Living Stress Free: The Secret of How To Manage Stress And Live Life Fully by Sonali Perera - HTML preview

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Physical Exercise and Yoga


There’s a reason that physical exercise can relieve stress. Get moving and you’ll increase blood flow to your entire body, and release endorphins that will instantly lift your mood. It’s also good to simply get away from it all at times. Exercise can be the perfect way to unplug and reconnect with your body.


It’s no exaggeration that if you’re tense and stressed, a long walk can turn your mood around. Go alone, walk briskly and you get bonus points if you find a peaceful or beautiful place. The rhythmic walking will regulate your breathing, and the physical activity will take your mind off the never-ending thoughts that are stressing you out.


Some people also find huge relief from more energetic sports or even martial arts. Consider taking up jogging, wrestling, dancing or whatever takes your interest. The point is to “change channels” for a time and get out of your head. Even better if your exercise requires a bit of skill and practice – as you become more and more competent at it, you’ll gain a sense of mastery over your life and the sense that with effort, intimidating and unpleasant things can be overcome.


Yoga, finally, is a particularly good choice since you will be required to incorporate body awareness, breathing, imagery and focus into your practice. A weekly yoga session can serve as very valuable “me-time” and something to take you out of the everyday fray of life.