I Wanna Be Happy by RVM-Author - HTML preview

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Like you, I too wanted to be happy. Everybody wants to, but very few really live their life with joy. Most people don't even know what happiness is, but they are in search of it. I was looking for joy and read book after book; each one giving me a formula that was not very different from the other. But somehow, it was not something practical that I could put into action and would guarantee me happiness. So many authors, so many books, all great books that made me feel good, but left me thirsty for true happiness!

After reading books on happiness by many successful authors and philosophers, I asked myself, “How can I be happy? What is happiness? Is there a way that can guarantee happiness?” I even set out on a retreat, leaving the world behind to introspect with all the possible research material that I could carry with me. My research material included Dalai Lama's The Art Of Happiness, J. P. Vaswani's Secrets of Health and Happiness and several other books, articles, audio books and DVDs. I armed myself with all the possible ammunition on happiness I could find to start my research. And then the 'aha moment' dawned in me and I discovered how to be happy. So I titled my findings as 'I Wanna Be Happy'.

Who doesn't want to be happy? Everybody wants to, but look around and you will find people in a race to find something that will give them happiness. People are confused between pleasures and everlasting joy. They don't even know what true happiness means, though they feel it and want it. When I found a way to be happy, I realized that I had discovered a simple secret; a formula, which anybody who truly wanted to be happy could use to dance with joy for the rest of their lives. My script is not complicated. In fact, it is so simple, that one might wonder could such simplicity lead us to such a profound destination called happiness? Yes, it can!

Whether you are someone pursuing happiness or one who is quite content but wanting to be happier, or someone deeply sunk in sorrow and misery, this book will unlock the doors to happiness.

Different people find themselves in different circumstances at different stages of their lives.

  • Some just feel they are plain unlucky and can't be happy.
  • Some are surrounded by people who just make them miserable.
  • Some are suffering from diseases that create pain and makes them feel hopeless.
  • Some are so unhappy that they can't even smile.
  • Some are overburdened with problems and challenges that they push happiness away.
  • Some have just slipped into sorrow after a long episode of joy that disappeared into thin air.
  • Some are happy at this point, but fear that they are going to lose their joy.
  • Some are happy this moment and unhappy the next moment, and life is usually a yo-yo between joy and sorrow.

And then, there are others who are neither happy nor unhappy, but are still chasing happiness.

Different people are in different states of being and there may be thousands of people who may not fit into the above descriptions. But one thing is for sure everybody wants to be happy and the good news is that it is not difficult to be happy.

I have discovered the magic of happiness and I consider myself to be the happiest man on earth today. You too can be happy, if you program your mind using the 'I Wanna Be Happy' techniques mentioned in my book. Read this book with sincerity and put the principles described in it into action. Your life then will be transformed and unhappiness will be a thing of the past. Misery and sorrow will not be on your daily agenda, if only you start each day with the commitment 'I wanna be happy!’