I Wanna Be Happy by RVM-Author - HTML preview

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Happiness Trigger 9

Ignore the Insignificant

This trigger is important for those who worry a lot. They let the small stuff of life affect them and their happiness. They get into every detail and each detail creates pain. After all, life is a journey that we must all enjoy before we depart. When we lose our joy to trivial things, we may find that we win little battles at first, but eventually, we end up losing the big war itself. What is the use of fussing over every small, insignificant issue and losing our peace of mind? Of what use is it to address every tiny, meaningless issue, but in the bargain, lose our peace of mind?

Our colleagues sometimes don't do what they are supposed to do. Sure, they should have done it right. But by getting into the details, we can only reprimand them and in the bargain, lose our happiness. If it is significant, we must correct them. But more often than not, most of the things that grab our attention are truly insignificant and we sweat over small stuff. To realize the importance of this trigger, look back into the past and analyze how much energy you wasted, how much joy you lost while settling the silly issues. In hindsight, was it worth it? Make a commitment to stop now. If it is a habit, start changing it and don't react to insignificant matters ever again. Each time you conquer this temptation, you will be blessed with joy. Finally, very few things in life really matter and the person who understands this is blessed. One must ignore the insignificant and focus on happiness and joy rather than worrying on every silly matter knowing that worry is sure to kill happiness. If you pull this trigger and start ignoring insignificant things, you have started your journey towards joy and bliss.