Love Spell by Master Resell Right(MRR) - HTML preview

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Chapter 8:

Love Spells In Folk Tales


Love has always been the favorite theme in almost all stories that you have probably heard of in your entire lifetime. And when there is love, chances are there will also be love spells. Even the oldest of the folk tales ever heard probably have a touch of the magic of love spells in them.



For example, in the story of Snow White, her stepmother, the Evil Queen, becomes a sorceress using the magic mirror that allows her to not just see all but also to transform into a hag to disguise herself as a beggar. While she succeeded in poisoning Snow White with the apple, the kiss of true love has successful broken the spell, giving Snow White a chance to recover and live happy ever after with her Prince Charming. There is also the curse cast by the evil Fairy Witch, putting Sleeping Beauty to her long time rest. The spell of death has been cast on the child right from her birth. But the Good Fairy was able to lessen the spell’s effect by intercepting it with another spell. This is why Sleeping Beauty has only been cured to sleeping for a long time until the spell is finally broken by the kiss of true love.

However, Prince Charming is not always playing the role of a hero in these folk tales because there are also times when he played the victim. There are many tales where witches have turned a handsome prince into a frog or other types of beast, doomed to scour the kingdom to find a maiden that will break the curse with true love’s kiss.

Folk tales from different parts of the world have their own exceptional versions of love spells and how these were used for changing the fate of two or more people. But at the end of the day, it goes without saying that more than the love spell, it is true love that has freed the souls of those characters who have been cursed by the witches and evil fairies..