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RELOCATION: Things to take

into consideration


When relocation is on the cards and you are thinking of moving overseas to another province or state, make sure you have taken everything into account. Do this before you start going on interviews. People very often say they are open to opportunities anywhere. They go for interviews, get the offer and discover they cannot make the move.

So what should you look at?

Have you discussed the opportunity with your spouse? This would include your wife, husband, fiancée, fiancé, girlfriend, boyfriend or partner. Take into consideration what positions they work in and whether they would be able to find work. Are they ageing, sick, or very close to you? And how do they feel about the move?

If you have children, how old are they? What type of schools do they need? What grade or year are they in? How do they feel about the move?

How does your family feel about the move? How close are you to your parents, brothers and sisters? Are your parents frail, and do they need you to look after them? How do they feel about the move? How would the move really affect them? How often would it be possible to visit them?

In terms of property and assets, do you have a bond agreement? Do you rent or do you have to sell your property? Do you have a lease agreement and, if so, what is the lease period?

Will you use an estate agent or will you sell directly?

What will happen to your car?

Do you have other assets?

What are your expectations when relocating?

Will there be relocation expenses? What do you expect from the position, salary, standard of living, and accommodation within the timeframe anticipated?