I Can. Therefore, I Will! by I Feel Good Magazine - HTML preview

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do things in order for our thoughts to become real. Mind and will power is not at all distinct from  one other. When one thinks with the mind, the body immediately does actions willingly to attain whatever it is in the mind.


Some common situations that individual finds difficult to face include personality polishing, making many friends, finding true love, reaching goals in life, and eventually, being recognized by the society. In the event that he thinks he does not perform well in such situations, he already concludes, “I cant” without even trying. Therefore, he really will not. Where, in fact, if he just made the right programming in his mind that he can actually do it, then he will.


See, how powerful the mind is? You do not need to be a Superman or any of the X-men, or simply a superhero to possess a power because you already have a power. All it takes is the right way of thinking, plus the proper attitude, to become a superhero in your own ways. And what is the right way of thinking? Its simple. Its “I can. Therefore,

I will.




























