I Wanna Be Happy by RVM-Author - HTML preview

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Happiness Trigger 2

React Positively


We must realize that 10% of life is what happens to us and 90% of it depends on our reactions. Often, somebody close to us says something harsh, unfair and unreasonable. Can we control their actions? No, we can't! But we can react Positively! We can choose a Positive attitude. Instead we choose to react negatively and lose the Joy in our life. Our negative emotions don't stop there. We spoil the present moment and pass this on to other people too. We take it with us through the streets and to our work place. Our colleagues, customers and associates feel the negative attitude because we are oozing with negative energy. Later, when we meet friends, we are still negative.

What created this huge amount of negative energy? Stop and reflect!

A small trigger made us react negatively. If we are positive, we would not react this way. We would be careful and pull a positive trigger, thereby reacting positively.

While we cannot control others' actions, we can surely control our reactions, because they are our reactions. It is a universal law that those who react positively are happy. Those who live with a negative attitude will always attract unpleasantness, misery and sorrow. Imagine living a life with love, hope, faith, confidence, forgiveness and compassion; how can you be unhappy because you are reacting with positive energy all the time? Instead, if you live with anger, hate, worry, cynicism, indifference, fear and jealousy, these negative emotions will trigger enough poison to make your life miserable and keep it that way.

So if you wanna be happy, pull this happiness trigger and don't delay; do it now. React positively. Choose positive emotions. Eliminate the negative energy completely and you are sure to be happy.


