I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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Chapter 3

The Mind as an Empowering Agent


Be the master of your mind rather than mastered by your mind.


- Zen Saying


As how we  have introduced the book,  man, if  compared to superheroes like Superman and the X-men, is somehow similar to them in terms of possession of power. Yes, youve read that right. Man, like you and me, has a power. If these superheroes have supernatural powers that give them  the ability to fly, to climb buildings and walls, to become invisible, to produce fire and ice, and  to have special physical strength, we human beings, on the other hand, have the ability to mold our personality, to shape our future, and to create our own destiny. And all these are due to the power we possess the power of the mind.


The power we humans possess can never be compared to any supernatural powers these  superheroes use. After all, they are not real, ours is. Some agent in our body is responsible  for   giving  us  this  power  that  makes  us  more  hero  than  they  do,  an empowering agent, and  this  is our mind. It is our mind  that  gives us authority and superiority, confidence and self-esteem, and inspiration and guidance over ourselves and others. This is how the mind works. This is how the mind empowers.


What is empowerment, by the way? I used to believe that empowerment is simply giving power or authority to somebody that not anyone can possess until Ive read this book entitled Empowerment Takes More than a Minute. It is about Marvin, a president and CEO of a midsize, once-successful company. I found the story to be really in