Only humans can receive understanding from the sea of energy although all living things deposit data about themselves into it.
This is a similar process to data flowing from a human during their lifetime into Previous Life, but this data flow produces understanding and complexity in humans so has to stay available to humans by being deposited in the sea of energy where it can be accessed by human brains.
This data, when it flows into a human, can be processed by the brain to become understanding.
Understanding comes from the energy deposited into the surrounding sea of energy, not from the life form itself, although a connection has to form with a life form for understanding to flow.
Understanding flows from the sea of energy about a certain life form once a perception has formed with that life form.
The living being has broadcast its energy containing data about itself into the sea of energy which others can receive when they perceive a truth about that life form.
Mostly this is to do with humans, but other life forms deposit data about themselves into the surrounding sea of energy to a lesser extent.
This process is almost automatic, requiring a person not to resist this energy sharing and thereby stop it from leaving the body.
It’s done on an existence level without thought, which means at a deep level the brain is aware of it happening and is why physical life such as animals without thought, do it.
Thought has no awareness, it only assembles knowledge from information, producing word pictures as imagination from memory, so it’s not aware of this happening and as most people only use thought they don’t perceive this happening.
Everything living and non-living contains Present Life at different levels, but only living things which have enough Present Life within them to become alive, deposit energy powerful and strong enough to stand out from the background energy sea.
Only energy deposited in the sea of energy leads to understanding so the sea of energy is a public domain, in effect.
A person not wanting to share understanding about themselves, for example something they wish to keep private, will deliberately hold that energy back not letting it go into the sea of energy.
We see people like this as being very private, or hard to read, but they have kept some aspects of themselves out of the sea of energy so there’s nothing there to connect to.
This arrangement leads to our feeling for privacy, personal space and when a person is being intrusive leading to manners, politeness and concern between us.
The strength of the energy deposited in the sea of energy surrounding us, draws humans to connect to the more powerful, vibrant energy that leads to understanding.
Living things deposit powerful energy into the sea of energy, but non-living matter doesn’t, which means they have to be worked out, usually by thought and study rather than through understanding.
Or to put it another way, a rock can be studied and analysed, but not understood in the way life can.
Also when a person is no longer on the Earth, they can’t be understood as it needs to begin with a truth within them being perceived, which is not possible if they’re no longer here, and this is the problem of figures in the past, especially religious ones.
As they are no long here, they can’t be understood so neither can their teachings or explanations.
Humans don’t need ancient teachings anyway if they are in a constant state of understanding.
So living things can be understood, but not the living that have passed or non-living things, even though they contain Present Life at low levels and this is the reason why there’s so much theory and belief in existence.
Brain Sentience can connect and receive understanding from Previous Life as it exists there, not just in physical life.
Understanding can be built upon in a way that theory and belief can’t, and understanding opens the door to more advanced brain functions and the possibility of Personal Life coming into existence.
A person sees another person and their perception locks onto their energy forming a connection between the two.
If a person understands enough about energy they can prevent someone’s perception from locking on or breaking a lock, and most of us can also do this by erecting barriers and shields blocking everything.
The first person can then try again in a different way so increasing their ability with perception or they gain some understanding from the situation.
Sometimes a person can think they’re blocking others, but are wide open so be careful, respect their privacy and proceed only to develop and gain understanding, not to have some kind of hold over others or gossip about your findings.
Everything within us is energy, all the feelings and emotions are all energies, and tangled energies indicate confused feelings and energies opposing each other.
When energies are in conflict, this can lead to violence.
Once a personal self appears which is an opposing energy, violence becomes our default state and the only way to be free of it is for one of the conflicting energies to be removed, so that there is no conflict.
The other conflicting energy is the truth of our existence which can’t be removed.
Anyway, assume the person locked on perceived a tangled energy within another person which was a problem for them.
Understanding about the problem flows through the connection into the perceiver from the sea of energy, which means the person with the problem wants others to understand it and has deposited the energy of the problem into the surrounding sea of energy.
The perceiver receives the energy which is data and transforms that data into understanding.
Understanding forms a link which allows the perceivers energy to travel along the connection having an insight into the problem followed by a realisation.
A person could do this to themselves with their own problems.
Start by depositing the energy of the problem, which is the understanding of it, into the sea of energy, felt as a release or feeling joined with something outside the body and then perceive the problem internally, gain understanding from the sea of energy, followed by insight and realisation, dissolving the problem by releasing its energy.
Problems quite often simply need dissolving not solving as the energy tied up in the problem can be simply released.
This process can be applied to the me or personal self which is one big problem tying up masses of internal energy.
It’s one big problem because it’s composed of conflicted energy which is in conflict with the truth of existence within a person.
Between the two is friction, the energy of which powers thought.
So thought is the product of conflict powered by the energy of conflict, going on to produce conflict in the world if it’s used as a source of action, rather than being a means of communication, which is its true purpose.
Insight and realisation can release the energy, dissolving this one big problem which is the me or the source of all conflict and violence.
In order to understand something about a person that person must want the energy to leave them, or at least, not to block it.
We perceive people to be open or closed when they are letting energy go or blocking it from leaving, so there are no privacy problems if somebody is letting their energy go.
Once the energy flows from the sea of energy into the perceiver’s brain, understanding can begin if the brain is quiet.
The flow of energy giving rise to understanding through the brain and the insight and realisation that arises because of it, has nothing to do with thought and if thought appears it will block the flow of understanding.
For understanding to flow the brain has to be clear, quiet and free of thought, a state which may be called basic existence or an untroubled mind.
Once the link and flow of energy has been established, understanding will continue and it will feel as if the head is gently vibrating.
Gradually, without interfering with the energy flow, we can become aware of it.
Thought has nothing to do with it and awareness is simply that; awareness of all the processes involved and awareness grows as more abilities appear and unify.
This whole process uses and processes energy in the way we were made to do so it isn’t that hard, but for some reason so few of us are able to do it and keep the process pure and clear without thought.
To function in the physical world, thought is needed, but this isn’t about functioning in the physical world but in the energy world.
Most of the understanding received passes into Previous Life and any that’s needed in the world is diverted down to thought, producing knowledge, memory, logic, reason and so on — mental tools needed in the physical world.
So what is the point of all this?
Well, it’s the point of our existence and without it we function without the guidance of 90% of our brain functions, relying on just thought which leads to the world we live in — conflict at all levels and a lack of foresight regarding consequences.
The abilities that Brain Sentience works through, such as patience, contemplation, reflection, insight, foresight, realisation and awareness only come into existence through perception and then understanding.
The problem here is that thought doesn’t perceive, so therefore never receives understanding direct, only when it’s passed on by Brain Sentience, which in turn has to receive it.
Perception is a human capacity which is part of our human side.
It’s not initiated by Brain Sentience as we have perception in order to progress independently and achieve new mental abilities.
Watch for yourself when somebody is explaining something to you.
Understanding will only come when thought is quiet and the words start to make sense or the truth within them is perceived.
But the understanding of the words still comes via the sea of energy it just looks like its person to person to casual observation.
Perception can be direct from the brain or work through the senses and it’s a marvelous thing to truly listen to the content of what somebody is saying as the listener can enter the sea of energy.
For this to happen you need to be completely still in your mind as the person’s whole existence is revealed.
This leads to a flash of light which is insight, followed by a realisation when the truth of what’s being said is grasped.
This can happen in a fraction of a second so most of us miss it, as thought immediately steps back in and tries to take over.
Understanding flows from perceiving truth which stimulates Brain Sentience and develops the brain’s abilities in response to it.
The problem is, without a flow of understanding Brain Sentience and advanced brain functions don’t participate, leaving it up to thought to make the best of it, unguided, and leading to where the world and its people are, in conflict at all levels.
Humans were put together and advanced in order to understand and that’s what we need to do.
There are two main actions passing through history — the action of Life and Sentience and the action of humans.
If we act independently of the Life and Sentience within ourselves, it’s not going to end well.
Awareness is probably the end point for Brain Sentience, as it appears when all internal energy in a person unifies and crosses a boundary.
Again, this happens in the human or front end of our existence, it’s not initiated or dependent on Brain Sentience which might be seen as being in the back end of our existence.
Brain Sentience started to inhabit the brain cells of mammals and what went on to become humans during the Cambrian Period, a time of a massive explosion of life and diversity, and it’s that which caused it, as up to that time it was unable to advance and diversify physical life directly, especially humans, until it had gained enough from this universe to be able to work here.
Physical Sentience also caused extinction events during this time to recycle the more complex blended energies that had been developed in some physical life.
Brain Sentience could start to access and use the sun’s energy to change physical, especially human, life, but it didn’t use the blended energy in the Earth as Physical Sentience was using that to shape and accelerate physical bodies, as opposed to brains and nervous systems, so it used the sun’s energy directly building up in the sea of energy surrounding us.
Brain Sentience can receive the sun’s energy directly through the skin before it’s become part of the sea of energy through contact with oxygen in the air.
The skin is modified by Physical Sentience in the body by changing its colour to let certain wavelengths of the sun’s energy through producing different energies in the body for Brain Sentience to work with.
From the time of the Cambrian Period, the sun’s energy has been used directly to change early mammals by Brain Sentience working directly through the brain cells, central nervous system and immune system.
Physical Sentience still inhabits the body, but not the brain or central nervous system and neither does it work through or control the immune system.
It does however control and work through the peripheral nervous system.
The transfer of understanding from humans is the same as with Present Life in humans transferring into Previous Life, except both forms of Life do this in order to grow and be unified, nothing else.
Unified Life doesn’t lead to awareness or insight or anything else except all Life becoming one.
Only understanding passing through Brain Sentience can produce something new.
As said, awareness is the unification of all the energy in a person which starts to happen as the personal self, or the me, starts to fade or lose its energy.
Once The Therapy has been used over the following months and years illness and adverse conditions simply fade away with the personal self included as internal conflict is ended.
Up to using The Therapy only the lucky few could end the personal self by diverting energy away from it so it lays in the mind like an inert lump, by being in a constant state of intense awareness.
The personal self is formed from conflicting energy which gives itself an identity and becomes the first person singular, but it’s a false view or a deluded state that tries to maintain itself by keeping out other energies, such as the truth of its existance, that could absorb it.
Being absorbed would be the end of it so it’s in a state of constant resistance with the absorbing energy leading to more deep conflict and inner division.
Conflict is a huge dissipater of energy and is the beginning of violence in humans.
If the absorbing energy, that is all the energy in a person which isn’t part of the personal self, started to absorb the energy of the personal self then awareness would increase, but the personal self doesn’t allow it as it knows without energy it would fade and disappear, and here is the conflict.
A human conflicted within will always create conflict outside them.
Such a person is basically a violent individual that will continue maintaining this by doing nothing about it.
Going off and meditating or doing breathing exercises or talking about being spiritual is just dodging the issue.
Energy needs to be released from the personal self through letting it go, while at the same time being aware, as the energy goes from the self and contributes to awareness which is the unification of all energy within.
Understanding and awareness do not exclude each other and can both occur at the same time, in fact they need to do so.
As the personal self diminishes, we become more useful to Brain Sentience as the personal self just acts as a blocker to it.
Through awareness much more is revealed.
On the way to awareness, all the abilities of the different energies will become available and get stronger, until awareness comes into existence, containing everything they comprise, and more.
A strange situation has arisen in humans.
We appear to have two forms of Sentience within us which we know nothing about, and Present Life in the matter of our bodies and intensified in our cells, as does all physical life, which we also know nothing about.
Cells were assembled by Physical Sentience and advanced in multi-cellular physical life which was further advanced to form mammals and humans.
Humans also have the ability, capacity and opportunity to bring into existence advanced mental functions and Personal Life.
We are instilled with a purpose which is to gain understanding which starts everything else, and again we know nothing or very little about.
So how and why did this happen?
Up to now humans could only advance and develop so long as we knew none of the above, thinking we were independent, driven by free will, or curiosity, science, religion, anything so long as the truth wasn’t perceived, and it was for this reason that blocks to that truth were placed in our brains by Brain Sentience.
This was in effect the child/parent relationship with humans, and probably why that relationship exists between us and our children, so it can be understood at the right time, that is when humans have developed far enough to know the truth, or have in effect, grown up.
Also, so much of what’s wanted by Physical and Brain Sentience and the reason why physical life exists and the reason why human life has been advanced this far, is to fulfill the purpose of Brain Sentience which is for humans to gain understanding and advanced mental abilities.
This has been hidden from us so our brains can advance and develop this ability and other abilities if possible.
This is also why we have personalities, individuality and a personal self, blocked off from the truth of our origins, in order to develop to a certain point independently, but this causes problems towards the end of this phase of development, as we are developing theories and beliefs about our origins and development.
These theories and beliefs are developed by thought which isn’t able to directly understand because it only receives the understanding we need from Brain Sentience, but even then just enough understanding not to interfere with our independent development.
Brain Sentience has the difficult task of subtly developing humans, but continuing to allow our own input because too much from Brain Sentience would lead to a dead end.
Brain Sentience only has the data stored in Previous Life — it can’t on its own find anything new.
Humans have to be given freedom to discover, even when it leads to some very bad things such as the conflict that exists now and has existed throughout human history.
Conflict starts when the personal self develops and comes into conflict internally.
The personal self will always be in conflict with something, usually the personal self in others, but it began and continues internally.
The personal self enjoys conflict because, being an artificial construct of the brain, it has no reality or purpose so conflict energises it making it feel alive and more vital.
Over time, people come along who understand the human situation and try to explain it to others, but they get misunderstood and misinterpreted and a huge following develops based on that, but at least they tried and made a start.
The artificial state of the personal self expands into artificial theories and beliefs which can never be true, or at least do not contain truth from which understanding flows, and so really are lifeless constructs gaining vitality and energy when in conflict with other artificial theories and beliefs.
Being artificial and containing no truth, they don’t lead to truth either which is a big problem for science, thereby causing more conflict.
Yes, we live in a technological age created by science, but this is just technically correct not truth and nobody is suggesting we go back to live in caves.
Theories and beliefs never give rise to understanding, only bewilderment, leading to entanglement and conflict, the situation most of us are in.
Bewildered and entangled people don’t advance; they just go round in circles causing trouble.
Perceiving the truth of our origins and development shows the Brain Sentience within us that we are ready to return to understanding as a way of life and are ready for more.
Once the primary, basic truths about us and physical life start to be perceived the brain will unblock and the perception of truth in all things will become easier and clearer.
Understanding is all that’s required with no thinking about it or committing it to memory, as these are middle level brain functions developed for the physical world.
Connection to the sea of energy around us and the perception of truth in a situation or person, allows data to flow from that sea into the human brain becoming understanding as the brain processes the incoming data flow.
Analysing the data flow will stop it, as thought can’t analyse a dynamic process only a static one, so it will stop the energy flow to try and analyse it.
Stopping the data flow is almost automatic with thought as it wants to take over, but by being aware of the data flow and the understanding it produces, if it’s allowed and maintained, this will keep thought out.
To start it may only last a few seconds as restricting thought is difficult because the personal self is thought, so there has to be an absence of that as well, but if you keep at it the time where thought is absent will extend.
Also, in a life threatening crisis, thought will immediately disappear, abdicating responsibility, so exploring the world of awareness and understanding is a good habit to get into because we’re in a personal crisis of inner conflict most of the time, we just don’t realise it.
Energy naturally flows when truth is perceived, giving rise to understanding and from there, more and more understanding will flow so long as we stay immersed in and aware of the sea of energy surrounding us and we stay connected to it.
This book outlines the why, what and how of physical existence and from that everything falls into place: how it starts, why cells, then multi-cellular life, the diversity within life, then development and advancement, everything flows from point to point and can be understood.
But others have a different view: everything is an accident — physical life, mutation, evolution, diversity, humans, all accidental, all theories that are leading to bewilderment and confusion.
Physical Life can shape its actions the results look like natural selection and mutation, but our environment is manipulated to shape us, species are selected by Physical Sentience and it mixes the energy flowing into our cells to mutate them all the time there’s nothing natural about any of it.
Or another view: a powerful being created us which is more theory and has nothing within it that can be directly perceived or understood.
Once belief and miracles enter understanding goes out the window.
There are those who say they do perceive the truth of these theories which is just another example of how false views lead to delusion and more bewilderment.
No understanding flows from what is false.
That which can’t be perceived doesn’t exist, only giving rise to confusion and bewilderment from these false theories.
And what is true?...Life, Sentience and Energy and their actions.
That which is true and is perceived as true will give rise to understanding.
Doing this will set an individual on a path to something better, avoiding the worst of our time on Earth, but not all of it, because we still have to develop whether willingly or under pressure.
All events and challenges humans encounter have been engineered to stimulate us or drive us into being in a state of understanding and these events and challenges, like understanding, originate in the sea of energy.
The sea of energy surrounding us is composed of the sun’s energy, but no Present Life is present as air isn’t substantial or dense enough to bring it into existence.
Physical Sentience exists in the sea of energy, but it exists in everything spreading out since our sun ignited and Physical Sentience controls the formation of events and challenges which shape humans in the way we deal with them.
The events and challenges that originate in and from the sea of energy only confront humans, and are one of the reasons why we have gone further than other mammals.
Physical Sentience increases the flow of blended energy through our cells raising the pressure giving us more of a presence, intensifying blended energy, and giving us an impact on the reality which surrounds us, which is the sea of energy.
Due to the strength of human existence, we can impact on and interact with the sea of energy and the events and challenges that Physical Sentience form in it at just the right strength for each individual, so we’re all challenged at the right intensity.
If the intensity is too strong we’re overwhelmed.
Too weak means the challenge isn’t strong enough and in both cases there’s no development.
So the challenge has to be just right to develop us, and develop is the key word as we challenge each other all the time, but if it’s destroying and not developing then it hasn’t come from the sea of energy around us, just the personal self of somebody else and this can give rise to understanding, but not development.
The energy flowing through the cells of other mammals is kept to a minimum so they have no impact or interaction with the sea of energy and therefore can’t develop any further mentally, although they may change physically if the environment changes.
Physical Sentience forms the events and challenges within the sea of energy and Brain Sentience within the individual subtly helps to meet those events and challenges adequately.
Development in this book means to go forward physically and mentally to advance the purpose of Brain Sentience and to arrive at, if possible Personal Life.
It has a completely different meaning from evolution, a term not used in this book.
Other terms not used are creation and mutation as they belong to the theories of others.
An event could be something simple, such as trying to understand somebody or something, it doesn’t matter what so long as it leads to development.
Events and challenges are fashioned from the energy surrounding us by Physical Sentience to suit the individual and are lined up in the sea of energy giving a future to the individual and sometimes they feel they have a destiny or fate.
Some people who are sensitive to such energies can see the events and challenges lined up for a person and so can see their future or think it is fate.
But events and challenges in the sea of energy are only potential, not actual, and a person sensing them coming can block them and move away, but such actions only manoeuvre a person to where Physical Sentience wanted them to be anyway.
Events could be meeting somebody, going somewhere, having a conversation, joining or leaving a group — anything which makes a person perceptive to others.
Challenges could be leaving home, getting married or divorced, getting or losing a job, bereavement, becoming a parent and so on, challenges which shape the individual so they are more able to respond to events.
Without interaction with events and challenges there would be no advancement.
Physical life needs events and chall