Life is a Script by Natarajan Nagarethinam - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Conscious entities.

In this chapter, we will look at the Universe as a collection of conscious entities.

That, there is nothing in the universe other than conscious Entity or Elements.

Some readers may not have come across such a term used in the context of Universe.

So I am giving a few similar things that we are familiar in our world around us.

(1) Computer as an example:

Universe can be thought of like a multi-tasking multi user computer.

Conscious entities are like a Computer Code that are executed by a processor.

The Codes are executed in small portions at a time.

Each time a code is executed, it produced results. We compare it lives that are born and live.

When the processor stops execution of a code, the life faces extinction.

When all the codes in the computers are completely executed, the computer is shut down.

(2) Electrical Gadgets:

The conscious elements can be thought of design templates of innumerable electrical and electronic gadgets. They have different behaviour, such as rotating, cooling, heating, producing images, copying machines, printers etc.

The conscious elements produces Gadgets and when the Electrical power applied to it, it gets life and behave as designed.

Atma And Paramatma

The Atma is like the power. Atma is also like water and air.

A ocean is a huge water body. Even if some water is removed from the ocean into a cup , the ocean is still said to contain water.

The cup is also known to contain Water.

This is true of every energy forms, the heat, electricity, gravity.

The master of the Universe is known as Paramatma. The Paramatma energizes the entire universe.

The universe has several lives created using templates that is known as conscious entities.

  • No two different lives are identical.
  • No two lives from different species perceive the world around them, aline.
  • No two lives from the same species also perceive the world around them, alike.
  • The Eastern mystics suggests that such an arrangement is ensured by Maya, a consort of the God of Creation – Brahmma.
  • Every specie is equipped to perceive an insignificantly small portion of the universe.
  • The universe is divided into fourteen different worlds, based on Space-time.
  • Universe, is just once place where every one specie lives through its life. But the perception barrier in specie creates the artificial division of the universe into 14 worlds.
  • Every life limited goes hrough a Life-cycle. Birth - growth - reproduction – decay - death.
  • The cycle-time for each specie varies from all other species in the universe.
  • The physical space occupied by each species also varies.
  • There is a co-relation between the life-time and space occupied by each specie.
  • Every life is created for meeting certain need of its creator. Generally every life is said on the run.
  • The Atma energises the individual life in the universe.
  • Every Atma is a small part of the larger entity called Paramatma.

Am I not in the universe?

No life in the universe appear to be a part of the universe.

Every life exist in universe for a limited time. That must be the reason that some of the mystics choose to Call life an illusion.

Every objects, including the lives in the universe that we perceive with our sensory  organs are transient, lasting only so long as the interaction between “two permanent entities continue”.

How do I understand the life in the universe?

(A) Lives compared to aroma of food.

When food is prepared in the kitchen by an expert cook, the aroma spreads to the living room and also to street.

The aroma is felt by everyone. It is real. It represents food. But that could not be consumed. So, it is a reflection or image of food. The result of interaction of Heat and food ingredients.

(B) Lives as waves in the ocean

The answer is, if we can locate where the waves are in the turbulent sea, then we can locate me and you in the universe. Waves are powerful. we see them .

Waves / tides in the ocean is a result of interaction of moon and the huge water body.

The gravitational pull exerted by the moon on the surface of the water causes waves..

The result of interaction of two entities. Lasts only during the period of interaction.

(C) Lives as Robots

We are in the computer age where or lives revolves around computers.

Imagine that every life as a robot controlled and synchronized by a computer through a wireless communication.

The actions of the Robots in the above scenario takes place far removed from the place which really drives the Robots.

The conclusion is that none of what sense perceived need physical space in universe.