I Am A Woman And Not Stupidly Touchy About It by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Human brain is a busy businessperson! Somehow, it has to be. This stupid 1.2 kilogram plexus of trillions of cells has a business empire, which covers all spaces of the world and all concerns of all times. Every second, thousands of sensory inputs are being fed to the brain and like a true and smart businessperson, the brain has to keep track of all incoming and outgoing information and also, do something, for which it has been designed and evolved since last 4 million years; that is – Pattern building…!

 Human brain is brilliant at pattern building. New sets of information keep trickling in, because the external environment always keeps changing, and as a result; brain has to process the new information to create sense and pattern for appropriate behavior and actions. The new patterns of information are matched with old ones and then, the brain does something, which most of us do to others but hate to accept for ourselves.

That is – Judging.

Judging other’s behavior and actions is a result of matching new patterns of information with old ones. Judging is primary intelligence for all of us. Even if we consciously try to avoid it, our brain does it as auto-mode routine.

Instinctively, we tend to judge those things more and more intently where things are changing fast. Human mind has little business with static milieus, where things are not changing and brain is settled with its old pattern, which it has once created and processed well. However, brain automatically tunes to those info which are new and happen because of changes in the milieus. As brain does it, judging has to happen.

In contemporary culture, things are happening fast and change is the buzz word. Everywhere – be it society, culture, economy, politics or faith system, change is the keyword and therefore, brain is flooded with new info, which it constantly matches with old established patterns and therefore, modern brain is judging most.

In modern times, therefore, the most pro-active and reactive judging is happening for women and their world as things are changing most and that too immensely fast in women’s world. Also, the human mind, especially the minds of men are sort of wired with old patterns about the women’s world and as new things are happening fast and deep in women’s world, men are judging women the most. Men are judging women and their ways not only most but also very reactively and extremely. This is often alarming as such judgments have the potential of going against the wellness of women and unleash unconscious violence against them – mental as well as physical.

Men are judging everything about the new women and their new world of liberty and equality. The women empowerment has led the male brain resort to reactionary judgment and this trend signals challenging times for women.

The women of contemporary times do not have to feel threatened but they surely have to accept the realism, which is there and cannot be wished away. As the judging and resultant conflicts and confusion is the result of the way human brain is designed to work, we surely cannot refer to it as a ‘law and order’ crisis or ‘sick mentality’. Modern women just have to accept this realism objectively and work their way out to objectively logical ‘appropriate’ action/behavior.

The idea, which needs to be accepted is – human brain does not like fast changes as it accepts change as inimical to survival. Therefore, collective male consciousness feels threatened by the new liberalized and uninhibited behavior/action of modern women. Not only average men, rather highly educated and even intellectuals are talking suspiciously about the new women and judging their new behavior and actions adversely. As we have accepted the hypothesis earlier, as there is so much confusion and chaos associated with ‘empowerment’ and feminism, it is only natural that even this judging enterprise is loaded with perceptional stupidities, away from realism.

So what happens is, for example – A modern educated and liberal woman, who lives and relishes this new-age objectivity and equality in her modern culture and milieu, hugs a male friend causally and does not assign any ‘intimacy-element’ to it. For her, this close hug is like men hugging each other. However, men do not usually take it this simple way. They instantly and instinctively start judging this act and behavior and assign ‘value-loaded’ opinions and comments. That is why, there are so many freaky and stupid sounding opinions and judgments coming from men about how modern women dress, talk, present themselves and about their body-language, etc.

Somehow, modern women also tend to be reactive and reactionary over such judgments and opinions. Our dear young women need not be that. We just have to accept how it is a natural and instinctive design of a human brain. Why only men, old and aged women also judge the new women in similar ways. Therefore, we have to be objective and logically smart about all these, which not only women but all of us face in our lives. As we have been insisting throughout in this book, modern empowered women do not have to be touchy and emotionally reactive about the new milieus and new attitudes.

Changes are always a circumspect acceptance for any brain, be it a male or female brain. This judging business is brain’s core competence. Therefore, to be empowered, to be a modern successful man or woman is to be objectively logical and smart about this all. To be successful is to be in easy and poised acceptance of basic and core realism of life and living truths. Once in acceptance mode, this same brain of ours has ease in pattern-acceptance and then judging becomes objective and logical. Let us all be like that.
