How to Become a Life Coach by Rie Walden - HTML preview

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Life coaching is a relatively new method of teaching people and helping them achieve their goals. Some use it for business while some use it for personal gains. Nevertheless, the endless pursuit of human achievement and contentment has proven a very important thing to ponder.

Man has ever been in constant inquiry of what to do in life, finding a reason of existence and using words of wisdom to live by. Sages and wise men have sprung from the center of civilization, imparting

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declarations of thoughts for other men to inculcate in their way of living.

One of these wise men is Takeda Shingen, a well known samurai of the mid 16th century. He focused on the mere existence of a human being as a thinking being. In one of his famous lines, he said

“Intelligence is the flower of discrimination. There are many examples of the flower blooming but not bearing fruit.”

This gives rise to a concept reaching beyond mere intelligence of man just being able to think clearly and do the right responses in adherence to society. The intelligence he speaks of is a proactive intelligence, a type of intelligence in which humans are able to go the extra mile in using his mind. This is the kind of intelligence wherein man is capable of applying his knowledge and having that imparted thought bear fruit.

Man here is tasked to have an objective of being productive. Many people think well and think fast and straight, but many fall short of thinking why he is thinking over something. Had it been that people use their minds and help others think better as well, then it becomes quite different. There is now a co-active coaching done and that both help the helper and the beneficiary in terms of learning from each other.

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