Living Life with Constant Energy and Bliss by John J. Rowland - HTML preview

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Bonus Section 5 – AFFIRMATIONS

Affirmations deliver positive suggestions to your subconscious mind.   Your subconscious mind in turn goes to work by manifesting these thoughts into reality.   It is really just another way to use “the secret”.   Feed your subconscious mind with positive, energizing affirmations and it will reward you in more ways than you can imagine.   The following are some affirmations you can use anytime, anywhere.

The best time to say them is when you are alone, and are in a relaxed setting.  Take a few deep breaths  and  say  your  affirmations  out  loud  to  the  Universe  (you  may  also  whisper  them), knowing that it hears you loud and clear and wants very much to help you.

You  may  create  your  own  affirmations  that  suit  your  personal  situation,  but  below  are  a  few examples of some affirmations which you can use to not only have more energy, but to create anything  else  you  desire.    It  is  best  to  focus  on  one  “theme”  of  affirmations  every  week. Therefore, if it is more energy you desire, concentrate on those affirmations that focus on having more  energy.   You  can  continue  with  that  theme  for  two  weeks,  an  entire  month,  or  even  a whole year if you prefer.

The idea is to affirm to your subconscious mind that which you desire.  It will send those energy frequencies out and attract that which you affirm to be true in your life right now.   Remember, we attract on the outside what we are on the inside.  As you repeat these affirmations, believe in your heart that you already have that which you affirm.

For best results, visualize yourself inside each affirmation, as if the affirmation were a reality in your life at this moment.   For example, if your affirmation is, “I am a channel of positive, love energy”, visualize yourself in a situation feeling happy and exuding positive energy.   Visualize people around you actually feeling this love from you.  They are happy to be in your presence, and they reciprocate this love right back to you.


“I release the past and eagerly look toward the good that awaits me.”

“I have faith that I am being guided to my next step.”

“A new door in my life stands open before me.”

“The Universe nurtures and supports me at all times, and in all places.”

“The more I give to others, the more the Universe gives to me.”

“My cup runs over.  I have more than I need, so I share with my world.”

“I am a channel of positive, love energy.”

 “Everyone around me loves me, and they know that I love them.”

“I am worthy to receive the unlimited love and energy from the Universe.”

“I deserve to be prosperous and successful.”

“I deserve to be happy, and full of energy.”

“I love sharing my joy and energy with others.”

“I fully open my heart to receive love energy.”

“I AM energy.  I AM love.”

“I am a clear and open channel for the power of the Universe.”

“I affirm only the best for myself and others.”

“I feel positive towards life and love people very much.”

“I attract to me all good things, especially love.”

“I give thanks for the many blessings that I have.”

“My life overflows with abundance and blessings.”

“I trust that my supply of money is always unlimited.”

“The more money I share with my family and friends, the more I receive.”

“I am blessed in so many ways.”

“Love energy constantly flows through me, guiding me and helping me.”

“I let go, and let the Universe guide me.”

“I welcome change into my life.”

“My heart is open and filled with compassion.”

“I am continually aligned with my higher purpose.”

“Fear has no hold on me.  I release all fears to the Universe.”

“I am filled with faith, love, energy and bliss at all times.”

“I am wealthy in every area of life”

Say these affirmations out loud during the day, even when you are driving your car, assuming you are alone.   Or, you may whisper them to yourself or even say them silently in your mind.

Make affirmations a daily habit.  Once you change your inner reality, the outer reality will follow. As you change your thoughts, you will change your world.  Yes, it really is that simple!

This is your challenge: to become a co-creator with the Infinite Intelligence; the Original Source of  energy  in  our  vast  and  wonderful  Universe.   Learn  to  use  this  creative  power  wisely  and lovingly.   When you do this with an open heart and open mind, results are inevitable.   Lastly, remember Proverbs 23:7,

“As a man thinketh, so shall he be.”

The Self-Suggestion Kit - 30 different subjects to choose from – Confidence, Energy, Wealth, Health, Relaxation and much, much more. I've owned this program for a long time and I can attest to its effectiveness.  Just sit back and listen to beautiful, relaxing music and a soothing voice repeat targeted affirmations into your subconscious mind.  Works within days.