Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 11

Occult sciences

Why do we discuss occult sciences?

If one’s future events in the world around you can be predicted accurately, then are we not to conclude that the world is a script . If the events in the life of an individual can be predicted accurately are we not to accept that our life, from birth to death. is nothing but a script.

One of the few common features of various cultures in the world is the occult science.

There are different methods used to predict what lies ahead for one.

There are various levels of accuracy of these predictions. Some vague to very accurate in every detail.

How can one predict a future unless the events in life is fixed and merely played out.

1. I had consulted some astrologers during my active days with stunning predictions and they came true.

2. There were a few occasions when I had premonitions. That is, I could see well in advance of certain mishaps, certain accidents. But that information did not help me prevent that mishap.

A present a few instances when I witnessed the prediction of the astrologers (Occultists) coming true.

This has convinced me that life of every one is scripted. (Imagine, a CD playing-out a movie) from birth to death.

There are several branches of occult science. Each one use different methods for telling us about what the future holds for us.

Some are accurate and many are partially so.

I will list a few for the readers to ponder.

(1) The Hyderabadi experts near Charminar, in the old city.

A close friend’s son pursuing higher education in a far away city was found missing.

The cops in India are very efficient. They investigagted and announced that the boy  is not in the town where he is supposed to be. He had no friends who could give a clue about the boy’s whereabouts or reason for. Suddenly he stopped attending classes. The parents did not receive his weekly calls.

I spoke to a great astrologer I knew. He just asked for the boy’s name and birth star. He asked us to call him by noon on the following day. He will figureout the details in his morning prayers.

Next day, he said, the boy is safe. He is currently travelling south India visiting popular temples. Heading towards north. He would return home safe and sound on 17 th of next month.

He gave a detailed description about the boy’s appearance.

My friend did not have the patience to wait for close to a month.

Our search for local occultists continued.

We found a Muslim gentleman, who could do our job.

The prayed for a while. Took a fresh betal leaf. Applied some black paste on the leaf.

Held it at eye level and started to speak.

He was seeing the boy on his betal-leaf Gadget!

Described the boy. His where abouts. They gave a date for his joining his family that was the same date given by my astrologer friend.

Nearly after a month, on 17 th of the following month, the boy appeared before his parents,

(The reason for his disappearance was consistent with his age - love failure).

(2) My own experience with astrology.

Real Life stories

(A) Predicting my future

I was introduced to a powerful astrologer. In those days his services were available to elite such as top corporate executives political leaders. He was quite powerful with his predictions. He looked highly religious.

The astrologer was, sought after by top bureaucrats in Government, ministers and rich businessman, some 35 years ago. Even

without his asking only such clients can shower huge money, comforts of air travel, five star accommodation whereever he goes. Even though I donot belong to that class, I was lead to him by an important person.

He predicted me a few future events that was impossible in the situation then.

(1) My friend cum business partner will desert me. (This I could not believe because I offered to quit business and he could have readily agreed. I knew he felt he cannot run it alone).

(2) I will leave Delhi lock-stock and barrel in six months. (I dont see any employment option outside Delhi)

(3) move to a job in Southern India. (There was no known openings in south by then.

(4) Another prediction was more bizarre than the others.

I would own a house in a particular year.

It is not just that, he said when I go up to the terrace of that house I would see air planes lined-up at a distance, just as the Elephants stand in a row in a Palace!

(I could not believe it because, I never intended to own a house any time in my life.

I was drifting from one city to another and enjoyed. I feared that when I own a house my movement might get restricted to one city,

To me every one of his predictions sounded crazy and impossible.

But all his prediction proved accurate both in terms of the events and its timing.

I approached the same astrologer a decade later thrice.

Every time, his prediction was 100% accurate.

I was in touch with him for a long time.

(B) The Astrologer seated under a tree!

At the age of 21, I was selected for a dream job but certain events and news stood in the way of quitting the present employment.

Typically, in India, (especially at junior levels of employment) a job in government is like a  tooth paste. It is Unidirectional. One Need to get through a tough competition to get a job in Government departments.

Once one quit that job, there is no way of getting back to the same job again.

A friend took me to an astrologer sitting under a tree in front of a nearby temple. I

I presented my birth chart which the astrologer looked into it and made some noting on a paper. He raised his head and demanded to know what my problem was.

I told him, it was the job. He became red faced and threw the chart back to me telling I was wasting his time.

He said, I was in employment for 3 years 3 months and 15 days! I face no problem about that job.

That was pretty accurate. I agreed and said my problem is about quitting the job and taking up another which is not a job in Government job. He took a second look at the chart and made some more noting.

He then said, I was moving to a new job on a particular day of the coming month. My work place will be very close to a huge water body. It could a a lake river or sea. From my present job dealing with Electrical I will be moving into Mathematics. (My New job was in a computer centre).

I tried to prove him wrong by attempting to join the new job two days earlier than the day he predicted. That was possible, but yet his science proved me that his science was infallible whereas the human effort is (fallible).

(He gave some other predictions and those did not come true at all).

Next we will discuss occultists of different kind. The Spiritualists!

Story 3

A mystic in Andhra:

I had completed my first book on Spirituality titled, Shake Hands with Brahma (the Creator). I wanted to release it to my circle of friends. But then, my past experience held me back.

I sought the help of a spiritualist for guiding me if I should share my learning with others  at all.

I was lead to a saint known to people as Dharga Swamy, a name with two parts. First from the Islamic faith and the second with a Hindu title.

I am explaining below that scenario that made me feel guilty for several years.

A flash back!

During my early twenties, I had the association of a few religious people. One of them was an elderly Brahmin, then in his early ninety. He lived with his wife. I rented a portion of his house.

(He lived till his 108 birthday and that too active till his last day).

He taught me Ramayana, by translating the verses from Sanskrit to Tamil with absolute sincerity. I was unaware of Religion or Spirituality then.

I, foolishly, debated with him to prove that the entire EPIC, the, Ramayana was a Crap. The sad after effect shook me completely.

The elderly master lost his faith in Religion and tuned a distraught person. I felt guilty for long. I tried to undo my sin. None of my arguments to restore his faith in Lord Rama and return of his usual jubilation.

There after I avoided any debate or discussion on faith.

Now, let us go back to the story:

Some one lead me to a spiritual man in Andhra Pradesh, in southern India. The elderly saint was quite simple, was around 80 years of age then.

Graceful and sparkling eyes.


When I stood before him he smiled and asked me in which Language I will be talking to me.

Giving me no time to reply, he then listed  all that languages that I can speak. When I attempted to reply a disciple sitting by him signalled me not to reply him.

The master continued. He told the reason for my visit.

He assured me that it would not adversely affect any one at all. I can go ahead publishing it.

Further, he said, what ever I wrote are true and that I should practice a yoga called Kundalini Jagran (Awaking of Kundalini) to see what I have written.

I watched him talking to others who can with problems and what I witnessed was that he could see the Future in the Present.

Most people who come to him are poorest of poor and a loving and caring saint that he is, ensures that every one who come to see him returns only after they eat in his Ashram.

A few visitors, who could afford, make donations in a box.

Story 4

A Devi worshiper

There are five major religious schools in India. One of them is Devi or Shakthi worship.

In a small town called Salem, in Tamilnadu, lives a Devi worshiper, popularly known as Amma (Mother).

A middle class home in a town in southern state of Tamilnadu draws people seeking spiritual guidance and help to alleviate serious problems in their lives.

For hours on there will be prayer in the hall of the house.

Rich and poor, from near and far visit amma and take part in the pooja. Often the vistors bring a lot of flowers and some fruits as offerings to Devi. After the completion of Pooja / prayers, Amma listens to problems of the visitors and guide them.

A gentleman, known to me once came to AMMA, with a problem that his daughter living is US has a health problem. The best of treatment for over one year did not cure  her.

Amma closed her eyes for a few seconds and asked the person to advise his daughter (1) to slowly reduce dosage of the medicine and stop it.(2) Avoid consuming tomato.

Some of my family members and their friends are visitors to Amma to solve their problems.

Amma feeds people coming from outside to have food before they depart.

The visitors are not charged.

Story 5

Swami Vivekanand and Valangaimaan Astrologer.

The young monk woke up with a start. He had slept well for most of the night. The sea breeze from the eastern window had lulled him to sleep. It was towards the brahma muhoortam that the dream disturbed him. He had seen his mother Bhuvaneshwari Devi, in the dream so vividly. The accompanying sound effect gave it such a realistic tone to the dream. He saw her pleading with him to come back and be with her at her last moments of life and the stubborn young man seemed to be running away. The elders were trying to stop him and he heard the question ‘why?’ repeated many times. At last an old man caught up with him and asked him why?

The young man pointed to the saffron doti he was wearing and said I am an ascetic and I can’t have attachments.

That was when he woke up. Can’t a sanyasi have attachment?

Can’t he be at the side of his mother at her terminal phase?

It is said to have happened to Sanakara too and he had rushed to his mother’s side and helped her transit into the other world. The sky did not fall on his head.

What would he , the young Monk called by the world as the great Viveka nandha do in similar situation?

He hoped he would never have to face that situation in life.

Yet he was awake at 3.30 in the morning, thinking about his mother. He had left Calcutta three years back and he had not seen  her after his initiation into asceticism as a missionary of Ramakrishna paramahamsa.

He kindled the hurricane lantern and the wick brightened up throwing a golden light all over the room. The lantern was hung from an overhead rod with a hook

He decided to read some book to divert his mind. Alagia singha Perumal, the owner of the house and a newly acquired Disciple looked in to check if the young monk was alright. Perumal never seemed to need any sleep. He was for ever ready to be of some service to the young monk. ” Would you like me to bring some hot milk?” He asked with concern .

The monk said no, it was too early.

‘Would you like me to sit and talk to you?’ Perumal was great mind reader.

The monk said with a smile, ’Yes, I would like that. Please come in and take a seat. Let me tell you about my dream.”

Perumal listened to the monk without interrupting. He was a very well read man .He understood the emotional upheaval the monk was going through. He spoke gently, ’Is there anything you would like to do about it?’

Swamiji was surprised at the question. Normally one would have made some comment. But this Perumal was different. He was more keen to help the monk to do what he himself wanted to do.

“Yes, I would like to know what that dream means. I want to know about the wellbeing of my mother. Do you know someone who can explain dreams and tell about my mother’s condition without contacting Calcutta.?”

Perumal had an answer ready. ”Yes .I know a person , who can explain your dream and tell you about your mother without having to contact any one. I will not know what you will call him. He is not a regular Astrologer. Neither is he big on spirituality. But he has this uncanny skill to decipher mysteries, see things that are invisible to every one.He can visualise situation long before it actually happens. He can heal, he can counsel and he can sweep you away with out a second thought. He lives in a place called Valankai Maan.’

Swamiji’s interest was aroused.’what does he do for a living/’

Why, he has a roaring practice. His place is always teeming with people. Shepherds who have lost their cattle, go to him to find where their herd has strayed. He locates missing items and stolen goods. He arranges marriages. He counsels drunks. He even helps police. Yes, He does lot of things and grateful people take care of his needs. He is affluent and influential’

So he can be a valuable addition to our mission?

Peruma smiled.’I do not think so. I consider him to be a sidhdha.’

What is his name?

They call him Govinda chettiar Are you sure he will entertain us?

I know him. I still remember the strange experience I had during my previous meeting with him. While we were exchanging local gossip, a Jamindar from a near by village called Mayilam came to him with a forlorn face. His accountant was with him. The Jamindar expressed his anguish over the fact that all family jewellery had been stolen by somebody. He thought Chettiar would help in locating the missing Jewellery.

Chettiar did not seem to be listening to his pleading. Chettiar was staring at the accountant.

The Jamindar was upset that chettiar was seemingly indifferent. He got up to go away. Chettiar stopped him and said,”Sir, you don’t worry. The jewellery is safe in its box and lying at the bottom of the well in the garden behind your mansion. Go peacefully and arrange to pick it up.”

The Jamindar was relieved as he was really upset about the sudden disappearance of all jewellery from his secure house. He knew if Chettiar said it was safe, it would be true. Chettiar told the jamindar to leave the accountant behind as he had some unfinished work with him .The Jamindar left the place in his chariot.

Then Chettiar did a strange thing. He went inside the house and brought a wooden Ram used to pound grains into powder. He gave that stick to me and asked me beat the  account with it. This person will not change unless somebody beats him up thoroughly. The jamindar had full faith in this person and he has turned to be a thief. I want him to learn a lesson now. He pressed the stick in my hand and urged me to hit the shaking accountant. I declined to do his bidding. He called me names, coward and selfish. He then proceeded to beat the poor man to a pulp. The man took all the beating without a sound and fell at chettiar’s feet and confessed to the crime and promised he would never do such a thing again.”

Swamiji asked Perumal, ”why did you decline to punish him?”

WHO am I to take the role of a judge and mete out punishment?

“But your chettiar did. I would definitely like to meet this person. I think I can learn a few things about life from this gentleman.”

Manmat Bhattacharya, a constant companion of Swamiji who had come in during the conversation also agreed. The three set out to meet Chettiar.In the mean while, the chettiar had moved to Bangalore .He was invited by influential people from Bangalore, who wanted to get some of their personal problems resolved by him.

SwamijiI, Perumal and Bhattacharya reached the house where Chettiar was reported to be staying. As usual, there was a crowd all around the place. Perumal made enquiries and found that the Chettiar had gone out to visit somebody and was expected to return anytime now. So they found for themselves a comfortable tree and sat under its shade. Chettiar came in a horse drawn carriage and got down in a hurry. He saw the crowd around the house , grimaced and went inside ignoring all the efforts of people to accost him. He seemed to be unwell as he was profusely sweating. In Bangalore weather, healthy people do not sweat so easily unless they were feverish.

Perumal noted all this and decided to take the liberty of bulldozing his way into the house. He was promptly stopped with a remark that chettiar was unwell. Perumal requested that Chettiar be informed that perumal and his friends were waiting to see him. The man asked Perumal to wait while he was trying to get other people to move  out of the compound with an assurance that Chettiar would see them next day. Perumal and his friends waited as advised. After some time, Chettiar appeared and greeted Perumal, apologised for making him wait and explained that he was really sick and he would spend time with him the following day. Then Chettiar saw Swamiji. He took a couple of steps towards him and looked straight into Swamiji’s eyes. Swamiji found it disconcerting. Then Chettiar turned back into the house in a rush.

He returned in ten minutes holding cloth bag containing sacred Ash called Vibhooti. He requested Swamiji to take some vibhooti and apply it on his forehead, so that he would become well.

Swamiji said, ’I am not a sidhdha. I do not have power to work miracles.’

Chettiar said, ” I know what you are. Please apply that ash on my forehead and then I will answer all your questions.”

Swamiji closed his eyes thought about his teacher, took the name of God applied the vibhooti on Chettiar’s forehead . Chettiar held Swamiji’s hand and kept it firmly pressed on his forehead. They all could clearly see his face brighten and fever leaving his body. Chettiar profusely thanked Swami and said, ” I needed that contact to get to know you. I have written all that you wanted to know in this paper. You can read it at leisure. You do not worry about your mother. She is very well. You got that dream because you have been thinking too much about travelling outside your mother land. You had similar doubts when you walked out of your house looking for a proper Guru. Your Guru is watching over your mother so that you can concentrate on the work you have taken in hand. So prepare for your voyage and you will cover yourself with glory.

Swamiji was stunned with the utterances of Chettiar, who could not have heard any thing about him. Yet he was able to tell all about his needs..

Swamiji thanked Chettiar and walked away. Back in his room at Chennai, he read the note and as he read line by line he got to know more and more about his own mother.

The time came to leave for usa, a trip that  put India and its hoary past in new light in front of international scholars of different religions.. He returned to glorious reception and name of Vivekanandha got etched in every proud Indians heart. He travelled all over our country from Cape Comerin to Delhi.

It was in Kumbakonam that he remembered Chettiar again. The topic he had planned to talk that evening was about how spirituality can lead to societal development .Chettiar had been a standing example of how an enlightened soul could help people. But he was still in shadows. He had a great role to play and Swamiji decided that he would call on the Chettiar immediately after the meeting got over.

There was great build up for his visit. Notices were distributed and posters were displayed all over the city announcing his arrival in the city and the meeting at the town square. Chettiar also saw the hoardings and joined the crowd to listen to the great man

It was an electrifying address , rarely heard. As swamiji was talking his eyes roamed scanning the crowd trying to spot that face that had brought peace to his mind. The face that gave him the confidence to build on strength and perform. That face should not remain un covered. The people should see him and he should see his people. Just like the great sidhdhas who contributed to society , this person should also see the light of the day.

He caught the face back in the crowd and he raised his hand towards him. He was talking”I have just started my work and there are many among you who have similar urges and aspiration for your people. I am appealing to them to come forward and put their hands up for more serious work.”

The speech ended to a rousing applause. The meeting was over and crowd was dispersing. Chettiar waited. He knew Swamiji would come to him.

Swamiji broke himself free from people and rushed out side.He ran to meet chettiar. Chettiar put his hands together in a greeting and said Namasthe. Swamiji simply pulled him towards him and held him in a tight embrace. “ I have found you. You have to do lot more than just mundane astrology and fortune telling. You have to help these people to  achieve lot more than finding whereabouts of lost cattle or fowl or stolen items. There is more to life than these trivia. You pointed it to me before I left for my overseas trip. Now I am telling you the same thing. Show these people the way. Tell them that spiritual strength beats every thing else “

It appeared Chettiar had been waiting for that sort of push and it had to come through some catalyst and that catalyst was Swamy Vivekanandha.
