Know Your Worth by Nia Maritz - HTML preview

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Plan your next step



You have taken the first step; you have now put together a true reflection of your skills. But finding a good opportunity is more than just having the right tools. 


Finding work is probably one of the most frustrating and mind-numbing processes imaginable — or, it can be, unless you find a consultant who really understands your background and what you are looking for. In other words, one you can partner with. 


This is easier said than done ….


The key to finding the right job is finding a consultant you trust and feel comfortable dealing with. Ultimately, finding work is still your responsibility, and this means taking action when sending out your CV. In this day and age, there are thousands of agencies to choose from.


Recruiters receive on average 350 CV’s or more per day. The key to making yourself visible is to pick up the phone and keep following up until you can speak to the consultant in person. Some consultants will phone back but, unfortunately, a large number of them do not.


Once you have made contact with the consultant, keep following up with them and remind them what specific position or industry you are looking at. This will help the consultant remember you in return. Phoning enough times and having short conversations will result in getting to know the consultant little by little. In return, the consultant will also get to know you better.


Always try to set up an interview with the consultant. Meeting face to face is far more powerful than you realize. You will also quickly be able to gauge whether the consultant is seriously interested in representing you or whether you are just another body passing through the door. You do not have to settle for this. Find someone who is genuine about making a difference and who takes you seriously.


Build a relationship with your consultant. This is not an easy process or quick fix, but it can make all the difference to how you feel and whether you find that career.