I Am A Woman And Not Stupidly Touchy About It by Santosh Jha - HTML preview

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There are ‘Fictions’, and there are acoustics of insinuations; the mass and energy all behind this populist simulation, beckoning with all its unputdownable might, to be accepted as ‘Facts’. There are ‘Virtualisms’, cosmetically wrapped and muffled with pink-posturing, with loads of visual-vehementality, urging to sediment them in subconscious and unconscious mind domains as ‘Realism’…!

It is a deluge out there – Torrents of mighty cascades of ‘Iconism’, ‘Populism’, perceptional parenthesis, benchmarking and signposts of semantic successes. Tough… hugely tough to keep oneself standing ‘rooted’ and in ‘poise’ of personal positioning…!

There are projections of ‘I’ and populist list of expectations from ‘Self’. More than that, there is this fervent felicitation of an ‘over-effort’ – both physically and mentally – to toe the populist cultural benchmarking of Good, Right And Appropriates…!

It is tough… hugely complexly precarious to understand and accept – ‘What and which way a woman should be; which way I am a woman… which way I need to accept to stay as a genuinely true woman. … the answers are not easy and they come with loads of scars on your soul…

The ambient milieu is flushed with ‘perceptional’ factualisms of weird proportions. Your ‘I’ is not isolated and in control of ‘Self’. The family, the relatives, the peer group, everyone has ‘facts’ to offer you as ‘appropriates’ but most of them are ‘populist perceptions’…

There is surely an easy way… the easy way of accepting oneself as a body and accept body benchmarks of being woman. Even the notion of womanhood then takes ‘Shape and Form’ from these body-specific appropriates. Of course, the multi-million dollar business for ‘shaping-up-women’ (both body-wise and mind-wise) tells you loads about how best a woman you can be if you get done this and that appropriates…! Most of these populist adverts are for bodies as ‘woman’ not as minds of human consciousness, sans gender appropriates…!

The tough way however is to ask questions about which way I am a woman, which ‘Shapes’ me in lasting peace and connect with my elemental womanhood …! Can I ask, isn’t it appropriate to be a woman, who asks for ‘shaping up appropriately’, the honesty, simplicity, innocence, trust and many such intangibles, all around in whatever milieus she moves? Isn’t it an inseparable benchmark of womanhood to seek a lasting system of sincerity; a strong and ever-evolving connect with wellness in society and cultures…?

Seldom in the history of humanity, the larger society and popular cultures cared for nurturance of elemental womanhood. They all however have crafted masterly artistry of ‘body-appropriates’ for women. The sculpting artistry of yesteryears has now become more raw, rough, blatantly and brutally indiscreet about woman body in contemporary porn world. The selfiegraphy shall show wider and deeper ingenuities.

This artistry of sculpting of stones of yesteryears, to make figures of populist idealisms, has shifted business. Real people and their bare bodies are now being sculpted as per the idealisms of the contemporary culture of artistic appropriates.

It seems, collective conscience of humanity never ever created a craft, which could stay as epic of nurturance for womanhood. Men write epics about women, the mysticism and miseries of women, her body and love. Wonder, why there is no epic written on the craft of nurturance-needs of womanhood, which every man must follow as essential appropriates.

Therefore, it is for an individual woman, with all her genius or stupidities, to engender a world of wellness for herself, where she has all appropriates of nurturance. The society, the cultures, the larger humanity does not seem to be offering anything substantial…

… this is hugely tough…! Why…?

Because – “There are ‘Fictions’, and there are acoustics of insinuations; the mass and energy all behind this populist simulation, beckoning with all its unputdownable might, to be accepted as ‘Facts’. There are ‘Virtualisms’, cosmetically wrapped and muffled with pink-posturing, with loads of visual-vehementality, urging to sediment them in subconscious and unconscious mind domains as ‘Realism’…!”

In such modern milieus, the empowerment, the call for wellness is – Stop-See-Introspect-Assess-Align-Assign…!

The details can be in specificity. However, empowerment is generic, lies in objectivity…! Being a ‘woman’ and accepting milieu-appropriated ‘perceptional’ factualism about idealisms of feminism and womanhood has already split vertically the age-old man-woman symbiosis and symmetry. Goodness, Righteousness and Appropriates are seldom ‘gender-appropriate’. There is already so much ‘bad perceptions’ about man-woman symbiosis and symmetry’ most of which is far away from grassroots facts.

Appropriates are aligned to regaining this man-woman symbiosis and symmetry and installing it to the high pedestal of nurturance, wellness and poise…
