Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


(as per Hindu Cosmology)!

Vedic knowledge on Universe suggests.

  • The universe is cyclically created and destroyed in the time span of 8.64 billion human years.
  • It is believed that the time is divided into four epochs or Yuga, of which we occupy the final - Kali yuga.
  • The span of the yugas: Satya Yuga is 1,728,000 human years, Treta Yuga is 1,296,000 human years long, Dwapara Yuga 864,000 human years and Kali Yuga 432,000 human years • Kali yuga is roughly 432,000 (human) years the final Avatar Kalki will end time.

Narayana destroys all this existence while creating a new existence.

  • According to Aryabhata, the Kali Yuga began in 3102 BC, at the end of the Dvapara Yuga.
  • According to the Padma Purana, there are 8,400,000 life-forms or species,

900,000 are aquatic ones;

2,000,000 are trees and plants;

1,100,000 are small living species, insects and reptiles;

1,000,000 are birds;

3,000,000 are beasts

400,000 are human species.

  • Every universe is covered by seven layers — earth, water, fire, air, sky, the total energy and false ego — each ten times greater than the previous one. There are innumerable universes besides ours,

This work make certain assumptions!

1. Saints , scriptures & Scientists Do not lie.

2. Some times their messages get distorted when it is transferred from word of mouth.

3. Sometimes, it is diluted (so, distorted) to make sense to common man, with good intentions. Grandma Science) 3. We will trace the truth we seek and build a model in this part.

4. It is possible what one read here may sound unimaginable or difficult to digest, as long as we keep our mind to confined to “sense perceptible world” alone.

5. There are two ways to look at it:

(A) To explain the seekers who cannot image an universe without a Super-Human, the God. The God, on whose bidding the Universe exists. He is the creator and the master of Universe.

(B) To look at the Universe as system, say, a Process control systems with a multi tasking computer.

We will consider both ideas.