model for himself or herself.

We talk in details here, how the old wisdom still has lot to offer to our wellness needs and how we all can create our own personalized and subjective model of wellness, taking ideas from old as well as new wisdoms of humanity. This shall make all of us to be the ‘master of mechanism’ of wellness.


India Beyond Stampede Of Stupidities


Short Description:

An analytical commentary on how energies of ideas for socio-political changes, create a stampede of stupidities, when they are reactive and participants of change fail to observe assimilative perspectives, compromising the sanity of system, which could weed out loads of aggression, chaos and conflicts from the soil of struggle. A global reality, elaborated with India as a case study.

In contemporary India, since the end of 2013, a virtual stampede of ideas have been set to unleash catastrophic causalities, as the multiplicities of obsessively espoused ideas are roaming without proper channelizing mechanism and streamlining structures. There is a stampede of stupidities pervading Indian societal milieu and the potential outcomes are nothing short of calamitous. This phenomenon too is cyclic in history of time and space on this earth. Energies of ideas for change, guided by the gradient and gravitation of rejection of status quo are basic cyclicality of cosmic evolution and human societies are just a small part of the macrocosmic arrangement. So, why is there a need to talk about it and be overly cautious? Why should we need to call it a stampede and a stupidity and discuss it? Is there a need to talk about it all, if what is going on is just fixed and endemic mechanism of all societies in course of evolution in time and space?

Yes, there is a big need to do it. The express requirement is to deal with the intrinsic issue of evolutionary energies of societies and its mechanisms with an objective, holistic and non-emotional perspective. This integrative and assimilative perspective shall ensure that all players and participants of change, who in their emotional positioning of consciousness and microscopic viewpoint, fail to see the objectivity of the entire mechanism of societal changes, could understand the processes and mechanisms of change in its widest possible spectrum. This shall definitely weed out loads of aggression, ill will, chaos and conflicts out of the contemporary global societies, which are on the threshold of or amidst major socio-political and cultural changes. This shall surely be helpful in supplying the much needed sanity and serenity in the contemporary stampede of stupidities, which pervades India and many other nations. The purpose of writing this book is surely not to ridicule or belittle any idea, activism or initiatives, which contemporary India as well as different other societies are witnessing. The innocuous idea is to elaborate, how and why energies of changes need to be viewed in holism and totality. The initiative is to speak of how it is very crucial to understand the dynamics of the mechanisms of the overall causality, which ultimately energizes all changes in all societies and how all energies need to be properly channelized and objectively streamlined to instill the essential elements of sanity and serenity in changes.

Tags: Socio-political changes, populism, democratic realism, Indian politics, sanity of system, dream for future


Youth Sanity In Crazy Culture


Non-fiction: Life Choices for Wellness, Youth Issues of Sexual Behavior, Personal Excellence: word- 17,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

In contemporary culture of hypocrisy, conflict and confusion, where even adults are in a flux over benchmarks of real success and self-worth, the young being advised about sanity and sensibility, lands as big joke for them. The youth needs a worldview, enabling them to see through the hypocrisy and perplexity of pop culture, offering them a date with real intelligence and life realism.

Detailed description

As a youngster looks around, loads of conflicts and hypocrisies pop up everywhere; be it society, culture, economy or politics. The youth are told to follow a number of ideals and goodness. The youngsters shall seldom accept them as, firstly; they have doubts over their utility. Secondly, it is always easy for them to decipher that all these ‘expectations’ from them have perceptible elements of ‘hypocrisy’ and ‘conflicts of interests’. It does not take a genius to see through it. They can see that they are asked to keep away from alcohol and drugs, whereas, everywhere in society and popular culture, people young and old are deep down into it. They are asked to keep away from sex but everywhere, everyone seems to be indulging in it and almost all things around them have sexual overtones to it! They are told to be calm and cool in a societal space, where gun culture and rage is calamitously growing. This hypocrisy is so open and clearly visible all around that it is impossible for them to accept the prescriptions.

Very clearly, this is no solution. The solution is in knowledge of objective and neutral realities. The solution is in a worldview of ‘holism’ and not that of ‘parts’. The trouble of all mechanisms, which are offered to youth as ‘educational or prescriptive’ tools for eliciting ‘appropriate’ action-behavior benchmarks from them is; they are all only ‘part’ facts and knowledge. They are shown only ‘half picture’ of life-living realism as it is believed, they either cannot understand the ‘full picture’ or it shall be dangerous or inappropriate to give them the whole picture. Dare show them the ‘full picture’ and see, how it works and wins!


Decipher Destiny: Decode God’s Will


Non-fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life Wellness, Personal Excellence: word- 20,000 approx: Language-English

Short Description:

There is a mechanism to all ‘probabilities’ in life, which we call God’s will. This mechanism has its own energy and patterns of possibilities. Those, who succeed, decipher this mechanism and the patterns, which are there for anyone to see. We attain success and excellence, as we align our personal energy with this energy of the cosmic mechanism. God’s will is then in linearity with our wish.

Detailed Description

Non-Fiction: Empowering Consciousness, Life-Living Wellness, Personal Excellence & Quantum Spirituality.

Everything around us, be it our little home or the colossal  cosmos, has a mechanism and a process, which makes the  mechanism work. As this mechanism and process works,  perceptible and discernible patterns emerge, which we all  can understand and accept. God is unraveled and His  will is deciphered in the mechanism, processes and patterns  around us. The wise have said it that ‘God is in details’.  If we open ourselves to this consciousness, where we can understand and accept these mechanism, processes and patterns around us, we shall not need to delegate all happenings to God. Of course, still loads of probabilities shall be there for God to handle but we can make Him happy by picking up those for ourselves, which we can and should do.

As we do it, many of the probabilities of happenings, become replica

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