Love Spell by Master Resell Right(MRR) - HTML preview

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Chapter 6:

Love Spell Examples


Do love spells really work? Are there even love spells that work? Well, the answer is a big yes, although not all the love spells that you will find can be as perfectly successful all the time. The truth is, it takes practice, time, and lots of patience for you to find that will work.

These love spells have been intended to be put to use when you are searching for a brand new love of your life. In case you are searching for a spell that can help you get your ex back, or you need a spell to make your lover return, there are several love spell examples that you can try that will best suit your purpose.



Perfect Partner Candle Spell

Nothing is even more romantic that casting a love spell using candles. You will not be lighting the candles during the initial part of the spell, but when the right time comes, you will see their flickering flame.

When casting this spell, stay away from focusing on a single person or mentioning any name. The supplies that you will need include:

  • One white candle
  • One candle of your favorite color
  • Candle holders for every candle
  • Pink chalk
  • Red or pink cloth

If your house does not have an altar space, you have to look for and set up a clear space since several days will be needed for the spell to take effect. Hold the white candle and think of the qualities you are looking for in a partner. Say these out loud as you concentrate on the candle which represents your future lover.

Then, get the colored candle and think of the qualities that you like to bring into this brand new relationship, with this second candle representing yourself. Spread the pink cloth then settle the two candles in their respective candles on the two sides of the cloth, with a 2-ft distance. Between the candles and on the center of the pink cloth, use the pink chalk for drawing a big heart. Each evening, focus on the two candles while concentrating on your dream relationship. Move the two candles a bit closer together.

This should be done every evening until the two candles are already within the heart’s center. The number of days that it will take will depend on the spacing that you will use although this needs to last for a minimum of one week.

Once the two candles are already side by side inside the heart, draw another heart around the first one that ask Aphrodite or any of your chosen love goddesses to grant your request before finally lighting the two candles.

Light them every evening and allow them to burn until both candles are gone. Remain patient since this love spell might only work after some time.

Letter of Love Spell

While this one is slightly lacking when it comes to the traditional ingredients such as crystals and herbs, it still holds the same powerful symbolism. This particular spell needs to be performed during Friday night. The supplies you will need are:

  • 1 red marker
  • 1 blank paper sheet
  • 1 envelope
  • Favorite red lipstick
  • Favorite perfume
  • 5-6 petals of fresh red rose

Using the red marker, list down the traits you are searching for in your new love and make sure to be realistic and specific. Never mention any name. Dab or spray your perfume on the paper before folding it inside the envelope.

Hold the petals of roses in your hand then imagine yourself with your ideal partner. Allow yourself to feel the happiness if that happens.

Place the petals inside the envelope together with the paper before sealing the envelope.

After applying a small amount of lipstick on your lips, plant a kiss on the outer part of the envelope. Place the envelope in a safe place and avoid opening it. The moment you met your new partner, throw or burn the envelope but never open it.