I Am A Woman And Not Stupidly Touchy About It by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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Human perception is innately and instinctively oriented towards emotional perception of realism and this in turn leads many of us to believe and accept ‘abstractions’ of realism, which is not purely truth but a precarious mix of Truth and Illusions – Trullusions…!

As we talked earlier, human cognition is equally at ease with both facts as well as fictions in the milieu and if someone’s consciousness is not aware, it can easily align to acceptance of Trullusions. As this is something wired in our mechanism, we can accept, it is primary human stupidity and all aware person need to unlearn it fast. We are talking as why this is more an emergent task at hand for modern empowered women.

This trullusion-living must end… we are not living in ancient archaic world of illusions! We live in 21st century of a new millennium, which is marked by a new empowerment, initiated and installed by singularly logical factualism of objective science and neutral technology – bereft of the cumbersome baggage of emotional and subjective ‘perceptions’. Naturally, the singular call for the young men and women living in the new millennium is to ‘unlearn’ fast, the ‘Trullusions’, which still lingers as vestiges of archaic subconscious an collective unconscious mind domains of the brain states.

Somehow, most stupidities of human life-living essentially emanate out of our body-mind mechanism and as it is broadly and majorly common for men and women, most stupidities are universal – beyond any reasonable shade of gender conflict. Therefore, what needs to be done to unlearn these stupidities, which form the core of self-actualization process, holding the critical element for new millennium empowerment, are gender-neutral – common for men and women!

This new millennium ‘empowerment’ about life-living realism, based on ‘facts’ and not ‘trullusions’, must be our singular benchmark of all acceptances. This is a must for all, especially women. If all social utilities and cultural righteousness are tangible and intangible expressions of ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ of women in individuality as well as collectivity, then new millennium women must objectively and unemotionally know and accept what actually is empowerment, which alone can lead to the doorway of true happiness and success.

… Women may hold half the heaven but they definitively do shape and symmetritize almost everything on earth…!

No doubt, if the wise of the world are saying that this world is becoming a better space for life and living; we must accept that this is because, many of us are evolving as objective and holistic personalities; rising above our viscerally emotional stupidities of abstractive perception-based realism-acceptance…!

Globally, the primary focus, when we talk about women empowerment, is the violence against women. This includes not only crimes against women but all forms of aggressions and violence – physical as well as mental, which stand as biggest impediments in women’s acceptability as equal in social and economic domains. This problem remains in developed as well as developing societies with varying shades and degrees.

Essentially, the bare basic in any idea of empowerment is a neutralized milieu, where there is fearlessness of movement and reasonably minimal neutral restriction for free-fearless movement. Globally, most milieus are considered ‘restrictive’ for women, especially because of fear-factor of impending violence and crimes against women. Therefore, any talk of womanhood and empowerment must first address the issue of this element of violence against women in all milieus in modern world.

Now, when we talk about objectivity and holism, we mean – If we have a problem, we need to do two things –

  1. Not accept what the media, masses and social voices tell about the problem but be inquisitive enough to individually ‘dissect’ the problem into smallest possible details and drain down the ‘slices of truths’ and ‘subjective perceptions’ about it, so that actual objective face of trouble is percolated and understood…
  2. Based on objective, logical and holistic ‘truth’ of the problem, settle for non-emotional and grassroots elements, which could go in a definitive way towards the solution of the problem…

Now, apply this formula to the problem of crime and violence against women.

When we see and accept the global trends in Crime And Violence Against Women in different nations, developed and underdeveloped, in differently cultured societies, then only we can have ‘true picture’ of the problem and then only we can understand the true reasons for this problem.

Once this happens, we shall see and accept how media and populist ‘trullusions’ about the problem of Crime And Violence Against Women is being ‘sliced up’ for abstract and emotionally defocused populist acceptance of the problem. Naturally, this sways individual judgment, especially the perception and judgments of young women. Surely, the solutions too become sliced up and evade holism…!

The primary singular objectively logical intelligence in assessment of any problem, including this problem of crime and violence against women is –

  • Humans are definitively NOT born intelligent but absolutely instinctive, guided primarily by their visceral drives like hunger, sex, selfish survival, joy maximizations, etc. In that sense, humans, in their innate visceral ‘avtaar’ are very similar to their close cousins, the gorilla, with whom, we humans share 99% of our genes. A human is human, better than ape and gorilla, only when he or she evolves through objective education and learning, to override his or her innate instincts. This is primary empowerment – qualifying to be a human, bettering our animalistic viscerality. However, given the state of poverty, intellectual misery, poor availability of right education and general socio-cultural chaos; a vast majority of humans are truly still apes and gorilla. The human mechanism of decision-making on his or her action and behavior is primarily instinctive, seldom ‘intellectual’. Only a handful humans have the empowered and evolved consciousness to act and behave on the basis of ‘thoughtful & righteous’ decision-making, overriding instinctive drives of hunger, sex, survival selfishness and joy maximizations. That is why, stupidity, reactionary visceral priorities, hypocrisy, selfishness, self-indulgence, base consumptive joys, etc come natural and over-encompassingly to most humans. And, this is gender-neutral – makes no difference between man and woman. However, since men are having a world, where they have larger muscle and more maneuvering space, men’s visceral stupidities are far greater and more entrenched than that of women. And, that is why, in contemporary times too, men remain the largest perpetrators of atrocities and violence against women…

Somehow, acceptance of objectivity comes from acceptance of our own mechanism. In the new millennium, we now know a hell lot about how human brain works and how our stupid brain, a scary organ of human evolution, which itself is established as ‘stupid engineering’, makes us close to apes and gorillas.

The objective singularity of the problem of crime and violence against women having been accepted, the singular objective solution is simple –

  • We humans are different from apes and gorillas only because we have evolved language and we live in somehow complex yet organized societies and arrayed cultures. To be human, we all need strong, logically objective and intellectually aligned education for mind training. This education is not about how one cracks certain college or competitive exams and becomes engineer, doctor, scientist, administrator, etc, but is about how a person can learn to ‘unlearn’ his or her visceral drives and act/behave responsibly in structured societies and cultures. This education is about how a person’s all live-living decision-making rises above drives and instincts to a state of consciousness, where his or her decision-making is solely guided by higher social intelligence…

Tragically, no government, no culture, in any country has been successful in evolving such an education. This is simply because; this education is not a government’s burden. It is the duty and responsibility of families and societies. The primary onus is on father and mother. Apes and gorillas can only produce apes and gorillas. Only human parents can think of having a human son and daughter…!

The holism of all solutions is – acceptance of visceral human stupidity as a species and then the learning process to weed out those instincts and drives, which keep him or her in the league of animals…!

The very critical issue of crime and violence against women needs to be accepted intellectually and objectively; never emotionally as the media, social voices and celebrities present it. The young women have to see and accept that average human, constituting bulk of population in most milieus, are as unpredictably unsafe as they are only true to their drives and instincts, which are animal like. Also, every human being may look the same but humans have different, at least seven competing shades or memes of consciousnesses. Therefore, everyone, irrespective of gender, should accept this ‘unpredictability’ of human actions and behaviors. This is gender-neutral stupidity and threat to all – women and men. Naturally, one needs to be mentally and physically ready to deal with such unpredictability of human nature. This is maturity and empowerment…

Secondly, factual data from all parts of the global societies have established the fact that crime and violence against women is more likely in a certain social milieu. Majority of crime and violence against women are perpetuated by those men and women, who are known to them and may well be their relatives, friends and mates. Globally, even in well educated, culturally advanced, economically developed and well governed nations, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and domestic violence against women are very high. Even in India, more than 90% of crimes against women are perpetuated by ‘known people’. That is why, there is this saying – ‘The Most Unsafe Place For A Woman Is Home…!’

Often, there is a perception about a realism, which makes a problem look far more good or bad in popular knowledge. That is why, it is important that modern women must unlearn such populist notions and look at the realism with objectivity and equanimity of consciousness and cognition.

For example, in the animal world of natural instinctive behavior, it is accepted that herbivores can consume only ten percent of available plants of the world for their energy needs. Similarly, even the carnivores can predate only ten percent of herbivores for their energy needs. This means, a major part of 90 percent of herbivores are lucky enough not to be predated. But, what we popularly perceive is that poor herbivores have the toughest of life as they are always predated and carnivores are the kings of jungle as they can kill anyone. The reality is – the chances of lions and tigers being killed in territorial rivalries or otherwise; are higher than their own chances of predating others. Similarly, herbivores have more chances of dying in other incidents than being predated. However, popular perceptions are far away from this reality.

Therefore, true empowerment for not only women but anyone is to see, understand and accept objective facts and realities of life on earth, human nature, social fabric and cultural realism. We have a huge case of non-emotional and intellectually inclined acceptance of the situation that crime and violence against women is not a ‘gender issue’, not a ‘symptom or syndrome’ of social and cultural malaise. Rather, it is simply and stupidly a natural expression of how human poorly body-mind has been designed by evolution. It is about how, we as humans have failed in accepting ourselves as big stupids and never ever feeling the need for objective-logical mind training since childhood to instill ‘some sense and sanity’…

Brutally offensive and very unpleasant it may sound but this is a human reality in our world that – ‘Whatever is up there with some utility and worth, it is up for predation and pilferage…!’ This is some realism, about which nobody should be touchy about. Human selfishness, sense of ‘I & Me’ is visceral and we all are wired for such behavior – men or women. Human empowerment is about singular objective, logical and unemotional acceptance of realism, as it is.

Out of nearly half million murders in world every year, 90% victims are men; women are only 10 percent victims. This hints at non-emotional acceptance that crime should ideally be not seen and accepted as ‘gender-specific’ but must be objectively accepted as ‘mechanism-problem’ of human body-mind make-up. We need to accept that ‘predation’ has a pattern, which is gender-neutral. Predatory issues are unemotionally and realistically about this singular objective hypothesis that – Whatever is up there with some utility and worth, it is up for predation and pilferage. This predation and pilferage pattern may vary. Like, which carnivore predates which herbivore and how much, varies in different geographical territories. However, common, essential and over-encompassing pattern is that whatever is being predated is a ‘worth’ for life-living. The only difference is – in human world, this predation may not always be ‘survival-essential’ but for many other perceived reasons. However, none of these reasons is unpredictable and therefore all such reasons have decipherable pattern. Empowerment is to see and accept that.

At present, only 10 percent women are victims of global murder incidents. However, as social and cultural changes are taking place, may be few decades from now, this figure may go up to 30-40 percent. Few decades back, it was rare to even think of a male rape victim. However, in contemporary times, there are millions of male rape victims in USA. Over 90,000 men are victims of rape in a year in USA with around half of rape perpetrators are females.

The simple and very unemotionally singular realism is – it is visceral for humans to have predatory instincts. Most of us have it. Everything with any utility and worth is up for possible threat of predation. Yes, what is predated and who is the predator is essentially time-space specific but reality is, it is human stupidity – truly and singularly gender-neutral…

We humans are wired and constructed this way. Predatory threats are always there. Survival however has always been unemotional objective skill and realistic-pragmatic artistry; never an idealistic-emotional virtualism…

This objectivity and unemotional acceptance needs to be inculcated since childhood. We all see and know that young kids, even 6-8 years of age explicitly show up this ‘predatory-instinct’, which is essentially a wired behavior in humans; a vestige of past, the ‘tribal-viscerality’. These kids would gang-up and pick up someone from their own group for ‘predation’. This solitary victim shall be subjected to jeers and mockery, even occasional violence to submit to the might of the gang. The gang enjoys it and feels great about their ‘enterprise’. It is like lion cubs playing the games of jostling up with siblings, as preparation for their predatory life ahead.

Humans too are wired for predatory behavior. Scientists have confirmed that racialism is also a wired behavior, a visceral one, owing its genesis in old, archaic and now obsolete ‘tribal-living’. Thousands of years back, when humans lived in tribes, they were often attacked by other tribes and predated for ‘worth’ in their possession. For security reasons, members of a tribe would dress and look similar, to identify any intruder rival, who would be from other tribe and would look different. Therefore, human brain is wired to look at suspicion and with upfront violence at anyone, who is not similar looking to them. A bearded non-white man in USA automatically elicits ‘suspicion’ in the minds of many white Americans. We are wired for not only this stupidity of racialism but thousands of similar and more calamitous stupidities. Empowerment is to attain freedom from these visceral stupidities…

Therefore, without carrying any emotional baggage, young women need to see and accept the problem of crime and violence against women very objectively and holistically, sans emotionalism. Crime and violence has a pattern and genesis, which is deeply embedded in human body-mind make-up. This is objective realism. Therefore, this should be accepted logically, objectively and unemotionally. This empowerment then can easily work out logical and singularly objective solutions.

The solutions may be as listed below –

  • This world may have majority of average humans with little intellectual self-control, still, there always are good and righteous people in any milieu. Young women need to develop this habit of aligning themselves with such people in any milieu, especially when they are alone, in unknown milieus and vulnerable. There is a beautiful example of survival-symmetry in nature where Zebras, Deer and Gazelles always move and graze together as this helps them stand a better chance of survival when their predators attack them.
  • Young women must develop this artistry of deciphering as what is the shade of consciousness of a person they are being friendly with. Remember, since thousands of years, it is women who have shaped human righteousness. If women decisively reject and renounce those with dubious and grey shades of consciousnesses, men shall have to change it. Never ever allow any latitude to persons, who do not stand up to the high standards of evolved consciousness. Have zero tolerance for frivolous and casual disposition by all, even family members. Always remember, humanity has evolved well from ape to humans as evolution was energized by ‘sexual selection’, which is exclusively controlled by women. It is the power of women’s definitive ‘NO’, as against frivolous ‘YES’, which has always engendered good cultures and societies…
  • There is this objective realism of life – ‘Love may be precious, gains of life may be luring, however, nothing can replace the respect of a human, irrespective of men or woman.’ Therefore, in any walk of life and living, never ever compromise with your self-respect. Everyone must respect others. Simple as it is – ‘To love or not to love may be your choice, but to respect me is option-less’. This need is gender-neutral.
  • Empowerment is not about having what you want to have. For all humans, not only a woman, it is important to accept that empowerment means ‘self control’. Our drives are very powerful and they always lead our judgment of desires and consumption. However, empowerment means, you have a consciousness, which can rise above these drives. Young women especially must accept that not only they have to work for this brand of ‘true empowerment’, but also have to ensure that they align and be friends with only such ‘empowered’ people. We shall talk about this shade of empowerment in later chapters when we talk about how viscerality needs to be unlearnt.

Most people say that solutions are all about a ‘positive mind’, which can work its way around pool of negativity. However, a positive mind is one, which unemotionally and objectively accepts realism, based on holistic facts, not subjective perceptions. This is empowerment and in this lies all solutions.
