How to Become a Life Coach by Rie Walden - HTML preview

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Renovations And Innovations

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Lastly, a spiritual coach can help you renovate your life, in the sense that your old spirit that has acquired damages can be repaired. It is really hard to get rid of old habits especially if you had them for years, but with having a life coach this is very much possible.

Innovations can be done too, in which your broken spirit isn’t just repaired but also improved to the best it can be. You can acquire new behaviors that are actually good for you. You get to improve on different fields in life. In effect of having a renewed spirit is the price of having a new life too.

Spiritual coaching is not relying on your coach to pray for you or do mantras or perform spiritual ritual acts on you. It is your spirit that is worked on, thus your own willing participation is needed. Basically, it is making you see the diamond behind the coal of your spirit.