I Wanna Be Happy by RVM-Author - HTML preview

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Happiness Trigger 1

Make Others Happy

Compassion is sure to trigger happiness. When you care for others and take action by making them happy, you are sure to create joy for yourself. Happiness shared is happiness doubled, just like sorrow shared is sorrow halved. When you make others happy, you automatically become happy. It is a natural  human  tendency  and  is  born from  either  being generous and magnanimous or from compassion. Dada J. P. Vaswani says, “Happiness has no permanent address, but it always dwells with those who live for others.”Yes indeed, the hand that gives the rose, cannot but escape without retaining a little of the fragrance.

Do you want to be happy then do it now! Pull this happiness trigger. Go and make someone happy and you will be happy immediately. It may be an employee, a friend, a family member or a complete stranger. It's very easy to make someone happy. A smile, a word of appreciation, some kind of help or even a chocolate can make someone happy. That is all that it takes to generate happiness and the moment you do it, you will be happy too. It is a sure way to perpetual bliss and happiness.