I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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same power as positive thinking power to mold our personality, power to shape our future, and power to create our destiny. The only difference is the outcome it will bring about. So, if positive thinking brings positive reality, does negative thinking bring about negative reality? Do you think so? Well, lets see.


Negative thoughts, as how we have described in an earlier chapter, are due to mistakes,  unpleasant incidents, embarrassing moments, and wrong decisions that have been experienced by the  individual. Similar to plant seeds, these unlikable ideas were buried deep in his minds. As they grow and flourish, they remain hindrances in his ability to be someone and to do something. This is where his fears start to develop, slowly take over his strengths physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual and eventually, remove his self-confidence and trust in himself. Then, from here, it wouldnt be far until he starts saying  the  words  that  would  destroy  his  dreams,  I  cant,  and  worse,  acting  the unwillingness it implies, I wont.


Usually, we prefer to stay in a place where everything is safe and secure and where dangers are low and minimal. For instance, one may avoid joining competitions because he knows he cant win. Or instead of courting a gorgeous girl, one settles to be with someone not so pretty because he knows he cant win over the prettier girl. But this is also where we realize the vastness of our limitations. Because of this, we can conclude that we have already lost even before we begin, and  we already failed even before we tried. What we dont usually know is that the greatest failure in life is not