I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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bother you. What mattered was that it still contains water. If this is how you answered the question  above and how you justified your answer, then you have a positive way of thinking.


Positive thinking is a way of looking at the brighter side of life. Everything is good, beautiful, and light. There are no worries, problems, or fears. In short, all you see and  believe  in  is,  well,  positive.  I  guess  thats  already  the  most  suitable  word  in describing this way of thinking, which is why it is the term being used.


This kind of thinking is very powerful in that if you think that you are going to pass an exam, you are going to pass; if you think that youll get noticed by your crush, youll get noticed; if you think you will get promoted at work, then youll get promoted. This is how powerful the mind  is, particularly positive mind. Even the famous Clint Eastwood believes in this general truth that he quoted, If you think its going to rain, it will.


So, how does the power of positive thinking works? How can it create reality? Do we only have to think of positive things and then will it happen right away? That positive thinking really is powerful may be somehow hard to believe at first, thats why we may ask certain questions like those above. Because the mind is working on the information you send it, positive thinking leads to positive reality. This is how it works. Yes, we do have to really think of positive things. But it  doesnt stop there. Remember the ever- famous cliché Do your best and God will do the rest”? You know, its true. Aside from believing in and having faith in something we wa