I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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according to what we want them to be. Don't be annoyed if you don't get what you desire. However, do your best in everything you do. Only, dont get too attached on the probable results that may only cause disappointments and upsets.


       Try new things and challenges. See learning and changes as opportunities.


Theres nothing wrong in changing attitudes and routines as long as they are for the good and improvement of who you are and what you do. Doing new things may  include  considering more options for a project, meeting new people from different places, asking lots of questions. Through this, the flow of thinking is directed to improvement and negative thoughts will be easily eradicated.


       Balance your desires. We live in a place of opposites and duality gain and loss, pleasure and pain, light and dark, male and female, love and hate. This is how the cycle of life goes. We can never have all the good things in life at the same time. In love, there will always be someone who gets hurt. In wealth, there will always be people  who will not be fortunate enough. Measure and moderation is the primary key.


       Be realistic. Make sure that what you want is something possible. Hoping for  something  to happen which would never really materialize in real life will only bring you disappointment. For instance, you wish to lose weight. Therefore, you have to set a goal and act on appropriate measures within a

period of time to achieve what you wish. Hey, No one can get slimmer