I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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They say that beauty is relative and that it is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore, like how Ms.  Aguillera points it out, we are all beautiful in our own little ways and we shouldnt let anyone or anything bring us down. This is an example of a positive thought that brings positive outlook in life.  With much of these, dealing with problems like making friends or finding true love or reaching  goals, would not be as hard as it may seem. There will always be this so called fighting spirit” to take away all fears and get rid of any insecurity that causes such problems.


Simple I cans and I ams shall be a great way to start cultivating our minds with positive thoughts. To add to our example above, optimistic thinking includes “I am smart. I am open to new ideas and knowledge, I can stand out in a crowd, though not with my looks, but with my smile, and “I can be noticed by anyone if Ill crack clever jokes. Its easy to fill our minds with positive thoughts, isnt it? After all, most of the things in this world are relative.


Negative Thoughts


Negative”, the opposite of positive, means being pessimistic or tending to have an  undesirable outlook (Encarta Dictionary 2003). Referring now to thoughts being generated in the mind, these are the unconstructive ideas that discourage an individual to be someone or do something. They pull him down so as not to believe in himself or in what he can do. They started with simple notions, were filled by wrong principles due to unpleasant experiences in life, until they take up and conquer his whole mindset. Its bad enough  that  everyone  possesses  these thoughts  but  whats