I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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       Associate with positive people. In every classroom, work place, or simply anywhere you go where there are groups of people, look for optimistic ones. There are lots of  them, I’m sure. Associate with them, hang-out, discuss matters. They can help you build self-confidence and self-esteem.


       Make it  a  habit to ask questions.  This  is  not  equal  to  dumbness  and ignorance;   rather,  it  is  associated  with  seeking  more  information  and understanding matters  clearly. With more knowledge, there is also more power.


       Be open. We have to accept the fact that we dont know everything. And that we are continuously learning in every place we go, with every people we meet as everyday passes. We should not close our minds to new ideas and information that comes our  way. Our mind is so spacious that it is impossible to fill it up completely. Thus, we  should accept worthy things that may help us become better and brighter persons.


       Have trust in other people. Although it may seem difficult and risky to give trust to just any people, when you believe in them or confident on what they are doing for you,  doubts and negative judgments on them will be unnecessary. Also, it will bring harmonious relationships between you and your colleagues.


       Forgive and forget. Mistakes and failures are the root causes of negative thinking. If we somehow learn to let go of all the pain, agony, and fear we

try to keep inside our hearts and minds, then there will be nothing more to