Know Your Worth by Nia Maritz - HTML preview

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Your personality is just as



Whether or not the position is offered to you depends on more than just your qualifications, experience and skills; it will also depend on your attitude and your ability to sell yourself. The fact that the company agreed to see you, proves that your professional background is basically right.

Your most important attributes that must come across are the following:

Be Honest: Experienced interviewers are seasoned at discovering lies. If that happens, you will not get the job, even if it was a trivial and unimportant issue. The interviewer may not confront you about having been caught lying, and you may never know why you did not get the position.

Be Competent and Capable: The employer looks for excellence that is consistent. Use examples to show that you are able to work to the best of your ability. Use feedback from your current boss, clients or colleagues to verify these abilities. Keep in mind your process during NAP

Be Confident: It is your job to sell yourself to the interviewer, and a confident approach will single you out as a candidate who must be taken seriously. However, be wary of being over-confident.

Be Interested and Enthusiastic: Show interest and enthusiasm at all times in the interview, even when you have lost interest. Ask for more information and details about the company and position. You can show your enthusiasm by saying, “I am always willing to learn new things and  expand my knowledge”. Do not react negatively if you hear something you do not like; the job can always be turned down later. It is always good to network.

Be Willing to accept Extra Work: Say that you are not a clock-watcher and are always willing to help out and do extra work, if you are.

Be Reliable: Say that your previous employer could always rely on you, that you take responsibility very seriously and that you are determined to complete a task. Try to use examples from past experiences: “We often had to work extensive overtime, but it was worth it to see the project completed on time,” or, “I was not ill for one day over the last two years, and I am always on time.”

Be Willing and Committed: Say that you would give everything for the right job.

Be Enthusiastic and Full of Good Ideas: Give examples of initiative in previous jobs and explain how the company profited from it. This will show what value you have added to the organization in your previous employment. NAP will give you an opportunity to showcase different examples.

Be Reasonably Assertive: This does not mean you should become overbearing and tell the interviewer how to run the business. Try not to be a “know-it-all”. People are easily offended and might feel threatened. On the other hand, you do not want to come across as being meek and mild.

Show Loyalty: Every employer wishes to find total loyalty, which you can show by talking highly of previous employers and colleagues. “My last employer was always very fair and encouraging. If they could have offered me a wider spectrum of challenge, I would not have left.” Never speak badly of previous employers or disclose any financial or personal details.

This, of course, may present difficulties if you are asked about sales targets or financial budgets. Depending on your commitment to your present or past company, you could say, “It is not a secret, therefore I could tell you that …” If it is confidential information, it would be better to say, “The figures are confidential, but I was 25% above last quarter,” or “We were 10% below expected costs of our budget.” This way you remain loyal.

Team Work: Say that you fit in well with other team members but you are able to work independently when necessary.

Despite a bad economy or any recent political changes, always display a positive attitude towards the company, the job market in general, the country, the political position, this very position and your life.

Companies do not employ negative, depressed and worried people; they hire those who can accept life as it is and see the good and positive side of it.