Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



The word Script, has a few meanings listed in the dictionary.

Here we take this word scripts to mean:

(1) A dialogue, action sequences written for a movie / stage play.

For those who watch a movie feel that the character in the movie / play is performing on the stage on his own. A good direction and skill of the performer hides the script writer.

(2) Some of computer programs are called  Scripts.

The universe can be thought of a very large program (Script) consisting of several thousand small and big Scripts as its part.

In this chapter, the reader can consider.

both the definitions (1) and (2) above.


The Scripts, whenever it is run, produces the same sequence of events.

Not only our lives, but the Universe and every life in it are seen as scripted.

Let us see some evidence to the above belief. The Epic Mahabharatha explains that the life and tin it he events is a mere script. We are all like actors on the stage.



Story of Barbari in Mahabharat

Barbari or Barbarika has been a less written but important character of Mahabharat. He has been the illustrious son of the great warrior Ghatotkacha. Ghatotkacha has been himself the son of great Bhima and Hidimba. Lord Shiva has granted him three infallible arrows which had the power to conquer the whole world. Agni god has bestowed him with a bow.

Before the Mahabharata war began, Lord Krishna queried the warriors how many days he would take to finish Mahabharat war alone. Bhishma answered that he would take 20 days to finish the war. Dronacharya said 25 days. Karna said he would take 24 days. Arjuna told Krishna it would take 28 days for him to complete the battle.

Khatu Shyam jee or Barbari (Mahabharat)

Then he asked Barbari as how many days he would require? Barbari replied that he would take only a minute. Krishna baited Barbarika by mocking him for going to the great battle with only three arrows. In reply, Barbari proved to Krishna that he indeed would require only a minute.

Krishna then asks the boy whom he would favour in the war of Mahabharat. Barbarika reveals that he intends to fight from the weaker side. Krishna explains consequence  of his word to Barbari’s mother.

Krishna tells that whichever side Barbari supports will only make the other side weak due to his power.

Nobody has the skill or power to defeat him. Hence, he is forced to support the other side that has become weaker due to his word to his mother.

(The problem!)

Thus, in an actual war, he (Barbari) will keep switching between the two sides, thereby destroying the entire army of both sides and eventually only he survives. Subsequently, none of the side is victorious as he will be the only lone survivor. Hence, Krishna avoids his participation from the war by seeking his head in charity.

As a true Kshatriya, he offered himself to be sacrificed, but he did have a condition. The condition was that he had left his home with a singular desire to witness the epic battle, so could Lord Krishna use some of his divinity to grant him that ability.

So it is said that after the sacrifice, Barbareek’s head was installed atop a hilltop from where he witnessed the entire battle and thus he is also referred to as ‘Barbari – the silent witness’.

He is also known as Teen Baandhari and Khatu Shyamji. He is one of the persons who saw Shri Krishna’s vishwaroopa form.

To this Krishna suggests that Barbarik’s head should be allowed to judge this since it has watched the entire war. Barbarik’s head suggests it was Krishna alone who was responsible for the victory in the war.

Krishna’s advice, his strategy and his presence was crucial in the victory.

The original story contains a different expression. That states that: While the warriors on both sides were busy using their arms against each other, the soldiers on both sides were killed by the “Chakra” of Vishnu.

But every one of the soldiers believed that they did.

Essence: The essence of this story is that:

(1) we are all mere actors on the stage.

(2) The events in life are Scripts that is already written.

(3) The events repeats itself every Yuga.

(4) The Universe, is a Super script. It is a collection of scripts. Every other script, yours, mine and that of a microbe form a small part of it.

(5) The scripts in the universe are synchronized with the rest of the scripts.

Every life, is a script

Every events in one’s life is predictable. This is because that life is a mere script.

There are different ways the script called life is read.

Premonitions also proves the above in predetermined ways.