I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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weather news, you knew that there will be no rain during the day. Therefore, you may now conclude that it will not going to rain, and that you dont have to cancel any plans you have.


Hence, what our five senses cannot perform well, the mind does.



Potential for Having Everything Already Accomplished


Funny how we have always been told, at least once in our life, to put your mind in what  youre doing whether it would be studying, working, cooking, gardening, or simply reading. What could be the reason behind that? Well, these people our parents, teachers, guardians, bosses, and friends to name some are obviously concerned in our welfare that they want us to concentrate and  work hard in whatever it is that we are performing. In doing so, we can easily accomplish our goals and achieve success.


There is a big difference in doing a job with the body and doing a job with the mind. In  the  former, one uses his hands and other parts of his body in performing a certain task which  eventually will get tired and should be put to rest. Since the human body is subject to weaknesses and is limited in terms of functions, abuse of it may cause fatigue and other physical inabilities. Thus, it may affect the execution and termination of a task. On the other hand, in doing a job mainly with the mind, one does not leave all the work  with  the  body.  He  thinks  of  ways  on  how  to  minimize  the  possible  physical activities needed, to lessen the amount of time required, and to get the most out of the job being done. In this way, the task is most likely to be accomplished in just a little time,

with the least effort bu