Every society has a set of guiding principles. These principles control how people in the society lead their lives. These principles help to make order so that everyone is controlled by the same set of rules
It’s great when we find ourselves in a chaotic situation and order has to be made. However society isn’t always that chaotic. Laws are made just in case a chaotic situation arises.
Society is great at helping us create rules that it expects we fall into. You’d hear stuff like, no one comes in after 10am, no work after 6.00pm etcetera. These rules are limiting.
I remember once I was praying with my family and I heard a knock on the window with a voice telling me to slow down as I was disturbing the community with my prayers. That was a society crutch. The society didn’t have to tell me how to pray to my God. I accepted their plea but soon I had to pay dearly. Guess what? I knew I had to pray anyway and whatever the opinions of others in the society, I just have to pray to God.
Many times, society places certain fringe rules that pose a threat to the personal development of constituent members. Society is like the crowd that does not want an original thinking system away from that one it has organized for its members. It finds a way to push you to a point where you are powerless to even defend yourself against the imposing laws it causes. It thus becomes a necessary crutch that you must walk and work with.
Now you don’t want to be imposed with certain stringent rules that society often offers. This is because society crutches are
Don’t hang on society to help you make good of your life. It never does. No one has come well under societal influences and if you do benefit, it’s only temporal. It’s the real you that is of value that the world is hoping to see. Tell society bye and hang on to who you really are.